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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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Ok I think I made a little mistake here, I put three OHM's onto my orbiter (it works fine by the way). To get it to behave a little better (shes a little spinny at the moment) I did the following. I placed an inline stack SAS (20 power), OHM's set as follows


60% power, trim disabled, gimbal enabled and method smooth

Bottom OHM's

70% power, trim disabled, gimbal enabled and method smooth

She goes well, I am a little confused with the docking port. Does it need a docking port placing over it and if so which one as it looks like its a junior port.

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How about a reduced texture pack for the KSO? It's nice an all, but it seems a lot of people don't get to fly it because of the memory issues.

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How about a reduced texture pack for the KSO? It's nice an all, but it seems a lot of people don't get to fly it because of the memory issues.

Helldiver already stated in the thread on the Addon-Development Section that a Low-Res version is coming soon after the first release, read this

Semi final update:

-KSO Phase 1 is now mastered.

-All art for Phase I and all technical items are complete.

-As a heads up, there will be changes after release (possible config changes, and possible art/texture swapping). That means you may have to delete your craft files or may be incompatibilities. We don't think there will be, but just a heads up before you get too attached.

-Release will include high resolution textures. A low resolution alternate download will be available soon after.

-Although the shuttle is easy to fly and pretty "new KSP user" friendly, it still requires some practice and skill. Nazari and I will compile a tutorial which will make available with the download and/or the thread in the add-on release forums once we release this thing.

Still to do:

-I'm doing the descriptions now (Superbowl tied me up most of the day).

-Plugin permissions and release authorizations.



Just had a perfect IVA Landing. HUD worked perfectly. Although right before touchdown I switched to the external view since I wasn't certain if the gear extended and I got scared...

By the way, no twitch or shaky cam, or anything. Smooth ride into final with a lovely flare.

It's all in the launch. If your launch is good and efficient you'll have a perfect descent. I even came back with some fuel to spare. We're leaving it like that to compensate for missions, circularizations, and some margin of error. This thing is dialed!


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Finally a proper Shuttle mod! beautiful

I'm hoping for this as well, the KSO folder is 250mb

Looks great, but WAY to resource intensive for KSP in its current form....damn shame too, was looking forward to this one.
Out of memory here too. Sadly I can't remove any mods since all the misc extra parts are presently being used on active craft. Sigh. Guess I'll just have to wait for KSP x64.

I will be making a low resolution texture pack available shortly. I'm too tired at the moment to do that. Please wait until later tomorrow. Both of us stayed up all night pretty much to get this out the door.

I think it is too hard to fly as twice when I got rid of the LRBs one knocked off the right wing, and the time I got it into space the engines were not powerful enough to completer the burn before it fell back into the atmosphere.

The KSO is very easy to fly, simple enough I can do it and I have very little experience or knowledge flying spacecraft in KSP. You really need to follow the flight guide included at the bottom of the OP or the guide included with your download. It assumes you're using the default craft.

Although the Sepratrons are placed slightly off (we ran out of time), simply remove them and place them in a more efficient manner so as to reduce the LRB's spin on separation (they should be moving the LRB's away from the KSO). Even as they are, I've had no problems with the LRB's separating.

In order to have a successful launch you must follow the guides and numbers closely:

1) Launch at a 30-44 degree angle leaning back on the KSO's back (Cargobay facing the ground), but not greater than 45 degrees. Pay attention to the LRB's fuel supply, as soon as it's 0, hit spacebar to separate. Continue to ascend and hit M for map mode and watch your apoapsis. As soon as it is roughly 75km, cut power off. Create a circularization maneuver exactly at Apoapsis making sure both ends are above 70km. Burn to the target once your nearing apoapsis.

Ok I think I made a little mistake here, I put three OHM's onto my orbiter (it works fine by the way). To get it to behave a little better (shes a little spinny at the moment) I did the following. I placed an inline stack SAS (20 power), OHM's set as follows


60% power, trim disabled, gimbal enabled and method smooth

Bottom OHM's

70% power, trim disabled, gimbal enabled and method smooth

She goes well, I am a little confused with the docking port. Does it need a docking port placing over it and if so which one as it looks like its a junior port.

The docking port is simply a mounting bracket. I'll be redoing the docking port in later phases to be more useful and not take up so much space. Keep in mind that it is a remnant from back when it was going to hold crew. The extra crew are now part of the cockpit since the opening of the Crew Deck area.

Junior docking ports work best.

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I just finished checking this out and I wanted to provide some feedback.

First off, let me say this thing is gorgeous. It really is jaw-dropping inside and out. Definitely one of the highest quality parts I've seen in KSP and there's no fluff in that. Its intricately detailed, the textures are sharp and it all has a very consistent feel to it. Nothing seems 'forced' or added 'just because', it all has its place and looks great. That being said, it has a number of flaws that relate to being able to do more than look at it.

First off, construction is a bit of a chore. There is the example craft, and that's good, because putting together the Dauntless is daunting. The first problem I had was I being unable to connect the cockpit to the shuttle body, which it turns out is because you MUST select the cockpit as the root part. It will not connect otherwise. After that, it's pretty much just putting together a model. I recognize this is a limitation of KSP, but having just a single piece would have been preferable since these parts can't really be recycled for other vehicles. My last issue was the largest, the shuttle kept falling off of the fuel tank, and would not stay no matter what I tried. I would've really liked to launch it because as far as I can tell it was precision built, it really looks like it'll go 'right out of the box' but alas, it was not meant to be for me.

My last criticism is the install package but take this with a grain of salt. I'm not sure if there isn't some way you can cut it down in size. The Firespitter folder contains the source folder, for instance, as well as the parts guide which I can't see being needed for this mod but I may be wrong. The same goes for the JSI folder. Since my MFD replaces his example prop, there's really no reason to include all the extra data along with it, especially the old examples but I admit it does start getting a bit convoluted to trim it so I can understand why you may have just opted to not touch it.

That all being said, this is definitely a very promising project and I'm glad you shared it with all of us. I think its practicality is a bit low but I'm sure there are plenty of folks who this will be their favorite craft. I'm looking forwards to seeing what else you'll come up with!

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Had a quick go with it. From what I've seen, it's really nice. The parts make the VAB lag though and without any other part mods still crashed on launching. The Active Texture Memory Reduction mod fixed that however (and most of the text is still readable). The ascent to orbit was easy. Messed up the atmospheric reentry, but I didn't read the manual and was running maximum physical timewarp when it flipped out so it's my fault I crashed. Can't wait for further updates.

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I just finished checking this out and I wanted to provide some feedback.

First off, let me say this thing is gorgeous. It really is jaw-dropping inside and out. Definitely one of the highest quality parts I've seen in KSP and there's no fluff in that. Its intricately detailed, the textures are sharp and it all has a very consistent feel to it. Nothing seems 'forced' or added 'just because', it all has its place and looks great. That being said, it has a number of flaws that relate to being able to do more than look at it.

First off, construction is a bit of a chore. There is the example craft, and that's good, because putting together the Dauntless is daunting. The first problem I had was I being unable to connect the cockpit to the shuttle body, which it turns out is because you MUST select the cockpit as the root part. It will not connect otherwise. After that, it's pretty much just putting together a model. I recognize this is a limitation of KSP, but having just a single piece would have been preferable since these parts can't really be recycled for other vehicles. My last issue was the largest, the shuttle kept falling off of the fuel tank, and would not stay no matter what I tried. I would've really liked to launch it because as far as I can tell it was precision built, it really looks like it'll go 'right out of the box' but alas, it was not meant to be for me.

My last criticism is the install package but take this with a grain of salt. I'm not sure if there isn't some way you can cut it down in size. The Firespitter folder contains the source folder, for instance, as well as the parts guide which I can't see being needed for this mod but I may be wrong. The same goes for the JSI folder. Since my MFD replaces his example prop, there's really no reason to include all the extra data along with it, especially the old examples but I admit it does start getting a bit convoluted to trim it so I can understand why you may have just opted to not touch it.

That all being said, this is definitely a very promising project and I'm glad you shared it with all of us. I think its practicality is a bit low but I'm sure there are plenty of folks who this will be their favorite craft. I'm looking forwards to seeing what else you'll come up with!

Thank you so much for the feedback!

It seems that a single piece is just not possible without all sorts of flight characteristic problems. Hence it was split the way you see.

I don't know why you're having issues with the EFT. Normally I attach the EFT after I finish building the KSO. I then attach the LRBs using angled symmetry. I'll look at it again just to make sure. I admit that I've only verified the download to make sure you can successfully launch and de-orbit. I have not built a new KSO.

As for the installation folder, we're going to clean that up throughout the week to cut down the size. At the last minute we pretty much took everything we had in the project and put together the final download. This was because we encountered a major bug just a few hours before release. To play it safe, we simply zipped up everything, including newer versions of plugins exactly as you download them.

I'll be cleaning up the download throughout the week.

Again, thank you so much for your help, support, and feedback!

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I am having problems, the cockpit walls from IVA are invisible, some of the dependencies are making my kerbals faces on the exterior view appear blank (just a simple color) and some fonts are messed up.

I will just really suggest you to make smaller dependencies to increase compatibility

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This is a wonderful set of parts and craft, well done guys. I use FAR so I cut the fuel content of the boosters to match, and re-positioned the sepratrons, but otherwise flew the craft from the pack with a small satellite tucked inside. Flew manually from the outside view, and very impressed right up until touchdown...


It really wasn't that heavy a landing, honest. :D

Other images... http://i.imgur.com/rleh0cE.jpg http://i.imgur.com/15Kunwr.jpg http://i.imgur.com/onMToxl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/OUK53NM.jpg

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Wow. I mean, MAJOR wow. :D

First off, I have to confess that I was very skeptical that this would ever be released, considering the length of the development process and all the problems you guys had. In fact, at one point I believe I referred to this project as being 'vaporware'.

My humble and very sincere apologies to Helldiver and everyone else who worked on this fantastic mod.

For everyone having trouble launching or flying this shuttle, MechJeb worked beautifully for me. :) I even reoriented the craft to the default position in the VAB because it was just too weird for me to look at, and when I launched I did a manual roll, The Resolute didn't bat an eyelash. :) This is with a MechJeb controlled ascent, you understand. I even left all the action group settings as they come from the factory. In future I'll tweak a few things for my preferences, but I assure you, she'll fly just fine straight out of the box.

Now, Helldiver, a few minor notes: RCSBuildAid seems to not be compatible with something in here. I don't get a CoM marker at all, the mass and TWR reading in both RCSBuildAid's panel and in MJ's Vessel Info window just show 'NaN' (I sure wish I could figure out what that stood for!). So I can't balance a payload in the cargo bay, vis a vis CoM, CoL, CoT, and RCS balancing, etc. At this point that's just a minor annoyance, because as I said above the shuttle flies (empty) just fine as is. :) But I thought I'd mention it anyway. I suspect the problem is due to the use of some kind of non-standard module or resource or something in one of the components, like a different RCS resource or something to do with the engine gimbals, maybe. I don't know, just spitballing.

Also, and I know this isn't a KSO problem because it's been happening ever since RasterProp went to the latest update, but none of the RP instruments or monitors work. At all. In ANY of my cockpits or command pods. Yes, I run a lot of mods with plugins, so I'm sure there's a conflict somewhere, I just figured I'd throw this out there to see if someone else had the same problem and has figured out a fix.

Anyway, fantastic EPIC mod, Helldiver et al. SO worth the wait! :D

Keep on keepin' on, friends.

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Excuse my noobiness, but what if:

- I delete RPM and the associated other folder (JSI and Hyomoto folders respectively) because i don't want it? Will I still have an interior?

- I delete the Mechjeb, Scansat and firespitter folders, because I already have these mods? Are the dll specifically modified for the KSO?

Again sorry for those dumb questions, and congratulation for the release of this awesome mod!

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Holy cats. What an amazing vessel! Flies like a dream so far. Haven't tried landing her, and I anticipate that will end inauspiciously. But die and learn, yeah? :D

Fantastic work!! Thank you for creating this!

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Excuse my noobiness, but what if:

- I delete RPM and the associated other folder (JSI and Hyomoto folders respectively) because i don't want it? Will I still have an interior?

- I delete the Mechjeb, Scansat and firespitter folders, because I already have these mods? Are the dll specifically modified for the KSO?

Again sorry for those dumb questions, and congratulation for the release of this awesome mod!

I'm pretty sure you want to keep the Hyomoto folder, I believe that one controls the engine gimbal functions. You don't need the JSI folder, but you won't have any interior instruments at all. I mean, the interior will be there, but all of the displays and instruments will be blank. :) My download didn't come with MechJeb, so not sure what you mean there. The only thing that should be required from Firespitter is the plugin itself, but I left the 'props' and 'spaces' folders in my files because the interior may need to use those. However, I think Helldiver inadvertently included Firespitter's example craft files, so you'll definitely want to delete that folder to trim memory. If you don't use SCANSat (like me), you can get rid of that folder.

Finally, regarding ANY plugin that comes bundled with ANY mod download, all you need to do is check to make sure that you are using the latest version of the plugin, AND that you only have one copy of that plugin in your GameData folder. For instance, check the date on the Firespitter plugin that came with KSO. If that's more recent than the date on the plugin that you already have IN YOUR FIRESPITTER FOLDER, then replace it with the newer file, in the Firespitter folder. I'm pretty sure the date was 1/19 on that, which made it the most recent in my case, so I updated it. But with RasterProp, the one in the KSO download was the same as I already had, so I just didn't transfer it over.

I know that this can be kind of tedious, but it's the only way to avoid conflicts and problems.

All of the above should be taken to mean 'as I understand it', so if I'm wrong about anything I have no problem with someone with more knowledge than I have correcting me. :) I'm basically just an interested player like you, and I don't mean to butt in or speak on Helldiver's or anyone else's behalf. But I do hope that I could help.

Later! :D

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I have little troubles with piloting shuttle between gravity turn and lrb separation. When i start pitching over, pitch 45' and let go controlls, nose of shuttle comes back to 90' (directly upwards).

Of course SAS is toggled all the times. So, i have to manually keep controlling its pitch until lrb burn out. Then its perfectly controllable.

I tried to turn off sas for the momment, pitch and turn it on again, to "lock" it into new position but it didnt helped.

Also, i have question about reentry. What angle of attack shoudl i have when shuttle starts heating, and what are the best reentry angles?

Edited by kiwiak
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Excuse my noobiness, but what if:

- I delete RPM and the associated other folder (JSI and Hyomoto folders respectively) because i don't want it? Will I still have an interior?

- I delete the Mechjeb, Scansat and firespitter folders, because I already have these mods? Are the dll specifically modified for the KSO?

Again sorry for those dumb questions, and congratulation for the release of this awesome mod!

Why would you delete them files thats like 4mb in all, and there the Monitor and firespitter you can delete all but plugin And the MechjebRPM and ScanRPM are the plugin's to the Monitor taking that stuff out is like parking in the wrong neighborhood Space Dock.

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