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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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Amazing stuff Helldiver (and Nazari for putting it all in-game later). Your interiors have a lot of heart. It's going to be very easy for me to imagine my Kerbals living in a space station with those modules and the tug/shuttle attached to it.

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Amazing stuff Helldiver (and Nazari for putting it all in-game later). Your interiors have a lot of heart. It's going to be very easy for me to imagine my Kerbals living in a space station with those modules and the tug/shuttle attached to it.

same... i'm just gonna have to attach it to my OTHER space station >.<

oh and helldriver here's just a lil idea. how bout something like the Hubble telescobe that can fit inside the KSO. i've been fiddling around with lionhead aerospaces telescope but no luck so far :(

Edited by AntiMatter001
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No, Squad shouldn't hire him, remember when they hired Bac9? Now B9 practically abandoned by him.

Well, we don't know that do we? Bac might have felt that he was done with Squad, and didn't want to work there anymore. I mean there are plenty of companies that would be more than willing to have Bac on their team, simply based upon the quality of this mudpack alone, nevermind his work for Squad. And, judging by his work for Squad, I would say it is much more likely that Bac left than Squad got rid of him, after all, the new spacecentre and airfield are gorgeous. Either way, this is neither the time nor the place for these discussions, which really shouldn't happen at all, being about someone else's personal life. Frankly, I would be overjoyed if Helldiver got hired by Squad. Imagine parts this good stock? It would be amazing. (Not only that, but it would add one hell of a line to his CV, and the portfolio of work he would have would be incredible.)

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Can anybody tell me how to make a fleet (3 or 4 KSO) with diferent names on the command modules?

I PM'd you with the specific post. Let me know via PM if you have other questions after reading that.

Edited by qnistNAMEERF
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oh and helldriver here's just a lil idea. how bout something like the Hubble telescobe that can fit inside the KSO. i've been fiddling around with lionhead aerospaces telescope but no luck so far :(

Naz and I discussed some ideas I had regarding a hubble-like telescope that used some animation and camera trickery to make you think you were viewing far away galaxies. I'm still very interested in doing it.

It didn't make the cut for Phase II, but definitely something for the near future.

Phase II microscopes will test some of the tech we'll use in a larger Hubble telescope type application.

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A question on design intent: how do you go about linking the tug up with the octagonal station modules? I believe the analogous real world modules were positioned by EVA astronauts and robotic arms, but we have no such thing here (at least at the present time). Are you intending for the modules to be ejected by the KSO and then scooped up by the tug, or possibly to have a radial docking port fitted, and the tug to dock with that before the KSO cuts it loose?

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Naz and I discussed some ideas I had regarding a hubble-like telescope that used some animation and camera trickery to make you think you were viewing far away galaxies. I'm still very interested in doing it.

It didn't make the cut for Phase II, but definitely something for the near future.

Phase II microscopes will test some of the tech we'll use in a larger Hubble telescope type application.

Woot! yay hubble will be mine and it will be my bubble

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A question on design intent: how do you go about linking the tug up with the octagonal station modules? I believe the analogous real world modules were positioned by EVA astronauts and robotic arms, but we have no such thing here (at least at the present time). Are you intending for the modules to be ejected by the KSO and then scooped up by the tug, or possibly to have a radial docking port fitted, and the tug to dock with that before the KSO cuts it loose?

I'm actually really curious about this too. I was thinking once one module is up the tug could dock to it until the next module shows up. At that point the KSO could dock to the first module, eject the new module and the tug will catch it and put it in place. Too bad there isn't a way to rotate the modules up while they are still connected to the bay.

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I'm actually really curious about this too. I was thinking once one module is up the tug could dock to it until the next module shows up. At that point the KSO could dock to the first module, eject the new module and the tug will catch it and put it in place. Too bad there isn't a way to rotate the modules up while they are still connected to the bay.

One issue I can see with ditching/pickup by the tug is if the module gets into a spin. How are you going to steady it? With that in mind I was thinking of clipping this package into each of these things simply to provide some stability before the tug pickup. The other option would be fitting a 1.25m port onto the "top" and using that as the tug attachment point.


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Helldiver... You are a god among modders. How come Squad has not hired you yet?

I think a petition post should be started.

I cannot commend your work enough.

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I like the the bright yellow as well, I think that ejecting the module from the payload bay, will make it a challenge to capture and place, which is a good thing. I foresee you will get in position release the clamps and rcs away then zoom in with the tug and capture it

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