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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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Man I just love your mini shuttle system and have been watching it since you first posted your idea. But I cant have it.... Its just that it takes up so much room bud. B9 complete is half as much cost as just one of the orbiters. Love the space tug but again its just so hugely expensive in ram. Please, if their is a way that is not to time consuming, bring these mod packs down. I would make them a mandatory on every build if I could have them at 50mb each pack. Sorry, I hate to ask creators questions like this because people always think I'm being a .... or to critical.

Love them and have since the start


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Man I just love your mini shuttle system and have been watching it since you first posted your idea. But I cant have it.... Its just that it takes up so much room bud. B9 complete is half as much cost as just one of the orbiters. Love the space tug but again its just so hugely expensive in ram. Please, if their is a way that is not to time consuming, bring these mod packs down. I would make them a mandatory on every build if I could have them at 50mb each pack. Sorry, I hate to ask creators questions like this because people always think I'm being a .... or to critical.

Love them and have since the start


This might help you with using them:


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Yeah, I use the active management tools and have been since they first started showing up. Problem is, for the cost of these three mod packs I can have KW, Nova, Fasa, B9 and a few decorative Mods as well. Both of the Orbiter packs make one specific craft each, compared with 10x the parts and combinations from the other large Mod packs. Im not complaining..... Not at all, I am asking HellDiver to spend some time on reducing the Packs footprint, so we can play with the best Kerbal Shuttle mod to date. I would love to have the 64 bit version just like the rest of you, but until it gets attention from the prehistoric Unity guys, were left with pinching ram pennies and every dime counts. Seriously, how long has 64 bit OS's been common place??? As far as most are concerned, to be this late in the game with a 64 bit engine is unacceptable.

HellDiver, if the other great mod packs can be reduced to the sizes we see today, then no reason why your pack cant be squeezed right? Most of us would agree, your Mod packs are right up their with the "must" haves. If you want a shuttle type Mod that fits within the Kerbal theme, then yours is the only one that does it...... as good as it does.

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Yeah, I use the active management tools and have been since they first started showing up. Problem is, for the cost of these three mod packs I can have KW, Nova, Fasa, B9 and a few decorative Mods as well. Both of the Orbiter packs make one specific craft each, compared with 10x the parts and combinations from the other large Mod packs. Im not complaining..... Not at all, I am asking HellDiver to spend some time on reducing the Packs footprint, so we can play with the best Kerbal Shuttle mod to date. I would love to have the 64 bit version just like the rest of you, but until it gets attention from the prehistoric Unity guys, were left with pinching ram pennies and every dime counts. Seriously, how long has 64 bit OS's been common place??? As far as most are concerned, to be this late in the game with a 64 bit engine is unacceptable.

HellDiver, if the other great mod packs can be reduced to the sizes we see today, then no reason why your pack cant be squeezed right? Most of us would agree, your Mod packs are right up their with the "must" haves. If you want a shuttle type Mod that fits within the Kerbal theme, then yours is the only one that does it...... as good as it does.

believe it or not, I actually refuse to use the 64 bit engine as most of the mods do not provide technical support with it due to its inherant stability issues.

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Yeah, I use the active management tools and have been since they first started showing up. Problem is, for the cost of these three mod packs I can have KW, Nova, Fasa, B9 and a few decorative Mods as well. Both of the Orbiter packs make one specific craft each, compared with 10x the parts and combinations from the other large Mod packs. Im not complaining..... Not at all, I am asking HellDiver to spend some time on reducing the Packs footprint, so we can play with the best Kerbal Shuttle mod to date. I would love to have the 64 bit version just like the rest of you, but until it gets attention from the prehistoric Unity guys, were left with pinching ram pennies and every dime counts. Seriously, how long has 64 bit OS's been common place??? As far as most are concerned, to be this late in the game with a 64 bit engine is unacceptable.

HellDiver, if the other great mod packs can be reduced to the sizes we see today, then no reason why your pack cant be squeezed right? Most of us would agree, your Mod packs are right up their with the "must" haves. If you want a shuttle type Mod that fits within the Kerbal theme, then yours is the only one that does it...... as good as it does.

The size of the KSOS mods are really not the issue. I run them with KW, Nova, Karbonite and a bunch of others without running out of RAM, and i'm still using 32bit...

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With the latest artwork for Multipurpose Colony Modules pretty much done and the bugs almost fixed, I had time to capture more images. This is KSOS-Interlude 6: Good & Bad. Dragonfly continues its mission, and so does Ranger One. not everything goes as planned...

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So this is probably a stretch, but is there some way I can fly and use this with FAR and Deadly reentry? I tried using custom configs but the shuttle does not slow down properly. It also flies irradically, although I understand it wasn't built with FAR in mind. I'm wondering if there is a way to write a config file for the large shuttle to make it handle better and slow down realistically. Or if I'm doing something wrong, I come in at a 30Km periapsis and the slowest I can get down to is around 500 m/s.

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So this is probably a stretch, but is there some way I can fly and use this with FAR and Deadly reentry? I tried using custom configs but the shuttle does not slow down properly. It also flies irradically, although I understand it wasn't built with FAR in mind. I'm wondering if there is a way to write a config file for the large shuttle to make it handle better and slow down realistically. Or if I'm doing something wrong, I come in at a 30Km periapsis and the slowest I can get down to is around 500 m/s.

I would also like to be more successful with FAR, DRE and KSOS - especially being constantly inspired by Angel-125's Mission Chronicles.

I have found links to various configs and do not seem to have much luck with any of them (I am unsure if its to do with KSP 0.90 changes and FAR/DRE updates because I had more success using NEAR and DRE back in KSP 0.25).

I even tried adding Airbrakes and using the VAB tools to add extra reaction wheels, but no matter how shallow or steep I attempt a re-entry - the shuttle hates to slow down and likes to flip and come in backwards (even if the shuttle remains intact and you manage to reduce the speed below 100m/s at this point, the shuttle refuses to face the correct way).

Absolutely love the mod and its models but it makes me sad that I can currently only use the shuttles as low speed aircraft staying within the Kerbin atmosphere.

If anyone has (or is attempting to work on - or even has a working combination of other configs posted within this thread) Module Manager files for the current versions of FAR and DRE - Please Please Please share :)


I just landed the KSO 1.8 Standard (re-entry was what I expected and the 'hard to stop - gliding' effect with NEAR/FAR matches what I was used to in 0.25).

I have a feeling that the new KSP 0.90 VAB tools are messing with the placement of the Elevons as they do not align as nicely as they used to and my usual method of hand building craft does not work as expected any more.

So - I used the bundled KSO Block 9.craft file within the download without modification (the Elevons are perfectly attached within the pre-built craft).

The complete configs I use are here on Pastebin and have been compiled from the work of others.

Note: I have been playing on career for KSP 0.90 so have not yet tested the EWBCL 2.8m at the time of writing.

Tip: Use the craft files to ensure the VAB does not mess with part placement and modify from that to suit your needs :)

Edited by Deadpan110
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I have 2 questions…

I couldn’t find a list of required mods for KSOS, I have been putting off updating to .90 because 2 of my favorite mods won’t listed as .90 ready & KSOS being one of them.

1) I’m wondering if I could use the Installer for KSOS (.25) on .90 & then updated required mods, will that work?

2) Angel-125, I’m just wondering how you did do the Quad SRBs on Freedom?


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I have 2 questions…

I couldn’t find a list of required mods for KSOS, I have been putting off updating to .90 because 2 of my favorite mods won’t listed as .90 ready & KSOS being one of them.

1) I’m wondering if I could use the Installer for KSOS (.25) on .90 & then updated required mods, will that work?

2) Angel-125, I’m just wondering how you did do the Quad SRBs on Freedom?


1. Yes. If you install KSOS for .25 (using either the exe or installing from the zip archive) and then updating Firespitter, RPM and ModuleManager it should work just fine in .90. If you choose to also update the gimbal plugin (Klockheed_Martian) you will need a modulemanager patch to use the updated plugin, which you can find located in my sig.

2. You can find the Super 25 with Energia-styled booster here

Edited by Avalon304
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I have a follow-up question about upgrading the requested mods - in this case RPM, do I need to install the whole mod or just the .dll file. I have heard some people say the whole mod & others say just .dll file.

@ Angel-125: Thanks for the info on the Quad Booster Super 25 & the Great Mission Chronicles. :)

@Avalon304: Thanks for all of your help & for the Quad Booster Super 25.


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I have a follow-up question about upgrading the requested mods - in this case RPM, do I need to install the whole mod or just the .dll file. I have heard some people say the whole mod & others say just .dll file.

If you already have the mod installed and working from 0.25, then you just need to delete the old DLLs and place the new ones in the plugin folder

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If you already have the mod installed and working from 0.25, then you just need to delete the old DLLs and place the new ones in the plugin folder

I have 2 copies of KSP (0.25 & 0.90) running, because I'm using the Steam Version of KSP, therefore I just making a separate copy so I can play the game off-line.

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Brilliant stuff! Always enjoy your KSOS Mission Chronicles!

Glad you're enjoying the Mission Chronicles. :) I originally started the series as a way to showcase the Multipurpose Colony Modules mod working with KSOS, but it kind of grew from there. Speaking of which...

KSOS-36 and 37 have finished their missions. Freedom delivers two more modules to Munlab while Ranger Two's shakedown cruise continues. And what of the Original Three?

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Glad you're enjoying the Mission Chronicles. :) I originally started the series as a way to showcase the Multipurpose Colony Modules mod working with KSOS, but it kind of grew from there. Speaking of which...

KSOS-36 and 37 have finished their missions. Freedom delivers two more modules to Munlab while Ranger Two's shakedown cruise continues. And what of the Original Three?


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I have to say, I wish you did this as an LP on YT. I'd watch it.

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