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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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-What parts do you suggest?

-What Laboratory Modules?

-What working game elements that can be made into parts?

-What basic parts do you suggest are needed for a basic working space station?

I'll tackle this from the opposite direction: what is already possible with the cargo space in the KSO?

-Space tug: a craft that can dock with other craft and move them around a space station or transfer to a higher orbit

-Orbital satellites

-Interplanetary probes: probe plus a small stage that can get it to the planet or moon it wants to go to (Jool definitely possible)

-Scientific module: there's enough room for three materials bays, six mystery goos and one of all the other experiments if it never has to leave the cargo bay. If it's supposed to become part of a station it can't have as many experiments, but still enough for an efficient science module (especially if there's a lab to clean out the experiments)

-Propellant depot: fuel tank with a docking port where other spacecraft can dock with for refueling

-Station's service module: fuel, engines, RCS and power generation (solar or RTG) that can move around and keep a station electrified (much like the Power Module you planned)

So, what's not possible yet:

-Station hub: the stock HubMax plus a normal-sized docking port is to wide to have docking ports on all 4-sides. So a version that's less bulky and would thus fit 4 ports would be great, as hubs are a great way to orderly build your station

-Lab module: as you've already planned.

-Habitation module: as you've already planned. Should of course also be usable for just crew transportation to a station, so I think it needs to fit into a bay that already has one of the docking adapters in it. Because a crew transportation module is useless if they can't dock.

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Ok Phase II

Naz and I have been discussing ideas regarding Phase II and nothing is set in stone.

Before I start drawing concepts and putting things together, I really need to know what constitutes a space station from a Kerbal perspective. What do you need to put together a working, fun, and game content filled Space station?

-What parts do you suggest?

-What Laboratory Modules?

-What working game elements that can be made into parts?

-What basic parts do you suggest are needed for a basic working space station?

What I am not looking for.

-Anything involving real world space stations (ISS, Mir).

-Anything involving 2.5 meter or greater than 1.5 meter diameter.

-"Fluff" parts; I.e. parts that have no function.


-Try and keep your suggestions functional, should have some game function.

-Stock plugins or plugins used by the KSO.

-May not be greater than 1.5m

-No robotics (unless doable using Firespitter).

Currently Planned

1x General Laboratory Module, including IVA (as laboratory, 2 Kerbals)

1x Observation Module, including IVA (multiple windows, camera views and copula, 2 Kerbals)

1x Hydroponics Module, including IVA (as laboratory, 2 Kerbals)

1x Habitat Module, including IVA (fluff component containing beds, up to 4 Kerbals)

1x Docking Module, allows you to attach a Clamp-o-tron Junior to it. Long extension to make it easier to dock with the KSO.

1x Power Module, generates, manages, and aggregates power.

1x Truss (square)

1x Truss (octagonal)

1x Solar Array

What am I missing?

If you had to take everything up in one go, what are all the parts that a Module would need to not only be released from the KSO, but be moved into place?

Docking ring, Probe Core, RCS?, SAS Ring?

thanks everyone for your suggestions!

hmm i'd say let the laboratory be like the stock science lab and make it be able to bump up the science a lil... it'll make me want to build a space station at last XD

oh all the HUDs now seem to be appearing as black or grey instead of green but i just made the background a lil greener than normal and i can see the HUD ok now.

also my shuttle always want's to spin till it's facing backwards (even with empty fueltank...) also on the runway it tips up... (sorry i like launching it like a plane :P)

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-What parts do you suggest?

-What Laboratory Modules?

-What working game elements that can be made into parts?

-What basic parts do you suggest are needed for a basic working space station?

there is a simple suggestion, could you put a attachment node on the bottom of the external tank? there was a plan to use that space to store satellites.

MKSheppard mentioned the Inertial Upper Stage but i think we can build our own upper stages. What we do need however is a way to detach them without fear of hitting the walls of the bay, so if its possible to make a decoupler that could rotate 90 degrees like the one used for the IUS would be nice.


If you're willing you add parts that relying on outside mods Get Away Special canisters would work great for KAS.


Theres a lot of good paper projects based around the shuttle like an unmanned unrecoverable wingless shuttle that could carry a massive amount of cargo,


and there was another proposal to use the tanks as wet workshop style space stations.


Edited by zakkpaz
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there is a simple suggestion, could you put a attachment node on the bottom of the external tank? there was a plan to use that space to store satellites.

There already is one. If it doesn't register, detach and then reattach the external tank. That happened sometimes, at least in older versions.

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I would like to see a kind of experiment rack or payload that you keep in the shuttle for recovery, with brand new experiments, like this:


It would make it more fun to fly a shuttle, because then it would be something you needed the shuttle to complete. Also, a fancy option to not have a cargo bay and have a fuel tank instead would be useful for interplanetary flight, to, let's say laythe. I like the truss idea! maybe make it so it fills most of the cargo bay? I really want a 1.6m truss for big stations instead of a probe core sized truss.

Anywho, amazing mod! :D It is so amazing it is part of my signature! hope you don't mind!

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MKSheppard mentioned the Inertial Upper Stage but i think we can build our own upper stages. What we do need however is a way to detach them without fear of hitting the walls of the bay, so if its possible to make a decoupler that could rotate 90 degrees like the one used for the IUS would be nice.


Theres a lot of good paper projects based around the shuttle like an unmanned unrecoverable wingless shuttle that could carry a massive amount of cargo,

I second the rotatable mechanism. This not only addresses the collision potential during deployment but also opens up new mission potential. One can use it to

- facilitate station building without a separate tractor/tug to position the new module. The shuttle can do it all.

- carry a standalone docking port for those hard to reach station or vehicle ports. Useful if you don't want a permanent port just for the shuttle

- recover Kerbin-orbiting satellites, and,

- capture planetary or munar probes to return their science payloads to Kerbin for full science credit. (This is my favorite in this list)

One could build a rotating "mount" with other mods - but it wouldn't have the feel of one unique to KSO.

The unmanned, wingless version has potential but I favor just the unmanned version. Keeping the wings allows it to fulfill the missions listed above.


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I like the emmissive lights a lot. Very usefull for docking alignement.

For those interested, this adds simple KAS support to them (tweaked and tested)

name = KASModuleGrab
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.10)
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = true
storedSize = 1
attachOnPart = True
attachOnEva = False
attachOnStatic = False
customGroundPos = False
dropPartPos = (0.0, -0.2, -0.7)
dropPartRot = (-10.0, 0.0, 0.0)

Don't forget to set storedSize to 2 for the long ones.

May i suggest renaming them according to the size? ^^

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Ok Phase II

Naz and I have been discussing ideas regarding Phase II and nothing is set in stone.

Before I start drawing concepts and putting things together, I really need to know what constitutes a space station from a Kerbal perspective. What do you need to put together a working, fun, and game content filled Space station?

-What parts do you suggest?

-What Laboratory Modules?

-What working game elements that can be made into parts?

-What basic parts do you suggest are needed for a basic working space station?

What I am not looking for.

-Anything involving real world space stations (ISS, Mir).

-Anything involving 2.5 meter or greater than 1.5 meter diameter.

-"Fluff" parts; I.e. parts that have no function.


-Try and keep your suggestions functional, should have some game function.

-Stock plugins or plugins used by the KSO.

-May not be greater than 1.5m

-No robotics (unless doable using Firespitter).

Currently Planned

1x General Laboratory Module, including IVA (as laboratory, 2 Kerbals)

1x Observation Module, including IVA (multiple windows, camera views and copula, 2 Kerbals)

1x Hydroponics Module, including IVA (as laboratory, 2 Kerbals)

1x Habitat Module, including IVA (fluff component containing beds, up to 4 Kerbals)

1x Docking Module, allows you to attach a Clamp-o-tron Junior to it. Long extension to make it easier to dock with the KSO.

1x Power Module, generates, manages, and aggregates power.

1x Truss (square)

1x Truss (octagonal)

1x Solar Array

What am I missing?

If you had to take everything up in one go, what are all the parts that a Module would need to not only be released from the KSO, but be moved into place?

Docking ring, Probe Core, RCS?, SAS Ring?

thanks everyone for your suggestions!

You told me that 1.8m is the absolute maximum that can fit in the shuttle, and I believe you should strive to make parts that large(or 1.7m, perhaps). The reason is mainly because 1.5m isn't that much room, even by Kerbal standards. Kerbals struggle to fit through a 62.5cm docking port(which is impossible with their helmet on), and 1.25m is a more comfortable size. 1.5m radius means you have about 1.3m of livable space inside, which is very, very small. The very act of making station parts means that they are theoretically going to have no function, unless you are able to create multiple types of experiments for them to do. That being said, it would be nice to see different modules for different types of experiments (medical, physical, biological, etc). For the solar arrays/truss segments, it would be best to have custom docking ports for them, since technically there is no negative space between the trusses. Also, I believe the Cupola should be relatively small, 1.25m in width(to match the docking ports), instead of being

It really sucks that you don't want to do robotics, as a robotic arm is really the only functional way to attach something to a station. Currently, with just KSO, the only way to attach something to a station is to connect it to the docking port you have on the shuttle, which means that if you use the junior docking port, all your station modules have to have junior docking ports, which I don't really like. Of course, there are other robotic plugins, like Infernal Robotics, that fix this issue, but it would be nice to have something in-house for this sort of thing. I think you should go back and think about it again.

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I think people need to realize that the max payload to orbit for this thing is around 4-5t. That's not a lot and has made it incredibly fun to design and launch my missions. I can't wait for the modular space station stuff! I also think it is hard to attach docking ports or other parts directly to the cargo bay. I think that is just a general KSP thing though. I know that the Space Shuttle eventually was able to have crew bailout over the ocean, however, the KSO crew compartment has practically survived everything I've thrown at it. It can easily survive hard landings and water ditching. All someone would have to do is add a parachute where the clamp o tron jr is in Helldiver's photo.

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You told me that 1.8m is the absolute maximum that can fit in the shuttle, and I believe you should strive to make parts that large(or 1.7m, perhaps). The reason is mainly because 1.5m isn't that much room, even by Kerbal standards. Kerbals struggle to fit through a 62.5cm docking port(which is impossible with their helmet on), and 1.25m is a more comfortable size. 1.5m radius means you have about 1.3m of livable space inside, which is very, very small. The very act of making station parts means that they are theoretically going to have no function, unless you are able to create multiple types of experiments for them to do. That being said, it would be nice to see different modules for different types of experiments (medical, physical, biological, etc). For the solar arrays/truss segments, it would be best to have custom docking ports for them, since technically there is no negative space between the trusses. Also, I believe the Cupola should be relatively small, 1.25m in width(to match the docking ports), instead of being

It really sucks that you don't want to do robotics, as a robotic arm is really the only functional way to attach something to a station. Currently, with just KSO, the only way to attach something to a station is to connect it to the docking port you have on the shuttle, which means that if you use the junior docking port, all your station modules have to have junior docking ports, which I don't really like. Of course, there are other robotic plugins, like Infernal Robotics, that fix this issue, but it would be nice to have something in-house for this sort of thing. I think you should go back and think about it again.

I just use the shuttle to launch a tug, that stays with the station, when my shuttle brings up a new part, undock it, rcs the shuttle away, then use the tug to dock the module, true its no robotic arm, but I think those tend to be more cumbersome to use and not worth it.

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I just use the shuttle to launch a tug, that stays with the station, when my shuttle brings up a new part, undock it, rcs the shuttle away, then use the tug to dock the module, true its no robotic arm, but I think those tend to be more cumbersome to use and not worth it.

That and your station modules can have probe cores that can detach or stay to control themselves.

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Ok Phase II

Naz and I have been discussing ideas regarding Phase II and nothing is set in stone.

Before I start drawing concepts and putting things together, I really need to know what constitutes a space station from a Kerbal perspective. What do you need to put together a working, fun, and game content filled Space station?

-What parts do you suggest?

-What Laboratory Modules?

-What working game elements that can be made into parts?

-What basic parts do you suggest are needed for a basic working space station?

What I am not looking for.

-Anything involving real world space stations (ISS, Mir).

-Anything involving 2.5 meter or greater than 1.5 meter diameter.

-"Fluff" parts; I.e. parts that have no function.


-Try and keep your suggestions functional, should have some game function.

-Stock plugins or plugins used by the KSO.

-May not be greater than 1.5m

-No robotics (unless doable using Firespitter).

Currently Planned

1x General Laboratory Module, including IVA (as laboratory, 2 Kerbals)

1x Observation Module, including IVA (multiple windows, camera views and copula, 2 Kerbals)

1x Hydroponics Module, including IVA (as laboratory, 2 Kerbals)

1x Habitat Module, including IVA (fluff component containing beds, up to 4 Kerbals)

1x Docking Module, allows you to attach a Clamp-o-tron Junior to it. Long extension to make it easier to dock with the KSO.

1x Power Module, generates, manages, and aggregates power.

1x Truss (square)

1x Truss (octagonal)

1x Solar Array

What am I missing?

If you had to take everything up in one go, what are all the parts that a Module would need to not only be released from the KSO, but be moved into place?

Docking ring, Probe Core, RCS?, SAS Ring?

thanks everyone for your suggestions!

Only personal opinion, but I am sorry to say that if your station parts are only 1.5m I won't use them. Sumghai's FusTek Expansion modules or the new PorkWorks inflatable modules are more like the correct size I think.

Look at a diagram of the ISS and Mir modules and they are way bigger than that. Even when rescaled to a Kerbal and remove some of the spaciousness they'd be closer to 2m than 1.5m. You have to remember they aren't just hollow cans, they are double skinned then have computer and life support equipment between the inner and outer walls. While I know KSP isn't ultra-realistic I still like things to be in proportion somewhat. I just think you are on the wrong track with the station parts. I was hoping you'd think outside the box (bay?) a little and do something neat like team up with PorkWorks and build some inflatable stuff that packed down to KSO payload bay size and inflated to a decent 2-2.5m modules on orbit.

I'll still use the shuttle, for sure, it's beautifully made and a great piece of work, but probably just as a crew and resupply vessel using KAS modules.

As for stuff that WILL fit, I'll echo other people's calls for booster rocket blocks for satellites that fit in there snugly and can boot a satellite to a GTO or interplanetary orbit from LKO. Some kind of cool SpaceLab fitment for the bay that has integrated science would also be neat. Also I like the idea of a longer docking module, that is going to be useful. Power module will be handy too.

Oh, Habitat modules don't have to be 'Fluff' parts. 'Living' science is a big part of space science, you could include science observations about exercise and body changes in orbit :)

Edited by MDBenson
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Okay, this is a bit of a show stopper.

I had the KSO in orbit to service the Cacteye Telescope. Bill went out and completed the mission, but when he tried to enter the KSO the cockpit broke off from the cargo bay.

Tried a few reloads, every time the same thing.

So it seems Bill needs to live in the telescope till this gets fixed.

Also the MFD doesn't work, can't use any buttons. Running KSP on linux.

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