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Do you ever hyperedit just because you are lazy?

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Just out of curiosity... how many out there will build something like a rover or lander then realize after you have gotten all the way to duna or Eve only to realize that whoops you forgot an important piece of the rover or the decouplers were working wrong and your craft wouldn't detach.

I do this all the time. So ill write don my altitude or a close approximation of it, revert to VAB fix the design flaw then hyperedit back to where i was. rather than spending the next 10 minutes waiting for the window to come up and make the long trip to do it all over again.

Anyone else "cheat" with it like this?

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Nah, in fact I uninstalled Hyperedit long ago. You made a mistake. That's the price. Fix it.

..But I do use the Quicksave feature. I use it to death. Usually its a flying problem and not a craft problem, so I quickload. I consider it... "simulating and then hapepning to be real at just the right time :wink: "

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I was trying to think up something sarcastic about cheating, MechJeb, and Hyperedit, but I ended up just wondering why this is a thread in the first place. Do whatever you want in your game.

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I've used hyperedit to bring in replacement parts that glitched, or parts what I would have added had the mod been up to date when I launched. Then I fit them on with KAS. Normally only tiny parts that wouldn't have affected the performance or mass of the ship in the previous part of the mission.

However, I avoid using it for anything large.

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I've used HyperEdit just to throw stuff that should never be in space into space when I'm bored. Sometimes I'm putting ships up for some orbital target practice (mindset: "Why spend 40+ minutes to put ships in orbit that I'm just going to shoot down in 40 seconds?"), sometimes I'm testing an interplanetary stage idea and I don't want to waste time with launches (mindset: "I know my Solaran Heavy Lifter can carry this, I just need to know if I can make it there."), and sometimes I just want to test a lander in real conditions, and not puddle about with trying to get it there (mindset: "I know I can get it to Eve. I can build something to get it there. I need to know if I can land it, then return from Eve.").

Then there's just those fun moments of setting things up to fail with HyperEdit and trying to get out of them. Like purposely putting your ship into a 76km Orbit... around Jool. In a ship with one LV-909. With half fuel.

Or fulfilling those 'what if' scenarios like "What if I hadn't tipped over my ship on Minmus and knocked the engine off? Given that the lower stage was just to get me to Orbit, could I even have gotten the crew home, leaving the lower stage satellite in orbit around Minmus? Let's put it in orbit, kick the can, and get those Kerbals home!" and "What if I got this to Orbit, could I even dock with the station?"

I know, HyperEdit feels a bit cheaty, but it is kinda fun at times. Especially for putting impractically large ships in orbit that won't even fly out of Kerbin's gravity well and atmosphere with Hacked Gravity enabled. Yep, made a few of those in my time just cause I wanted freaking Star Destroyers to shoot at.

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I personally don't use it. I'm a stock loving guy. Psst! There are 100% stock warp drives (in development) powered by bugs around here! =D

P.S. This was an edit done to a VERY rude comment by me while I was in a bad mood. I apologize to the KSP community for this.

Edited by FCISuperGuy
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I use it for testing in my test save, but never on a mission. I'll put a lander around a planet to run tests on it, but only to planets I have been to normally in the current version. I see that as being like the simulations that NASA run before sending a mission. I'd actually really like a simulation environment, a sorta sim-planet that just renders wire-frames and you can set the gravity and atmo settings, just to trail things out.

The only place I use HE for in main game is to refuel reusable craft that have returned to KSC (if I can't be bothered to mess around with ground support craft).

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I should clarify that while I may abuse Hyperedit, it's only ever done in my older versions. 0.23 won't get it until 0.24 becomes my main.

As for the 'lovely' person who commented regarding hyperedit being for losers and for us to join that little warp drive dev thread, let me ask you this: Where are you going that you need that kind of delta-V? I mean, with Hyperedit, you could put a planet out there that you could go to, but that'd make you as much a loser as the rest of us.

Oops, didn't think about that, did you?

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For me, HyperEdit is nothing but a toy that I can use to make interesting environments.

Sadly, my computer couldn't handle it.

  FCISuperGuy said:
--MOD CUT--. Go join the Stock Warp Drive dev thread. We are developing stock warp drives powered by the Kraken that can get 18gs of acceleration (max speed by me 50000000m/s!_

Please. Learn to respect others, will you? You aren't supposed to be a zealot.

Edited by sjwt
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Hyperedit is NOT for losers.

I've used it for "simulations", but only on Kerbin's SOI, and never to it's target planet. For example, if I'm testing a rover's landing system, I'll hyperedit to orbit the one that better suits my needs (Kerbin, Mun, or Minmus), and then land it manually. It's much easier than building a rocket and taking it there everytime I want to make a change. Once I'm doing the real mission, there's no going back.

Also, hyperedit is fun for testing stupid stuff in space. :P

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I understand what you mean. I find it's tempting to. To me there are a few solutions to your problem:

1. Test, test, test, test, TEST. Get into a habit of testing craft before sending them on a mission. Usually a fatal design flaw will reveal itself in such a circumstance

2. Use the failure to your advantage. This is where I like to do some role playing. "The decoupler has failed and the crew have to land with a dead weight, how will they do it?" This can actually be quite fun and will also teach you to follow rule one next time.

3. Uninstall hyper edit. (That tends to work)

4. Suck it up. Send a rescue mission or restart all together. (This is not really a solution but I just HAD to include it)

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  astropapi1 said:
Hyperedit is NOT for losers.

I've used it for "simulations", but only on Kerbin's SOI, and never to it's target planet. For example, if I'm testing a rover's landing system, I'll hyperedit to orbit the one that better suits my needs (Kerbin, Mun, or Minmus), and then land it manually. It's much easier than building a rocket and taking it there everytime I want to make a change. Once I'm doing the real mission, there's no going back.

Also, hyperedit is fun for testing stupid stuff in space. :P

I do exactly the same. I use hyperedit to test out new space craft designs. Why should I need to endure a 5 minute launch flight that I know will work 100% of the time only to spend the last 30 seconds testing and tweaking the payload? Then reverting back to the SPH/VAB to make adjustments again? It's a massive waste of time.

Once I'm happy with the design then I run a full mission without hyperedit.

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  FCISuperGuy said:
--MOD CUT--. Go join the Stock Warp Drive dev thread. We are developing stock warp drives powered by the Kraken that can get 18gs of acceleration (max speed by me 50000000m/s!_

Yes, because getting into a perfectly circular orbit or rendezvous with 18gs is easy.

And yes, I do use hyperedit just to get things into orbit around kerbin, extremely rarely.

Edited by sjwt
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Never used it, even if it means i have to restart a mission from scratch - Not that im against using it, but i know that, if i used it once, i'd be tempted to use it more and more.

I learnt im bad with things like that back when i used to play Morrowind a lot - i basically memorised a whole lot of console codes and would find myself using them at every opportunity. Sad, but true :P

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I'm tempted to use it for testing rovers and landers in various environments, but only for testing. It's really not an accomplishment if you didn't do the work to get it there.

And even then, only because it'd be a pain in the ass to get all the way to somewhere, only to find yourself lacking important parts, or running a flawed design.

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I only ever use it in serious saves (Which is usually all of them.) if something has gone terribly, terribly wrong. So, once or twice. For instance, one time, my multi module laythe base was left floating in midair, about 200m above the ocean, due to the terraing dissapearing wierdly. (I still have no clue why that happenned, and it has never happend since. O.o) I used Hyperedit to move it ~2Km downrange onto land that still existed. For some reason I wasn't falling, it was acting as if the ground was still there, even though there was nothing below me, and the shoreline could be seen about 200m away. Even to the point where I loaded another craft in orbit and landed it there legitimatly, the ground still didn't render.

It was Wierd...

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