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[0.17] ExPI: Space Stations [0.4], Interplanetary Probes [0.1.2]


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I\'m sorry if this question is dumb :P. Is there a way to attach parts of the space stations separately? Like the real iss. Like you fly up, release a module. Fly up again with, say, a module. Could you attach said module to the original module? I want to know because I find it hard to launch entire space stations at one time. Almost impossible. I can never get a premade station into orbit because I can\'t get enough rocket power to launch it :P.

Not until the devs add docking, no. Docking should be added in the next few updates.
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Because docking is not implemented... I did it the hard way.. the only change was i made each item weigh .5 only the 3m and 4m modules tho.. everything else is standard.

Included are pics and the launcher... solids all the way to 150k..

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That\'s a really cool space station. I like the shot where it\'s transiting the sun. It\'s really cool.

In other news, I did some more remodeling of the station modules. They now have panels all over. I\'ll try to get a screenshot of it soon. I also worked some more on remodeling the docking port and I started on a smaller solar array to provide me with a simple model to practice animating. However, I broke my keyboard by accident while attempting to clean it so I\'m out of a keyboard for the next few days (unless I can find the backup one that disappeared on me) and I won\'t be making any progress on those parts until the replacement one that I ordered comes in.

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That\'s a really cool space station. I like the shot where it\'s transiting the sun. It\'s really cool.

In other news, I did some more remodeling of the station modules. They now have panels all over. I\'ll try to get a screenshot of it soon. I also worked some more on remodeling the docking port and I started on a smaller solar array to provide me with a simple model to practice animating. However, I broke my keyboard by accident while attempting to clean it so I\'m out of a keyboard for the next few days (unless I can find the backup one that disappeared on me) and I won\'t be making any progress on those parts until the replacement one that I ordered comes in.

How are you typing =O (prolly just mobile) :P

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Pad control uncovered some old launchpad footage stills in a filing cabinet. Professionals have been brought in and are working to figure out what this is.


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Kind of obvious, yeah. I didn\'t want to just give a screenshot though because it isn\'t textured yet. But all the basic models for it have just been finished! :D Now onto texturing and balancing.

I\'m really excited for these parts though. They\'re not quite like any parts that have been made so far.

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Kind of obvious, yeah. I didn\'t want to just give a screenshot though because it isn\'t textured yet. But all the basic models for it have just been finished! :D Now onto texturing and balancing.

I\'m really excited for these parts though. They\'re not quite like any parts that have been made so far.

It\'s some kind of plugin-powered piece?

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Does anyone have any suggestions for what an airlock should be like? Should it be its own module or should it be a surface-attached part like the docking port? What should it look like? I\'m drawing blanks for this part.

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This is quite good, but what if it becomes redundant? What if the developers add in their on Space Station parts (a big possibility).

Make them so good that they form inspiration for the devs, make them even better and they will copy it.

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are the solar panels supposed to be orange like that?

also, with this mod can I actually connect parts to each other while in orbit?

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are the solar panels supposed to be orange like that?

also, with this mod can I actually connect parts to each other while in orbit?

Yes to the first and no to the second; not until docking gets officially implemented.

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Glad you like them. ;D I remodeled the modules and posted a screenshot of one on the previous page. And once I figure out how to make textures that don\'t look like crap I\'ll announce my new rocket parts too. I\'m also planning a pack of satellite parts aswell so I guess I\'ll be pretty busy for a while.

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