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Three Minute Challenge

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Yeah I\'ve switched to a 219 SRB stack and can get to around 415 pretty regularly, only way I see to get more is to add a 7th stage and/or move the ASAS down a couple stages and manually pilot the higher stack. Either way I\'m up against the limits of my setup - even the VAB is laggy as heck with that monster loaded. I did notice one other possible optimization but heh don\'t expect to crack the 440\'s till I get a new comp.

Congrats Salda007, knocked me right back to the drawing board too.

Errr, to be honest, I suspect you may be over-engineering things, causing your upper stages to slow you down too much. I only used five, and the fifth was a single SRB with fins. The last third of the flight was just coasting down from 4700 m/s.

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Jeb argued with the rocket scientist Tsu Soon Boom, 'What \'da ya mean, less is more, moar is moar!!'

Hehe, you were right Salda007, dropped a stage and hit 463.5 km with a stack of \'only\' 152 SRBs.

The development wasn\'t without its incidents along the way though - Sprint X Mk 6 preferred skywriting to breaking altitude records.

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Jeb argued with the rocket scientist Tsu Soon Boom, 'What \'da ya mean, less is more, moar is moar!!'

Hehe, you were right Salda007, dropped a stage and hit 463.5 km with a stack of \'only\' 152 SRBs.

The development wasn\'t without its incidents along the way though - Sprint X Mk 6 preferred skywriting to breaking altitude records.

Ahh, good, a challenger worthy of the name! 8) (Kidding, kidding!)

Once they turn the power back on, I\'ll see what I can do to push my numbers up... (Power\'s been off since early Sunday morning; I\'m posting from the office. *shhhh!* ;))

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

It's been a while since anyone has posted on this challenge, but a friend of mine challenged me at work and my video response is linked below. I realized after I made the video that others have done this too. My video has the farthest documented distance I've seen, so I dare you guys to beat it! It is doable since I've done better (but without the video recording). Good luck!

651,999 m with stock parts and no mods.


Edited by TechBoyBen
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It's been a while since anyone has posted on this challenge, but a friend of mine challenged me at work and my video response is linked below. I realized after I made the video that others have done this too. My video has the farthest documented distance I've seen, so I dare you guys to beat it! It is doable since I've done better (but without the video recording). Good luck!

What kind of stock parts are those?! What crazy mods have you used, because Kearth doesn't look anything like that, and how the heck did you change how the sun looks?!


Edited by rryy
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It's been a while since anyone has posted on this challenge

Here's why:

"Reviving old threads, ie Necro-posting

Old threads that have run their course will sink into the bowels of the forums, and are best left to rest in peace.

As with old controversies, unless you have something to say that is relevant and would breath new life into an old thread you should just leave it alone, especially for any thread where it has been more than one month since the last activity.

For really old threads, more than three months since the last post for example, there is never any need to revive them, if you have something to say post a new thread and link to the old one instead."

My video has the farthest documented distance I've seen, so I dare you guys to beat it!

Post a new challenge about it in that case, it's not that impressive beating a challenge from 2011. I'm sure a lot of challenges from back then could be beaten by using the latest version, doesn't mean you should dig up those old threads just to do so.

And as memory serves, there was a '30 second challenge' with this exact same idea but 30 seconds instead of 3 minutes, and a lot of those entries beat your score hands down.

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  • 4 weeks later...
What kind of stock parts are those?! What crazy mods have you used, because Kearth doesn't look anything like that, and how the heck did you change how the sun looks?!


Honestly, the only mod installed here is MechJeb which wasn't even included on this ship (as you can see from the missing toolbar on the right). I do have a pretty awesome PC I'm running the game on (highest resolution and graphics settings), so it's possible that's why you see a difference in how the sun and planet look in the captured video. I'm not sure how it looks on your system, but since I started playing back in July, that's how it's always looked on my system.

So, true to the heart of the original challenge it's done with stock parts and no applicable mods without cheats.

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Here's why:

"Reviving old threads, ie Necro-posting

Old threads that have run their course will sink into the bowels of the forums, and are best left to rest in peace.

As with old controversies, unless you have something to say that is relevant and would breath new life into an old thread you should just leave it alone, especially for any thread where it has been more than one month since the last activity.

For really old threads, more than three months since the last post for example, there is never any need to revive them, if you have something to say post a new thread and link to the old one instead."

Post a new challenge about it in that case, it's not that impressive beating a challenge from 2011. I'm sure a lot of challenges from back then could be beaten by using the latest version, doesn't mean you should dig up those old threads just to do so.

And as memory serves, there was a '30 second challenge' with this exact same idea but 30 seconds instead of 3 minutes, and a lot of those entries beat your score hands down.

Well, as mentioned in my original post. The point wasn't that I was trying to beat a "challenge from 2011". I agree there seems to have been a lot that's changed since then and it's not comparing apples to apples. What I did do is step up to a challenge that my friend threw at me (probably scammed from this post on a YouTube video) and recorded it. I was proud of what I did after weeks of us going back and forth on distances and posted the resulting video on YouTube. Then I ran across this challenge while scouring the forum and decided to post the video (purely to draw more hits on the YouTube post to be honest).

The challenge hasn't changed, just the environment it's held in, so I don't see the need to post it as a new challenge as though I've somehow come up with a new idea. That would be as equally pitiful as you make me already sound. I would however like to see what others can do in comparison so I can see if this is as good of a distance as I feel it is for a stock ship. Instead of trolling forum posters, why not shut me up with a greater distance? I do this purely for the fun of it, and welcome the challenge!

Oh, and I'll look for the 30 second topic. I don't see it being possible to beat my 3 minute distance in 30 seconds unless gravity is turned off or mods are on. Can they beat my distance I hit in 30 seconds, YES. But this ship wasn't designed for that challenge. It was designed and tuned for 3 minutes.

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Alright guys, this thread has run it's course. Two years is indeed way too much to bump for a challenge. If you really like it, feel free to make a new one and cite it was inspired by this, but reviving this just clutters and brings back the dust to the front pages and we don'T like it.

Also, please note that "lock this" posts go off rule 2.3 and rule 3.2. if you guys see something wrong, just report it, don't post that, else you could get warned personally and get an infraction if there's a repeated offence.

This being said, thread locked.

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