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Kerbal Construction Time/StageRecovery Dev Thread


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A few have had GUI problems when continuing from an old save but that's the only major issue that comes to mind. I have not encountered any major issues myself. So play it and see what happens :) Sometimes things only show up during actual play where things come up that aren't thought of while testing.

Last I was aware of yes. The base functions are planned to be in a release for getting it working, and the part inventory will be worked on after the "get it working" release.

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Disclaimer -- I understand this is a devbuild prerelease and I have made peace with the fact that this might simply not work as intended right now.

That said, I'm starting a new playthrough in KSP v1.2.2 64-bit for Windows.  I think I did follow the manual install instructions foir this devbuild prerelease KCT, applying it to a heavily modded (mostly CKAN, but a few manual-installed mods as well) and I think I plopped the .dll into the correct folder.  I can access the KCT gui in the VAB, for example.  However, "Launch Vessel" brings me right to the Launchpad, with no dialog box about the simulation.  The last time I played this was in KSP v1.0.5, back when it had a simulatikon mode baked into it, but I do have KRASH installed (I think.)  Recovering vessel from the Launchpad brings me to the recover screen with part costs and whatnot.  But then I see that the craft is in production with the KCT countdown and the KAC alarm properly set.

Was I in a KRASH simulation mode?  And the fact that I could "recover" the craft is something I need to take up with that mod?  Is this a known defect of this prerelease?  Did I install something wrong?  Is there a logfile that would assist in assessing my issue?

Thanks!  I love this mod, and I am eagerly hopeful that I can get some version of it working.

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You have missed a message from the previous page, " Your have the settings in KCT changed to enable "override stock launchbutton" which is known to not work. At this time that setting should NEVER be enabled. Go to your KCT settings and turn off this option." :wink: By having this option enabled, and subsequently clicking the Launch Vessel button, you used the stock launch system bypassing KCT. Once you turn this off you will get the Built Vessel button on the KCT VAB/SPH GUI for building.

KRASH uses it's own simulation start GUI from clicking the KRASH button on the toolbar.

It sounds like you have it installed correctly and should be good to go once you turn off the Override Stock LaunchButton option in KCT settings. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 11/3/2016 at 12:22 AM, JeffreyCor said:

Hello MerlinsMaster, I'll be glad to walk you though it. :)

Since it sounds like your first install, get KCT_base.zip and unzip the contents into your GameData folder. This gives you the base files and MagiCore.dll

Next, download the newest version of the KerbalConstructionTime DLL, which is currently 1.2_3. Place this in GameData\KerbalConstructionTime\plugins

Now you'll be all set to go to start testing and see what breaks :) If you have problems or something doesn't make sense just let me know.


So ive done this and still nothing when Im in the game.  It says that its installed on CKAN but still nothing comes up.... I tried it with Stage Recovery and it had no issues.

Any advise yall?

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  On 1/15/2017 at 3:22 AM, JeffreyCor said:

First off you made a HUGE mistake installing with CKAN. That is exactly why is it working. Start over and don't let CKAN screw it up.


So i downloaded the files manually and unzipped them in the respective folders... they're only registering on CKAN with no options.    

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delete what was installed before, then install per the instructions earlier in the thread. If you are using a save carried over from 1.1.3 there is known residual problems so you're better off starting a new save in 1.2.x or ignore the "simulate" option in the VAB/SPH GUI

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  On 1/15/2017 at 8:32 AM, JeffreyCor said:

delete what was installed before, then install per the instructions earlier in the thread. If you are using a save carried over from 1.1.3 there is known residual problems so you're better off starting a new save in 1.2.x or ignore the "simulate" option in the VAB/SPH GUI


Im not sure what my deal is....I got it to work back in October, but then I got a new comp and tried to install it and it doesn't work.  Im not the most tech savy individual but I know how to unzip and drop files.  Is there one compilation or one zip file that has everything one would need?  


What I used:

KCT_base-dropped in gamedata

KerbalConstructionTime_1.2.3-dropped in gamedata


Additionally since it didnt work I tried Kerbal_Construction_Time-1.3.4 and KCT- in the gamedata folder.  

But I fear that I just mucked it up even worse haha.

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  On 1/15/2017 at 4:40 PM, JeffreyCor said:

There is now for you :wink: Here is a full install in one package. Move everything into you GameData (delete the old first just in case)



That worked! I wonder what went wrong.  Thank you so much! I can start a new campaign now lol

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  On 1/15/2017 at 5:11 PM, cnhorn said:

That worked! I wonder what went wrong.  Thank you so much! I can start a new campaign now lol


The problem was that you put KerbalConstructionTime_1.2.3.dll into GameData when it should have gone into GameData\KerbalConstructionTime\plugins. I know you fixed it using Jeffrey's zip but thought you might want to know.

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I'm having an issue with part inventory. In short: it doesn't seem to work at all. When I recover a vessel then go to build the exact same vessel it takes the same amount of time to build as the first time.

Is there something I have to enable? I haven't been able to find any setting or anything other than a modifier for inventory parts. I also remember a long time ago there used to be an actual list of parts in the inventory but I don't see that anymore.

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I'm wondering if the parts system could be simplified.  Maybe by only storing build points per category (AFAIK parts can only belong to a single part category) or tech node instead of tracking possibly hundreds of different parts in the inventory.  

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Instead of simplifying I believe that would make it more complex. Instead of a part recovered gets a "reuse" build bonus, it would have to determine what category or tech node it belongs to, then determine the amount of points that it would be worth. When building a craft it would also have to do the reverse which would likely create a lot of lag.  Also, a bit less "realistic" as you'd get build bonuses for things you've never recovered. Though as that entire function is going to have a major overhaul and I haven't gotten any hint as to what exactly is planned for it anything is possible :)

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  On 1/29/2017 at 4:13 PM, WuphonsReach said:

I'm wondering if the parts system could be simplified.  Maybe by only storing build points per category (AFAIK parts can only belong to a single part category) or tech node instead of tracking possibly hundreds of different parts in the inventory.  


First the caveat: Like @JeffreyCor I don't know either if it is simple or difficult to make.

That said, I think your idea of tracking tech node bonuses could be fun in-game; possibly even more fun than the per part experience bonus we are used to.

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  On 11/30/2016 at 1:29 PM, beelzerob said:

Hopefully I'm not misunderstanding your question, but to build something from the VAB/SPM, you open the small KCT window and click the Build button.  You can see it in @JeffreyCor 's screenshot a few posts back.  You'll get a message at the top of the screen saying it was added to your build queue.


Bwahahahaha!!!!  I was silly!!!! :confused:

I have been scratching my head trying to figure out how to find the "Build" button so that I didn't have to go to the launchpad and then revert back to the VAB/SPH in order to get my ship to build in KCT......  And then I did some forum searching!  And woo!!!!  I found this answer!  

YAY!!!!!  it was right in front of me!!!! :o



Please note:  I may (did) have consumed (no, definitely) some (large and healthy) amounts of Scottish Liquid uhm.... "Courage" prior to (and during) this post. Hence the frequent use of these emoticon "things" :D

Edited by smotheredrun
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can someone give me dumb idiot instructions on how to install this? I tried the instructions linked in the OP but it didn't work.

am I missing a mod that this is dependent on? I put 1.2_3 or whatever its called in the plugin folder from KCT but it still didn't work...

Edited by StupidAndy
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  On 2/4/2017 at 7:17 PM, StupidAndy said:

can someone give me dumb idiot instructions on how to install this? I tried the instructions linked in the OP but it didn't work.

am I missing a mod that this is dependent on? I put 1.2_3 or whatever its called in the plugin folder from KCT but it still didn't work...


Yes, look up a few posts to the full installer I made and posted a link to. Install only takes placing everything in your GameData folder. :)

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For a self-professed hardcore KCT user, I use:

  • Overall Multiplier = 8
  • Build Effect = 4.5
  • Inventory Effect = 100-500 (has no effect currently)
  • Reconditioning Effect = 1728
  • Max Reconditioning = 16848000 (16 million, I may double or triple this for my next career)

For a VAB running at 1.75, that gives build times of 30 days for a small 1.25m rocket, about 48-60 days for a 2.5m rocket, 130-150 days for my MKS launches (800-900t), and 175-300 days for multi kilo-ton launches (3000t-4500t).  I may play around with Build Effect on my next career, going with longer build times for those 3000-4000t launches.

Rollouts are 2-40 days.  Reconditioning is 3x that (slider at 25%), but limited by the MaxReconditioning variable.  With 3 launchpads and six VAB production slots, I'm mostly able to keep up with launching everything I build and have not yet build a 4th launchpad.  Again, I might boost MaxReconditioning for my next career.

Be prepared to fast-forward for 30-90 days at a time.  Given that missions to Jool / Eeloo / Dres can take 2-4 years for the transfer orbit, this feels about right.

Plan way ahead for MKS/USI-LS bases / stations, because resupply can be months away.  Don't send 30 kerbals at once, send a crew of 3, then send another crew of 3 a few months later, etc.  

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