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The perfect joystick for KSP

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Normally I'd recommend that if you're getting a joystick, go full HOTAS so you can use the thing for all your games. But HOTAS is such overkill for KSP that I'd rather just use mouse and keyboard than go to the trouble of setting up my own HOTAS set :). In fact, for KSP, I'd recommend the simplest, least button-having stick you can find. All you'd be doing is using the stick to replace WASD and still using the keyboard for other commands and the mouse to rotate the view.

NOTE, however, that whatever stick you get, BE SURE it has enough mass, suction-cup feet, or Velcro to hold itself in place on your desk, so you don't have to hold it with 1 hand while flying with the other. Otherwise, you'll find it hard to do key commands (or push buttons) while moving the stick at the same time.

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I have a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro and it works great. I'm not the kind of person that is going to spend $100 on a joystick, so this was perfect for me. It also has a built in throttle, which is just amazing because you have extremely fine control of the throttle, and you can go from 0%-100% or vice versa nearly instantly.

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Well, if you find a joystick to be easier than the keyboard, then go with the one mentioned several times: Logitech 3D pro. It has X, Y, and Z axes and a throttle, plus many buttons for different assignments. I got mine for six bucks at a Goodwill, and it works great!

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Thanks for all the comments and the quick response! Yeah I'm pretty much totally just looking to use it for KSP so the Logitech 3D pro sounds perfect. I guess none of you have had a problem with its suction? I've played KSP since the early days on and off so it will be great to finally get off WASD.

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While it's probably a bit of an overkill for KSP, I have flown many great flights with a set of CH Products sticks. A full HOTAS from them is pricey, but you might do well with just the CH Fighterstick. I've got a full suite - stick, throttle and pedals, and I must say I nearly don't use keyboard now in KSP, except for action groups and EVA. It might not be too easy to acquire (CH Products is known for aircraft sticks and industrial switches, not game controllers), but those who do have their controllers swear by them. There's nothing better for immersion than a full HOTAS with pedals, if you ask me. :) Oh, and the control manager supports multiple control modes, which means you can switch from "rocket" to "airplane" controls with the press of a button. Very handy for shuttles (or indeed, spaceplanes of all sorts. "Rocket" controls are more intuitive in orbit). It can also bind buttons to keyboard keys, which gets around certain Unity limitations. Oh, and this stuff is near-indestructible, and CH sells replacement parts in case something did break.

In general, if you want a joystick that you could get used to and won't have to swap it out anytime soon, go for the Fighterstick. It'll last you a lifetime and you could augment it with throttle and pedals later on. It's prefect for KSP and flightsims, might be a bit too heavy for old-style "twitch shooter" space sims, but I've played Descent 3 and FreeSpace 2 with it without any problems.

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I've been considering purchasing a Joystick as well. However, I would only use it for this game, so I would like to hear from people who do use joysticks. Is it worth purchasing a joystick for this game? Ive heard from Scott Manley videos that the way keybinding works with this game makes joysticks difficult to use. How well do joysticks work with docking? Is a joystick better for translation during docking or for rotation? How well do they work with spaceplanes? It seems to me that spaceplanes are where one would find the most use from a joystick. Finally, is $30 a good price for this logitech 3D Pro, or should I shop around more.

(Sorry if I'm hijacking the thread, but this seemed like a good place to ask these questions.)

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I've been considering purchasing a Joystick as well. However, I would only use it for this game, so I would like to hear from people who do use joysticks. Is it worth purchasing a joystick for this game? Ive heard from Scott Manley videos that the way keybinding works with this game makes joysticks difficult to use. How well do joysticks work with docking? Is a joystick better for translation during docking or for rotation? How well do they work with spaceplanes? It seems to me that spaceplanes are where one would find the most use from a joystick. Finally, is $30 a good price for this logitech 3D Pro, or should I shop around more.

(Sorry if I'm hijacking the thread, but this seemed like a good place to ask these questions.)

Spaceplanes and docking do benefit the most from analog control, whereas rocket flight benefits the least. If you go with a full HOTAS setup, you want to have enough buttons to never need to touch the keyboard. I used to run an X52 Pro. Now, that's a super-sensitive joystick and there is currently a Unity limitation that makes super-sensitive sticks hard to use. I personally would say go with the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro unless you really want a full HOTAS suite, but then you do begin to talk about laying down some cash (X52 Pro right now = $120-$140).

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Spaceplanes and docking do benefit the most from analog control, whereas rocket flight benefits the least. If you go with a full HOTAS setup, you want to have enough buttons to never need to touch the keyboard. I used to run an X52 Pro. Now, that's a super-sensitive joystick and there is currently a Unity limitation that makes super-sensitive sticks hard to use. I personally would say go with the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro unless you really want a full HOTAS suite, but then you do begin to talk about laying down some cash (X52 Pro right now = $120-$140).

What is "HOTAS"?

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So is the x52 a good or not joystick if i'm just using it for this game?

That warthog looks nice but wayyy above my price range...

Whats wrong with using keyboard while using a joystick? I used to play independence War II using the joystick, keyboard and mouse at the same time. But thats another game from another era, long gone I'm afraid...

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Can u do the switch thing with the saitek 52? I really want it but it's so pricey. I saw a used one online? Would this be a bad idea?

Switch thing? What's that?

The X52 has 6 movement axes, 3 on the stick and 3 on the throttle. It also has a bunch of buttons and hats on each, and a mouse on the throttle. You can program different functions to all these things, even the normal stick axes, and there's a 3-position mode switch. That means each button/hat/whatever can have 3 different commands assigned to it, 1 in each mode. So literally, you can program several hundred commands into it. It's intended for modern jet flightsims with realistic cockpits with functioning MFDs and all that (hence the mouse) plus scads of other functions, so is of course overkill for KSP. But it's a good set-up.

My 1 major gripe with the X52 is that it has that never-to-be-sufficiently-damned twisty-stick for rudder control. That is absolutely the worst idea ever for rudder control. The previous Saitek X36 system had the best idea, a rocker bar on the bottom of the throttle handle. So with the X52, you either have to deal with the never-to-be-sufficiently-damned twisty-stick, OR spend another chunk of change on a separate set of rudder pedals (and lock the stick in place).

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So is the x52 a good or not joystick if i'm just using it for this game?

That warthog looks nice but wayyy above my price range...

Whats wrong with using keyboard while using a joystick? I used to play independence War II using the joystick, keyboard and mouse at the same time. But thats another game from another era, long gone I'm afraid...

The X52 is excellent, and the more you use it, the more you'll find yourself assigning various commands to it. And then you'll have it for any future games, as well. You never know. :)

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Whats wrong with using keyboard while using a joystick? I used to play independence War II using the joystick, keyboard and mouse at the same time. But thats another game from another era, long gone I'm afraid...

Technically nothing. However, if you choose to use a HOTAS setup, you will have difficulty retaining keyboard usage unless you have three hands. In that case, lots of buttons come in handy. With just a joystick, fewer buttons come in handy as you can retain your default keyboard bindings.

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I have a Saitek x52 Pro, and I actually find myself using the keyboard and the throttle. A good throttle is MUCH more important for rocket flight IMO (you can actually land and hover!), but the joystick is never precise enough for pointing a rocket. Only Imperial Stormtroopers - er, I mean MechJeb - is so precise (and the keyboard is still better than the joystick). Since I've only been playing KSP lately, I don't even have the joystick part plugged in, just the throttle.

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My extreme 3d pro arrives today, I'm also trying out a 3d mouse (I love gadgets and also want to try some 3d modeling eventually is how I justify it). For me keyboards are a pain and if I can get it set up to use the joystick and 3d+standard mouse most of the time I'll be thrilled. I'll let you know my experiences over this weekend if you're interested.

My mouse has extra buttons on it but unfortunately their placement is poor (it's a very small mouse due to physical problems I have with larger mice like Logitech's) and I'm always pressing the wrong one so I don't use them which is too bad they would be very handy (I could just set most of them to do the same thing, but hardly seems worth installing Razer's annoying software just for that).

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Just in case anyone is interested I'm finding the 3d pro way over-sprung like it starts hurting after a few minutes. Maybe mine is just bad. Might take it apart see if it can be adjusted or maybe I'll just send it back. The 3d mouse is going to take some practice but it's interest and shows promise.

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I'm reading that X-52 has deadzone in the center where movements are not being registered. How bad is this?

No issue with using my X52 stick for pitch, roll and yaw while flying. In fact I have to widen the dead zone a bit as my twist axis (yaw) has become a bit twitchy but it doesn't negatively impact my flying at all. I use the hats for RCS maneuvers so fine control isn't needed in the stick

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