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My Ideas Tank Is Empty!!! Help!!!


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So, lately, I've just been out of ideas for anything to build. I've already built a bunch of sane stuff, but I can't seem to build anything insane. I know that in a silly game like KSP, building Stupid things should just come naturally. However, I feel a lot like Scott Manley in the sense that both of us don't have that crazy mind that likes to think outside the box.

Any Advice for thinking inquisitively?

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So, lately, I've just been out of ideas for anything to build. I've already built a bunch of sane stuff, but I can't seem to build anything insane. I know that in a silly game like KSP, building Stupid things should just come naturally. However, I feel a lot like Scott Manley in the sense that both of us don't have that crazy mind that likes to think outside the box.

Man, can I identify with that. Some of the creative stuff here is absolutely amazing - not just the insane rockets, but some of the beautiful creations. I find myself all about big missions...and failing at them ;-)

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So, lately, I've just been out of ideas for anything to build. I've already built a bunch of sane stuff, but I can't seem to build anything insane. I know that in a silly game like KSP, building Stupid things should just come naturally. However, I feel a lot like Scott Manley in the sense that both of us don't have that crazy mind that likes to think outside the box.

Any Advice for thinking inquisitively?

Step one: Choose a mission objective.

Step two: Determine the sane, rational, optimally efficient way to do it.

Step three: throw in some self-limitations that destroy the ability to do the mission by your previous plan.

Step four: come up with some wacky way to do the mission.

Step five: . . . .

Step six: Profit.

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Turn your design philosophy inside-out. If you usually build vertically and efficiently, try building a booster farm!

Pick a ship (or three) from some SciFi and build that, like a Space 1999 Eagle, or a Pak ramscoop.

Or start experimenting in an effort to find more exploitable anomalies like the Kraken Drive.

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Part of me is grateful that I'm such a scrub at this game. I've been playing for almost 2 years now and still haven't managed to put a man on Duna, lol. To me there are still tons of insurmountable objectives to reach, and I will reach them one day. I'd love to tackle some of those crazy objectives you guys are talking about, but before I do that I have to complete the basic ones. In a way the game will stay "interesting" to me for years probably, while I struggle to send a Kerbalnaut all the way to Layhe or even Eeloo. Of course there'll be plenty of grinding frustration along the way, so I guess it balances all out.

Note, the reason it's so difficult is because I refuse to performe a manned mission if I suspect I will abandon the kerbnaut at the target destination. Leave no man behind! And so far all of my designs have had enough fuel to make it there, but not come back. Also... I feel bad sending them for so long a trip in those tiny capsules, so I feel I would need to build a large ship with multiple hitchhiker cans, AND have it all be able to return to Kerbin. Suffice to say all that is quite beyond my skill level.

Edited by PTNLemay
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Have you tried making replicas of real-life stuff? Try making a Dragon-F9, a Dream Chaser, a shuttle, a Gemini-Titan, Apollo... You can even try making one of these!

Making stuff inspired by things that could have happened is fun too. I'm working on a winged-gemini inspired pod using this mod. Have you ever heard of Project Horizon or the Zvezda Moon Base? How about recreating one of them? You can even use the Gemini pod you just built and go for an old fashioned direct ascent mission, inspired by this.

Also, check out this website. It has a ton of cool ideas and lots of info for your rocket building needs. :)

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Install life support mods and stuff like Deadly Reentry. They make the game a LOT harder and a lot more fun.

If you want to play stock only, well, here's some ideas:

1. Send a mission to go as close to Kerbol as you dare.

2. Make a space station in Sun orbit, maybe on the anti-Kerbin point or something like that.

3. Use SSTO planes to go everywhere.

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Not a problem I seem to have actually :$

I have real difficulty leaving Kerbin's SOI... not because I can't build ships capable of doing so but every time I think I've exhausted the possibilities I come up with some new way of tackling the old missions...

(Kethane mod... set up a land base on Minmus with a drill, a refinery, and a science lab... ship up an RCS-powered motorcycle (complete with science experiments)... set out to try to find every biome on Minmus with it. :D)

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3. Use SSTO planes to go everywhere.

I must have tried over 30 SSTO designs, and even with the rapiers, I can't seem to get to orbit. I'm either out of fuel or I don't have enough thrust.

If you have any tips for me, I could start focusing more on SSTO's.

Oh, and Astropapi, I tried to put a plane on another plane once, It flipped twice on takeoff :P

Edited by GamerMitch
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Part of me is grateful that I'm such a scrub at this game. I've been playing for almost 2 years now and still haven't managed to put a man on Duna, lol. To me there are still tons of insurmountable objectives to reach, and I will reach them one day. I'd love to tackle some of those crazy objectives you guys are talking about, but before I do that I have to complete the basic ones. In a way the game will stay "interesting" to me for years probably, while I struggle to send a Kerbalnaut all the way to Layhe or even Eeloo. Of course there'll be plenty of grinding frustration along the way, so I guess it balances all out.

Note, the reason it's so difficult is because I refuse to performe a manned mission if I suspect I will abandon the kerbnaut at the target destination. Leave no man behind! And so far all of my designs have had enough fuel to make it there, but not come back. Also... I feel bad sending them for so long a trip in those tiny capsules, so I feel I would need to build a large ship with multiple hitchhiker cans, AND have it all be able to return to Kerbin. Suffice to say all that is quite beyond my skill level.

I hear ya. While I have gotten my Duna returns down cold, the rest of the system is getting probes until I figure out how to bring stuff back. I've messed with motherships, but they don't have that much more delta-v than what I send to Duna. Dang rocket science.

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Well you can do science below the surface on Jool, yes its pointless as you don't need to go below 120Km to get all science.


This was the non science version, the only practical way to make an science version is to have the kerbal remove data and then jetison the science parts while trusting out of Jool atmosphere.

No I will not do it myself, the lander was done very utilitarian but still had an scary high Wackjob factor.

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Ever tried to build something really big you can't possibly get to orbit? Do it!!! I didn't succeed but maybe you do.

Edit: I've been building a mars base: base itself done, made out of 14 sections, a small(er) fast rover, a big (I mean BIG) fuel and a big rover carrier rover, now only the thing left is an airship capable of "repairing" (more or less) damaged small rovers, towing them up and carrying them.

Edited by Cyst
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