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Rovers. Let's discuss them, shall we?

So, at the moment they're in a pretty solid state, yes? I'd say so. But there are some features that would be nice to have for them that aren't in the game yet. While there's obviously the scope for more to do in EVA which will in turn enhance rover-use, I'd like to hear people's opinions on how they themselves could be improved. We'll start with a little suggestion or two of mine:

  • Rover/Small Payload Assembly Building: I have mentioned this way back, and am unsure if it comes under "graveyards and suchlike" in the "what not to discuss" thread. But since it doesn't seem to be a taboo topic, I'd like to spout about it. A building dedicated to building small payloads or rovers would be great. It could have specialised tools and options to make construction easier, and an option for fairings (which I won't go into detail about - they are taboo) of some description. There could then be a test option, in which you can put your rover to the test on various surfaces, at varying speeds, and stress-test them. The .craft could then be saved into a sub-section of the sub-assemblies labelled "Rovers and Payloads". There's a lot that could be done with such a building, and I for one would greatly appreciate having it.
  • Kerbal Interaction: Kerbals should have more interaction with rovers. At the moment, if your rover rolls, your rover is stuck. But what if kerbals could right it? I think that Kerbals should have the option to move a craft by hand - grabbing it somehow and moving with it in tow: whether by hand or rope. This would be a great feature, missions would be less stressful and Kerbals would have a point other than wheel maintenance and science. And it opens up the opportunity for towing crafts along the surface of a body (such as for base assembly or general recreation).

This topic is open for discussion. Feel free to digress slightly, provided that it's somewhat related.

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I'm with ya, rovers are fun- but, they do seem to be lacking. I agree about an assembly building, or at least some dedicated building tools. The space plane hanger does it, why can't rovers?

Yeah! It would also mean that you could create vehicles on Kerbin in an easier way: from cars to trucks, tugs to ships, etc.

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some kind of cargobay for rovers would be quite nice too. That should be a place were you store the rover (or other payload) that you built in the payload assembly building and later unpack it when you are on the destination body. Something like this was planned once, but who knows if the devs are still planning to make it with all the changes to the scope of the game since steam came into play....

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some kind of cargobay for rovers would be quite nice too. That should be a place were you store the rover (or other payload) that you built in the payload assembly building and later unpack it when you are on the destination body. Something like this was planned once, but who knows if the devs are still planning to make it with all the changes to the scope of the game since steam came into play....

That's a great idea. Maybe there should be some kind of customisable or porcedural part that acts as a cargo bay.

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I like the idea of the rover assembly area (raa) but I think, that you should be able to construct rovers on other bodies, it would give one more function to a base.. kind-of like the rover they assembled on the moon in the apollo mission. sort of a staked off area that you construct with your kerbal...

I know KAS can allow you to do similar things, but currently its limited in my opinion.

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I like the idea of the rover assembly area (raa) but I think, that you should be able to construct rovers on other bodies, it would give one more function to a base.. kind-of like the rover they assembled on the moon in the apollo mission. sort of a staked off area that you construct with your kerbal...

While I agree, this would mean starting on colonisation. That would be great, but not at the moment. The devs are planning the implementation of resources sometime in the not too distant future, they've got an agreement with NASA for some kind of asteroid landing mission, and they're getting career mode up to scratch. Having the RAA (I like that name) would be viable though.

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Well, except for what the devs are currently doing, nothing is going to be atm :(

BTW : just in case, this is on the already suggested/do not suggest list... so I say we find some reasons to keep this thread going..

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Well, except for what the devs are currently doing, nothing is going to be atm :(

BTW : just in case, this is on the already suggested/do not suggest list... so I say we find some reasons to keep this thread going..

Ah, right. So onto the EVA abilities: to flip or not to flip?

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i'd say simply make sure you have rcs thruster/fuel on your rover at all times. I've had to waste 15 mins on simply using hack gravity and projectiles to flip one of my rovers.

Ropes and cables for towing, would be nice though, rather than a direct connection with docking ports.

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Just wanted to point out, a KSP rover (even if small) can mass upwards to 1t or more. Unless you're on a low-gravity moon, no way you'll flip it.

I like to have very light rovers - they're compact and easy to transport, as well as being able to reach higher speeds. The first place you'll take a rover (except maybe Kerbin) is Mun/Minmus. Chances are, it will flip. At the moment there's no incentive to bring a kerbal on board other than a little more science. Having an action like that previously mentioned in the original post would be more of an incentive to use them.

Also: A wider base and lower centre of mass helps to keep a rover upright. The more you know :)

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I think a rover with more link points on the platform would be nice too for building small rovers. The current white rectangle base they offer is cool and all, but I wish it had additional points you could link stuff to.

Also, was thinking a small exterior location with a few small mounds of dirt would be amazing for testing. If you notice between buildings of say the satellites and rocket construction building there's a few roads that aren't part of either clickable building. I vote for turning a small spot like that into a test area.

At the moment, testing means using the launch pad itself and the satellite bases as the only real inclines for testing.

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Rovers should be giving more attention because guess what is exploring Mars right now? That's right, rovers. The should be given their own science parts and all together their own section

I think a rover camera would be great. Also, let's look at this for a moment:


Excluding what has been implemented, we can see:

  • A different rover body to what is in the game
  • What appears to be a rover camera
  • Some kind of pole that probably serves a purpose
  • Different wheels (I like the look of them, too).

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Turning the rover (or whatever else piece of hardware) right side up on EVA would be a nice feature. Probably not very realistic (moving a ton of mass is pretty hard even if it is weightless, it still has inertia) but definitely welcome to the game. Maybe Kerbals could get the ability to grab the surface and then use their jetpacks to move the thing.

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I think a rover camera would be great. Also, let's look at this for a moment:

Excluding what has been implemented, we can see:

  • A different rover body to what is in the game
  • What appears to be a rover camera
  • Some kind of pole that probably serves a purpose
  • Different wheels (I like the look of them, too).

That model was made specifically for that video.

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That model was made specifically for that video.

I know (it was a great video, I must say), but my point is that it would be nice to see these things in the game. Who wouldn't want to have a first-person view of what their rover sees? I for one would enjoy that.

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