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Saturn V project

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Hello this is Alizter here. I am long for people to work on a Saturn 5 mod. I need a 3D modeller and a texture artist. My position is to organise parts, crunch numbers and review the work that has been done.

If you fit in one of the categories (or both) you can contact me. My email is alizter1234@yahoo.com

I hope you are interested in this and I am looking froward to working with you!

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I\'m sorry, but people that do this sort of thing REALLY piss me off. 'Oh, hey, I have an idea. Can I have a bunch of people spend large amounts of their free time working on it for me, while I take the credit for the idea and design?'

If you want to make addons, get the skill to make them yourself. Learn.

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I\'m sorry, but people that do this sort of thing REALLY piss me off. 'Oh, hey, I have an idea. Can I have a bunch of people spend large amounts of their free time working on it for me, while I take the credit for the idea and design?'

If you want to make addons, get the skill to make them yourself. Learn.

but its hard. Do you think I made my sig myself?

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I\'m sorry, but people that do this sort of thing REALLY piss me off. 'Oh, hey, I have an idea. Can I have a bunch of people spend large amounts of their free time working on it for me, while I take the credit for the idea and design?'

If you want to make addons, get the skill to make them yourself. Learn.

You\'ll never make it to employment then. 99% of the world works like this (I don\'t agree, but it\'s what I\'ve seen. :( ). Look at the banks, corporations and media for plenty of examples. Hey, they\'ve even started sacking Games programmers and Artists the day before a game releases with the loophole that the game made no money before the company closed down, so no one will get paid (yep, codemasters does it, it\'s dreadful).

The only way to make it work is to either support people to learn themselves, or just walk on by. Not worth the time.

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Yes, it\'s hard, but people are always willing to help people who help themselves. All the software is free. This forum is free. The game is currently free. It can\'t really get any easier. Start with a cylinder. Get that in the game. Then paint a coke can texture on it. Get that in the game. Once you\'ve been that far the world is your oyster.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello this is Alizter here. I am long for people to work on a Saturn 5 mod. I need a 3D modeller and a texture artist. My position is to organise parts, crunch numbers and review the work that has been done.

If you fit in one of the categories (or both) you can contact me. My email is alizter1234@yahoo.com

I hope you are interested in this and I am looking froward to working with you!

Here the link to download a 3d model from the Saturnus V: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/3d_resources/assets/saturnv_c.html

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  • 4 weeks later...

I\'m sorry, but people that do this sort of thing REALLY piss me off. 'Oh, hey, I have an idea. Can I have a bunch of people spend large amounts of their free time working on it for me, while I take the credit for the idea and design?'

If you want to make addons, get the skill to make them yourself. Learn.

geez man,no need to be a dick
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