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[0.24] Distant Object Enhancement 1.3.1 - Planets/satellites in the night sky! (7/29)

Rubber Ducky

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Crash to desktop at the end of loading is most commonly caused by out of memory - especially if you just added a big mod such as Interstellar.

Do you use any texture memory reduction method, such as Active Texture Management?

Yes, I have it, and even without it I do not have a memory error. Without the DOE mod KSP ran just fine with ISM but as soon as DOE is introduced it crashes. If it was a memory issue it would have given me a hint of that in the error log but no such error was there.

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I decided to take a long distance shot, and got a pretty nice view of all the planets.


The dark spot in front of the Sun is indeed Moho.

Unfortunately most of my ships have decided that they want to either be nonexistent or stuck underground now, but I hope that's not the fault of this mod.

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I got some flight time in this weekend, and I really had a chance to see this in action. Seeing the glint of one of a space station I was chasing down was the clincher, although being able to distinguish Eve as well as Gilly on my moderate-zoom docking camera was a treat.

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So I've found a bug and was wondering if anyone else has run into it. Whenever I go to launch a spaceplane or rocket, a small solar panel spawns besides the craft. It's indestructible and cannot be removed from the config, if I manage to liftoff without exploding on the launchpad it will spawn in front of the spacecraft destroying it on impact. The bug disappears when I remove distant objects, all other mods work fine.

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So I've found a bug and was wondering if anyone else has run into it. Whenever I go to launch a spaceplane or rocket, a small solar panel spawns besides the craft. It's indestructible and cannot be removed from the config, if I manage to liftoff without exploding on the launchpad it will spawn in front of the spacecraft destroying it on impact. The bug disappears when I remove distant objects, all other mods work fine.

This is a bug with vessel rendering, which should be disabled by default if you have a clean install of the latest version (v1.2).

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Is this mod worth downloading now or should I wait until all the bugs are fixed?

There's a patch coming soon (couple of days maybe?), which will fix a lot of stuff. That said, the current build is stable enough, unless you go into the settings file and enable distant vessel rendering.

Also, are there some people here that wouldn't mind helping me test the next build? I think I've fixed the ship-eating error for good, but I can't really know for sure. There's also some cool new features that I'm rather excited about -- I'll get more specific on that later. Feel free to PM me if you're interested!

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There's a patch coming soon (couple of days maybe?), which will fix a lot of stuff. That said, the current build is stable enough, unless you go into the settings file and enable distant vessel rendering.

Also, are there some people here that wouldn't mind helping me test the next build? I think I've fixed the ship-eating error for good, but I can't really know for sure. There's also some cool new features that I'm rather excited about -- I'll get more specific on that later. Feel free to PM me if you're interested!

post it as a dev version on first page and make sure to know it for testing only and should find help. ill help test it also if u put it up. i have my own test install of ksp i use to test mods on.

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post it as a dev version on first page and make sure to know it for testing only and should find help. ill help test it also if u put it up. i have my own test install of ksp i use to test mods on.

The problem is that it might take several builds to actually fix the problem, and I don't think I can support a turnover rate like that with public tests. It's much, much easier to do private testing, as I can have one-on-one correspondence, and everybody knows for sure that these builds are unstable. Again, feel totally free to send me a PM if you want to help test the build, the more testers the better.

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Just confirming that the "crashing into a panel at 33000 meters" bug is gone after 1.2 :)

I wouldn't have time to do much testing, but I look forward to any tweaks to allow us to see craft from far off. The planets being visible in the night sky alone is worth the price of admission, though. Just had a great view of most of the planets from the KSC runway just before dawn. Of course I forgot to take a screen capture.

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There's a patch coming soon (couple of days maybe?), which will fix a lot of stuff. That said, the current build is stable enough, unless you go into the settings file and enable distant vessel rendering.

Also, are there some people here that wouldn't mind helping me test the next build? I think I've fixed the ship-eating error for good, but I can't really know for sure. There's also some cool new features that I'm rather excited about -- I'll get more specific on that later. Feel free to PM me if you're interested!

Thanks a lot, looking forward to it. Ill be checking up for updates.

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Is that even possible to see in real life?

Definitely. Check out heavens-above.com and their link for Iridium flares. You'll then be able to find out for yourself how good your location might be.

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Oh, yea if you ever happen to see the ISS pass over its bright enough to cast a shadow.. not kidding lol. Never seen a flare... But I see a dozen satellites pass over every night I'm out with my telescope. ( I usually setup around sunset so they start coming out by time I'm done )

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The ISS can easily outshine any star in the sky- it's pretty spectacular.

On a mod related note, could you make solar panels a factor in how bright something is? They're pretty reflective and I think they would make a difference- more solar panels = brighter dot.

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The ISS can easily outshine any star in the sky- it's pretty spectacular.

On a mod related note, could you make solar panels a factor in how bright something is? They're pretty reflective and I think they would make a difference- more solar panels = brighter dot.

Currently the size of the satellite is approximated by vessel mass -- I think I might have a better way to quickly approximate vessel size using bounding boxes, but I haven't looked too far into it yet.

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