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[1.0.5] Advanced Jet Engine v2.6.1 - Feb 1


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Camlost, I was testing an aircraft about the same weight as a F-16C, with the same engine and seeing if it could perform the same accelerate while vertical as the actual F-16C can do.

I Compared to the flight data provided to me from my FalconBMS install and FreeFalcon install and the data provided in KSP RO AJE. The thrust level falls off faster then expected. I think my data is most likely for the newer PW engine. My question is how does the real F-16C Block 52 accelerate while climbing at 80+ deg when the engine should be dropping power like a stone at that rate.

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Wait, does this mod needs B9?

No, but you'll be extremely limited without it (read, 2/3 engines).

I noticed with RO I had a bunch of intakes not working with AJE, so I just put together a quick fix for it.

@description=Pitot tube inlet, designed for subsonic flight

key = 0.0 0.95 0 0
key = 1.0 0.97 0 0
key = 1.5 0.90 0 0
key = 1.8 0.80 0 0
key = 2.0 0.70 0 0
key = 2.5 0.45 0 0
key = 3.5 0.00 0 0

@description=Pitot tube inlet, designed for subsonic flight

key = 0.0 0.95 0 0
key = 1.0 0.97 0 0
key = 1.5 0.90 0 0
key = 1.8 0.80 0 0
key = 2.0 0.70 0 0
key = 2.5 0.45 0 0
key = 3.5 0.00 0 0

@description=Pitot tube inlet, designed for subsonic flight

key = 0.0 0.95 0 0
key = 1.0 0.97 0 0
key = 1.5 0.90 0 0
key = 1.8 0.80 0 0
key = 2.0 0.70 0 0
key = 2.5 0.45 0 0
key = 3.5 0.00 0 0

@description=Pitot tube inlet, designed for subsonic flight

key = 0.0 0.95 0 0
key = 1.0 0.97 0 0
key = 1.5 0.90 0 0
key = 1.8 0.80 0 0
key = 2.0 0.70 0 0
key = 2.5 0.45 0 0
key = 3.5 0.00 0 0

@description=Pitot tube inlet, designed for subsonic flight

key = 0.0 0.95 0 0
key = 1.0 0.97 0 0
key = 1.5 0.90 0 0
key = 1.8 0.80 0 0
key = 2.0 0.70 0 0
key = 2.5 0.45 0 0
key = 3.5 0.00 0 0

I don't know where they come from, but this is for the 0.6M, 0.8M, 1M, 2M and inline intake. They are roughly balanced which basically means <1M have 1.5 area then 3 and 6 for the 2M one.

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SXT just released a new update: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24906-WIP-LLL-Lack-Luster-Labs-LLL-12-2-10MAY2014-SXT-15-1-09MAY2014?p=1225193&viewfull=1#post1225193

It contains a very small prop engine. How about making that a Lycoming IO-360? It was used on Cessna 720. Also, you could make a slightly uprated variant as Lycoming IO-550 (from Beechcraft Bonanza, SXT has a cockpit in this style).

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SXT just released a new update: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24906-WIP-LLL-Lack-Luster-Labs-LLL-12-2-10MAY2014-SXT-15-1-09MAY2014?p=1225193&viewfull=1#post1225193

It contains a very small prop engine. How about making that a Lycoming IO-360? It was used on Cessna 720. Also, you could make a slightly uprated variant as Lycoming IO-550 (from Beechcraft Bonanza, SXT has a cockpit in this style).

That engine is based on the Continental IO-550, although with much cunning and wit, I changed its name to the 'KO-550 Continental' in-game. The thrust should be about on-par with its real-life counter-part's capacity.

Did the same with the ~70% scale GE90 ripp-off, which I cleverly disguised as the 'Ke-90 Turbofan'.

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Well, AJE changed Ke-90 into a Progress D-18. So you could say we anticipated your making of An-225 parts. :) Indeed, I'm planning to write a rescale config for RO to bring those parts to the proper size.

I'm proposing IO-360, because it's the Cessna 720 engine. IO-550 would also work, though. Or perhaps we can have both, B9 gets a lot of mileage of it's turbojet model, and stock jets likewise have multiple variants.

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Well, AJE changed Ke-90 into a Progress D-18. So you could say we anticipated your making of An-225 parts. :) Indeed, I'm planning to write a rescale config for RO to bring those parts to the proper size.

I'm proposing IO-360, because it's the Cessna 720 engine. IO-550 would also work, though. Or perhaps we can have both, B9 gets a lot of mileage of it's turbojet model, and stock jets likewise have multiple variants.

Hehe, yeah. With the Ke-90 I was following the traditional ~64% scale used when importing real-life(ish) parts into KSP, 2.5m being the nearest size bracket (You'll want to scale it up by ~1.36 to get a proper GE90 size) D-18's a fairly good fit, shame the arse end doesn't look quite the same.

This should bring it up to about 3.4m

model = SXT/Parts/Engine/25mTurboJet/model
texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/Engine/turboFanEngine/model000
texture = model001 , Squad/Parts/Engine/turboFanEngine/model001
texture = model002 , Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1FuselageStructural/model000
scale = 1.36, 1.36, 1.36

I went with the IO-550 since the Bonny is based of the Beachcraft Bonanza (See what I did there, eh, eh, nudge, nudge). Never been a huge fan of Cessna's personally though, never could figure out why either.

I wonder if the IO-360 would be powerful enough though, it's rated at what, 160hp? So in KSP's kN terms, that's roughly 1.7kn give or take (bit of a hacky conversion, that). The 300hp (3.2kN) IO-550 I've got struggles a bit with FAR, so the IO-360 mightn't be powerful enough in KSP.

On the otherhand, why not both.

Edited by Lack
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If the masses are correct, 160hp should be ok. I'm not the one who decided the Bonny should weigh 770lbs! :P

(Actually, it's also an issue with pwings being of the mass of a military jet or spaceplane's wings, not a light plane. But that's fixable).

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If the masses are correct, 160hp should be ok. I'm not the one who decided the Bonny should weigh 770lbs! :P

(Actually, it's also an issue with pwings being of the mass of a military jet or spaceplane's wings, not a light plane. But that's fixable).

Well, a very basic Cessna or Beechcraft type plane with the Bonny will weigh in at about 700kg empty (+-50kg). A bit more fuelled up.

Compared to the weights of the RL counter-parts (Beechcraft: 1,142/1656kg, Cessna 172: 767/1111kg - empty/gross) that doesn't seem too bad.

Edit: Tested it. It can take off and fly around, so that's alright then. Be careful with banking though.

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I've been playing around with the B9 SABRE M engines, and they seem woefully underpowered in air-breathing mode. I looked up the stats and the maximum thrust is 1960kN, whereas the AJE configs have it set to 1200kN. Am I reading something wrong and am incorrectly using the engines, or should the configs be updated?

Nevermind, I am not a smart man: The engines don't produce the correct thrust if you don't have enough air intakes.

Edit #2: The wide-body fuselage adapter with built-in air intakes does not seem to be working as an air intake...

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Lack: Huh, I wouldn't have thought you could manage only 700 dry. Was that with pwings or Squad wings? Anyway, apologies, I stand corrected. :]

That's with Squad parts, I'm guessing pwings are pretty heavy then. You can do it with the small wings in SXT as well, but I'm having some trouble with them and FAR; and I keep making it worse every time I try to fix it. Need someone else to take a proper stab at them really.


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It's a bit tricky to fly due to the tail, but even with the IO-360 settings it flies pretty nicely.

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One question lack:

What were those other buildings at the space center, and where would the download be for them?

I that a while ago,

There's a download here:


You'll want the 'KSC++ v2' download.

And you'll need an updated version of Kerbtown, found here:


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Some mods add rescales of inlets which then lack AJE support. For instance TVPP adds a bunch of squad rescales, NathanKells RftS pack adds quite a few rescales of inlets from Squad, SXT, B9 etc.

These parts don't make sense with AJE installed unless they have proper support. Are we supposed to just delete them, or will AJE support be added later?

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Some mods add rescales of inlets which then lack AJE support. For instance TVPP adds a bunch of squad rescales, NathanKells RftS pack adds quite a few rescales of inlets from Squad, SXT, B9 etc.

These parts don't make sense with AJE installed unless they have proper support. Are we supposed to just delete them, or will AJE support be added later?

I posted a fix for the 0.6M, 0.8M, 1M, 2M and inline intake a little while ago. It's really easy to add it, just open the inlet config in AJE can change the part name and intake area as you wish.

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Well, a very basic Cessna or Beechcraft type plane with the Bonny will weigh in at about 700kg empty (+-50kg). A bit more fuelled up.

Compared to the weights of the RL counter-parts (Beechcraft: 1,142/1656kg, Cessna 172: 767/1111kg - empty/gross) that doesn't seem too bad.

Edit: Tested it. It can take off and fly around, so that's alright then. Be careful with banking though.

I built something that is kind of like a Cessna 195. It works as expected.


I actually love flying that thing.

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AndreyATGB, NathanKell: Thanks guys. I already made AJE cfgs for all of them. 16 new inlets to toy with!

One question though. If I would want an intake that performs a little bit better than the supersonic intakes, but not as well as the SABRE intakes, what should I change?

It looks like the n in "key=n" is higher for "faster" intakes, but what do the numbers mean exactly, something with power as a function of speed?

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AndreyATGB, NathanKell: Thanks guys. I already made AJE cfgs for all of them. 16 new inlets to toy with!

One question though. If I would want an intake that performs a little bit better than the supersonic intakes, but not as well as the SABRE intakes, what should I change?

It looks like the n in "key=n" is higher for "faster" intakes, but what do the numbers mean exactly, something with power as a function of speed?

Give me a copy so I can place it in the next release

the curve is percentage as a function of mach number.

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Give me a copy so I can place it in the next release

Sure, I'll PM you later. However I did it with only myself in mind. So I also did some more changes. I made B9 DSI intakes supersonic and Firespitter oblong intakes transsonic to replace them. Also I kind of guesstimated inlet area of some parts, because I was lazy.

the curve is percentage as a function of mach number.

Ok, so there has to be several other variables determining thrust than just speed then? At least I can't make my planes with subsonic intakes produce 70% of max thrust at mach 2. They reach ~mach 0.9 which I expect them to.

Edit: Oh and btw, I haven't managed to get the TVPP rescales of Squads intakes to work (the small radial and small ram). I think MM applies the rescale after your module was added and therefore the smaller parts have the same intake area as the original part.

Edited by ThorBeorn
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Thought you guys might like this, I've been working on an Antonov AN-2 for the past few days, finally got the engine and everything to state where I'm quite happy. The ASh-62IR on this is a tad bit overblown, but it's also a bit heavier than the IRL model. It flies at speeds pretty close to the RL model. Comes complete with leading edge slats.


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Thought you guys might like this, I've been working on an Antonov AN-2 for the past few days, finally got the engine and everything to state where I'm quite happy. The ASh-62IR on this is a tad bit overblown, but it's also a bit heavier than the IRL model. It flies at speeds pretty close to the RL model. Comes complete with leading edge slats.


You know I may have to move my navball, I didn't think to move it before. Thank you for inspiring me once again!

Camlost, the F-15C Eagle is rated at Mach 2.5+ but the P&W F-100s that you have modeled overheat at 10km AGL at mach 2. Perhaps they need a slight tweak to the heat range to fix this.

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