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What Your Kerbals Do Outside The Space Program?


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Just wondering what your Kerbals do outside getting blown up and going to space, and most preferably, more information regarding them and their life.

No Roleplay, please. Just information, which I will submit to the Society of Kerbal Socialogy (Yes that a thing. Kerbals study social science, beaus why not?)

Anyways, to start off, some info of my Kerbals.

Jebediah Kerman

- Married, has two children

- Serves in National Congress as Senator.

- Senate Minority Leader in National Congress.

- Likes to fish.

- Fondness for Italian Cuisine.

- Wishes to retire soon to teach Physics and Law at University.

- Memefied by the Kerbal Internet.

- Starred as himself in movie "Kerbal Who Conquered Jool"

- Pop culture celebrity

- Desk job at head of Astronaut Corps.

Bill Kerman

- Married, one child (Boy).

- Likes Italian Cuisine.

- Works with the Multinational Astronomy Committee as Chairman.

- Has two cars.

- Collects rocks. Very proud of a Duna rock.

- Favorite wine is De Grave.

- Starred as himself in the movie "Kerbal Who Conquered Jool".

- Only original astronaut still flying in the corps.

Bob Kerman

- Artist, paints.

- Brother owns trucking company.

- Has private pool, likes to fly his personal plane.

- Quiet, stays away from media attention.

- Now works in office job in Robotic Operations.

- Likes Jazz

- Slightly alcholic.

- Has mentored several astronauts, all of which became very successful.

- Plays piano and violin.

- Married, no children.

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Jebediah Kerman

-Trapped On Eeloo .

-Likes to take his boot off and rub it in the fine grain sand of Eeloo for a few seconds.

-Counting his 100th star, then restarts because no idea whats after 100.

-Thinking how great it is to be on his own planet.

- Wishes that his Rocket had the new Artificial Intelligence.

Bill Kerman

- Trapped On Eeloo trying to Rescue Jebediah.

- Revives Jebediah every time he takes his boot off in space.

- Keeps Telling Jeb that 101 is after 100 for he stops recounting the same stars over and over.

- Keep reminding jeb he is not on his own planet.

- Doesn't like AI so skipped the installation of AI on his rocket. Sometimes watches reruns of KattleStar Kalatica the new remake.

Bob Kerman

- Stuck in Jool Orbit trapped after trying to rescue both Bill and Jebediah.

- Likes to paint things on the wall, mostly of stick men eating snacks.

- Has a fondness for the color green.

- Mentions Both Bod and Jeb and his dislike for them, after trapping him by himself in Jool orbit.

- Wishing he did not have a huge planet and its many moons to himself.

- Likes to talk to his friend Hal.

Edited by malkuth
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Well, I'm writing a KSP fanfic. So, I guess I'll answer based on my story. ;)


Wife and child.

Lives in Kerbin City (yes, I'm referring to that one mod).

Huge interest in astronomy and astrophysics.

Best friends with Bill.

Loves spending time with friends and family.


Best friends with Jebediah.

Commonly spends time around KSC, doing work on and above Kerbin.

Like Jeb, large interest in astrophysics.


Most commonly works around the Joolian system, living on interplanetary bases.

Tends to see the beauty in the universe.

Good friends with Gerrim Kerman.

Yep, that's it. :P

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My Kerbals spend their downtime making snacks, watching KSC "safety" videos (What to do when everything around you explodes!) and drawing straws to see who'll be on the next flight :)

(Moved to Fanworks, Suggestion because people can suggest what Kerbals do)

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My main Kerbal, Ludorf Kerman, has never left Kerbin. He owns a telescope at his home and enjoys looking up at Eve and Tylo (I use Alternis).

He races rovers for a living. He won his Formula 2 championship, and next season he will be in Formula K, as he's been signed by the Kyrian Racing Team.

He enjoys island food, mainly fish and crustaceans. His favourite colour is purple, and his favourite number is #4. He won his first race in KerbalKart with kart #4, and it's a very special number to him.

He lives near KSC 2, along the river, with his wife and two kids. He owns two aircraft: a light aircraft (Kessler 172) and a business jet (KAF Jetstream 32) so he can get to the KSC and the race tracks.

Edited by Kyrian
Moar informations!
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I'm just going to type up these bios here, and try to keep them short. I make up a lot of Kerbal names.

Jebediah Kerman, from a very young age, was more into rocketry than breathing, much to the disdain of his parents, who feared less for him and more for themselves and the rest of the solar system if he got into the newly-birthed space program. He built a homemade rocket for his sixteenth birthday and it smashed a good-sized hole through both floors, the attic, and the roof of his house. At eighteen, he set off for two terms at Mennefry J. Kerman University of Science and Astrophysics, and applied for the space program as soon as he got out, at twenty-six. His application sat in the office of up-and-coming KSP director Emmeneil Kerman for several days, while the head of the program scratched his head wondering what to do. After advisory as to Jeb's level of enthusiasm for the project, the director finally signed him on as a test pilot for the brand-new rocketry commission. After proving himself with several booster rocket test runs, he became the first Kerbal in space.

Jeb currently lives in the dorms of the KSC (oft mistaken for part of the R&D center), with few family ties. His parents realized he was unkillable long ago. He is sometimes found alone at night in the Observation Dome, manning the huge telescope, listening to rock music and trying to spot decommissioned satellites so he has a target for his latest "recovery" mission. These missions are of course not sanctioned by the KSC - they just know better than to argue with Jeb.

Bill Kerman was a fairly quiet student for most of his child life. When he was nineteen, he joined the Air Force and ended up as a test pilot at twenty-four. He transferred to the space program at twenty-five, and became the first Kerbal in orbit at twenty-seven. He is currently roommates with Jeb at KSC.

Bob Kerman was that kid who tried to be cool and sort of managed it, always staying out of trouble. He ended up doing several patrol tours with the Navy and subsequently joined the KSP. He was the third Kerbal to reach space, and now lives several doors down from Jeb and Bill in the dormitories as an astroscientist. He has another part-time job as the voice of Rainbow Fish on "The Adventures of Psycho Dorky Fish." They say that if there's ever a manned mission to Duna, Bob will be the one to make the first step.

Edited by SuperWeegee4000
With thanks and apologies to Ian.
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Jebediah Kerman

-Vallentined with 20 children.

-Test Pilot for Kerbal Aeronautical Force.

-Owner and Founder of Jebediah Kerman Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co.

-Plays Acoustic Guitar.

-grows out beard and 'stach.


Bill Kerman

-Older Brother of Bob and Jeb.

-has a weird inter-species crush on my IRL friend Tiff.

-Head Engineer at Jebediah Kerman Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co.

-Bisexual, once was boyfriend of James.

-Looks after Jebediah and tries to keep him from his badS-ness.

-Author of the bestseller book "Derptober Sky"

-hates Mundays.

-Has a KerLorean Motor Car.

Bob Kerman

-Younger Brother of Bill and Jeb.

-Total Nerd.

-Teacher of Mathematics at Kerbin City High

-Was once the scientists at Jebediah Kerman Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co.


-married Vall-entined (It's the same thing for Kerbals) to Desley Kerman.

-a low amount of only 5 kids.

Desley Kerman

-Socially awkward due to bullying from siblings.

-part of an EXTREMELY large family of 148 siblings, consisting of 4 pregnancies. Desley was in the first group, and she had only one sibling from that group who later died from hydrazine poisoning.

-third female in a cockpit of any flyable kind.

-first female in space.

-Vallentine of Bob.

-Designer of the space suit.

-only 5 kids, very infertile.



-white facial mask and red misapplied lipstick.


-might be a disguised alien.

-used to be normal.

Gregby Kerman (any name similarity to that of the CEO of Gregrox Inc. Bar, Grill, and Rocketry is purely coincidental, this was a randomly generated Kerbal that I had nothing to do with.)

-*** change operation.

-hates Bill.

-stuck in geosync observatory.

John Rockomax

-CEO of Rockomax Conglomerate.

-Kerbal Elon Musk.

-Bill Gates Rich.

-Vallentined to Londo Kerman with 34 kids.

Jim Kerlington

-CEO of Kerlington model rockets and paper products inc.

-Not much is known of him.

Chad Sven

-Owner of C7

-is totally not a primate from an alien planet called Earth who created the universe.

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