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Apollo 13 Replica - v0.1


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This is an attempt to reproduce, insofar as KSP will let me, the Apollo 13 mission.

Apollo schematic overlay.png

Parts and craft file (24.4 MB)

Additional sound files (81.0 MB) (strongly recommended for the full experience)

If anyone knows how to make KSP play .mp3s or another compressed format, I would love to hear from you.

Many thanks go to:

Tiberion, NovaSilisko, and Sunday Punch for the NovaPunch pack: Apollo Instrument Package, Command Module/Service Module decoupler, F1 engines, fins, heavy strut, Lunar Module decoupler, Launch Escape System main tower, pad clamps, S-IC interstage, S-IC tank, S-IC thrust structure, S-II tank, S-II thrust structure, S-IVB tank, S-IV thrust structure

NovaSilisko for his Silisko Edition: Command Module-Lunar Module adapter shroud panel, shroud base, S-II interstage, Service Module Service Propulsion System. By Nova\'s request, there are no ponies on any of his parts.

Moach, for his Moachcraft pack: Command Module chute, Command Module heat shield, Launch Escape System blast shield, Service Module RCS tank.

GoDamitt, for the Kerpollo pack\'s lunar module: Commad Module RCS thrusters, Lunar Module crew capsule, Lunar Module ascent engine, Lunar Module RCS tank, Lunar Module RCS thrusters, Service Module RCS thrusters, Lunar Module descent stage, Lunar Module descent tank, Lunar Module descent engine, Lunar Module lander legs

Slew, for his Down Under Aerospace pack: Command Module RCS tank, heat shield jettison

C7Studios, for his C7 Flight Pack: Command Module-Lunar Module Adapter shroud jettison motors, Launch Escape System jettison motor, Launch Escape System pitch motor.

Captain Slug for his Assorted Hardware: Clamp stand leg, S-IC retros, S-II retros, S-II ullage motors, S-IVB ullage motors, explosive bolts.

Quabit, for his Advanced Decoupler: Service Module shroud assembly, Service Module tanks, Service Module central spar

Unlisted parts are modified stock ones.

I have left the author fields intact in all cases, postpending my name on account of the occasionally extensive modifications I have made to the .cfgs. If I have missed anyone or anyone objects to the attributions I am more than happy to address those concerns.

This is still a work in progress: An intact and flyable configuration is included, but to properly simulate an Apollo flight in the absence of docking, I need to build at least one more with the CSM and LM in a docked configuration. I would also appreciate bug reports/additional info on Apollo/Saturn bits that I\'ve placeholdered.














As you can see, I\'m fighting the rocket a fair bit in the later stages; something\'s causing the stack to torque into a roll and respond erratically to pitch commands. Those symptoms normally mean parts colliding, so I\'m going to try to narrow down the cause and fix it. My suspicion is the RCS/decoupler/heatshield/decoupler sequence handing off the command module.

Known issues:

(Items in ORANGE are in progress; items in GREEN are complete.)

1. The RCS don\'t provide pitch, yaw, and roll control when the ship is down to the CSM, and the gimballed engines do not provide roll control. These are KSP issues I have not found away around. RCS translation still works. As a stopgap, I have left the CM with a small amount of magic torque.

2. The engines and tanks are matched to real-world values on the following scale: 1 mass = 20 tne, 1 thrust = 20 kN, 1 fuel = 1 tne fuel. These values were chosen to provide a range where the CM wouldn\'t bounce like a superball on splash down and where the first stage wouldn\'t act like a pogo stick. Nevertheless, it still has a tendancy to do both. This is, I believe, largely due to KSP\'s engine. I\'m looking for parts that can mitigate the effects as far as possible.

3. As a result of being a translation of real values, the ship has a far greater deltaV than any mission in KSP could possibly require. If you\'re interested in a more balanced/challenging gameplay, Kerbalized fuel consumption figures are provided that roughly convert the flight profile into a Kerbal-scale Apollo mission.

4. I am aware that .wavs suck. KSP chokes when I try to tell it to play .mp3s however.

5. Rogue moment in the CSM. Probably overlapping parts, will try to isolate.

6. CM is not jettisoning cleanly from SM. Probably being pinched by the SM panels.

7. All the RCS units on the ship, including the ones on the LM, will fire when RCS is engaged. KSP issue.

To Do:

(not necessarily in order of priority)

1. Docked CM-LM configuration

2. More dramatic O2 incident-- gas bursts, propulsive venting, sound fx and so on.

3. Texture work

4. .zip upload

5. More videos and screenshots

6. Downgrading the structural strengths, so\'s midair backflips are not a matter of every day

If anyone has feedback or suggestions, I would love to see it. Screenshots/vids pending a time when it isn\'t 3:30am.

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Downloaded and had a quick look.

Pretty good for a non modeler. And it\'s quite obvious you have put a hell of a lot of effort into it.

I planned on making my Kerpollo mod much like this at the start, but quickly realized it was taking long enough to just get models made, working and configured. I would still like to make Kerpollo much like this tho, I would need a hand with configuring, testing and balancing etc.

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GoDamnit, you\'ve really got me looking forward to something.

Foamy, I really like the feel of this rocket. Everything just feels right about it. Only problem I have is with the sounds. Either there isn\'t any, or those little retro motors give me way too much.

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This forum needs a multiquote function-- or maybe it has one and I\'m a moron, either way.

First: Thanks, everybody!

Second: I\'m going to add a To-Do list to the OP. I\'m not satisfied with the current incident; like lordherrmann says, there really ought to be gas everywhere. An actual jolt and some proper sound effects for the O2 tank going would be nice as well. Also going on the list-- and rather more important-- is working up a docked-configuration version, so that when the SM meets its maker, there\'s an actual LM to serve as a lifeboat.

Third: Cepheus, the sounds of the main rockets were chosen so that they didn\'t drown out the effects in the full DL. If you DL the supplement and put the sounds in your sounds folder, you\'ll see why. I\'ll see if I can find a better option for people who don\'t wish to go for the full 100MB package. I left the retros alone because they\'re nice and dramatic that way.

Fourth: I hadn\'t thought of people not being able to read .rar files, what with WinRar being so readily available, but it\'s a valid point. Next upload will have .zip versions.

Fifth: Some screenshots:















As you can see, I\'m fighting the rocket a fair bit in the later stages; something\'s causing the stack to torque into a roll and respond erratically to pitch commands. Those symptoms normally mean parts colliding, so I\'m going to try to narrow down the cause and fix it. My suspicion is the RCS/decoupler/heatshield/decoupler sequence handing off the command module.

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I did download the extra sound package: it\'s that the engines are the only things I don\'t hear.

You don\'t get any sound from the F-1 or J-2 engines? They use the sound file sound_rocket_hard2.wav, which should be in your main KSP sounds folder if you extracted everything (it\'s included in the base package). I\'ll run a check with a clean install to make sure things are behaving the way I want them to if that\'s your issue.

Or are you saying that they\'re simply too soft?

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I don\'t think you can add custom sounds (or replace default ones) in the main Sounds folder, custom sounds go in Parts/partname/Sounds and are limited in scope to only that part.

You can. That\'s where they reside in my install; it saves me the trouble of needing to have it twice for each set of engines. The other custom sounds in the sound download also go there, and they are working for him.

Cepheus: Is sound_rocket_hard2.wav in your sounds folder?


Tested on a clean install, it works on my end. Make sure you have everything extracted to the right places; nothing I have will overwrite anybody else\'s items or game-stock files.

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It does.

When you post a reply, scroll down the page, on the right hand side there is 'insert quote'

There is a multinquote thing, simpily quote somebody, then scroll down and it will have messages from the entire thread then just click quote and it Will add it to your message

Like this, eh? Neat.

Anyway: Progress report!

I\'ve got a much better O2 incident set up; big gas burst, persistent gas cloud, sudden jolt to the vehicle and so on. I\'ve yet to actually put it on a full vehicle, because it makes the staging just that much more annoying to keep straight, but testbed news is good. It\'s also interesting how much harder it gets to navigate, even if you\'re someone, like me, that mostly uses the navball to keep things straight.

I have also made good progress with the Config 2. Certain elements presented some challenges: The Kerpollo upside-down folded lander leg is misaligned vertically, the Kerpollo upside-down descent engine had improper thrust and FX vectors and positions, the Kerpollo upside-down ascent engine had bad FX vectors and positions, and with fuel flow going from top-down instead of parent-child, fuel lines were necessitated-- unfortunately, the fuel lines kept just attaching back to the tanks, due to the geometry of the LM.

I\'ve solved all these problems, however. The docked-config LM/CSM vehicle is fully functional in all stages!... once I get my staging organised better. Still need to slightly tweak the ASAS unit to account for the increased angular momentum of the vehicle with the LM riding as a hood ornament instead of the trunk, but that\'s a minor matter. I also have corrected, in large measure, the ghost moments from the overlapping parts and fixed the CM/SM jettison to work properly once again.



I also discovered the CM can successfully deorbit using only its RCS thrusters:


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  • 2 weeks later...

First : GREAT MOD !!!

But there is some things I don\'t understand...

I cannot put it in orbit, I\'ve only managed to send it into space in suborbital...

And how do you get this CSM-LM docked configuration ? Because I have only 1 .craft file (apollo.craft) in my download ? I tried to 'grab' the LM and bring it with me but it flew away when i touch it or do nothing...

Oh, and I don\'t have engine sound too...

Am I a noob or is this a real problem ?

EDIT : So now it rips apart before I can jetisson the first stage :-\

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First : GREAT MOD !!!

But there is some things I don\'t understand...

I cannot put it in orbit, I\'ve only managed to send it into space in suborbital...

And how do you get this CSM-LM docked configuration ? Because I have only 1 .craft file (apollo.craft) in my download ? I tried to 'grab' the LM and bring it with me but it flew away when i touch it or do nothing...

Oh, and I don\'t have engine sound too...

Am I a noob or is this a real problem ?

EDIT : So now it rips apart before I can jetisson the first stage :-\

To address your concerns: At present there IS no docked configuration; I\'m working on making one, but I\'ve been sidetracked by the ME3 demo. And a very irritating timewarp bug that prevents CM jettison that I\'ve yet to isolate.

Are the sound files in the main KSP sound directory?

I don\'t know why you\'re only able to go suborbital or have the rocket shake apart. It is capable of a burnout velocity of upwards of 15km/s on a vertical ascent in the boost phase alone, and while the gimbals can trash the rocket, all you should need to do is engage ASAS and correct for roll.

It\'s not the saturnus V but a part. By the first stage it don\'t go in the air. And everything on my screen go now slow.

:( :( :(


The staging sequence is as close as I can make it to the original, which means that while you turn on the first stage engines initially, the rocket will not actually lift off until you disengage the docking clamps holding it to the pad. I recommend the following sequence for liftoff for anyone with the full DL:

1. Set throttle to 0

2. Hit spacebar

3. Engage ASAS

4. Wait until 0:32 and begin a 7-second throttle-up

5. At 00:39

9, hit spacebar

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Guest meteorite 101

I LOVE IT! great job and i like how real it was but can you dock with LM like in the movie and use it as life boat

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