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[0.90WIP] Procedural Parts - Parts the way you want 'em 0.9.21, Dec 19


Would you prefer decouplers to:  

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  1. 1. Would you prefer decouplers to:

    • Closely as possible follow stock behaviour
    • Have a sensible relation between size, decoupler force, and mass

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And still, horrible limits on tank volumes, how one is suppose to built realistilcal rockets with 10kL slices and no fuel lines? I mean...ffs, you folks apparently have stopped the GAME long time ago...

Apparently, strechtytanks remains even i don't like so much of them mouse games, but they are safer for my mind than these horrendous things. PP fails still...miserably :(

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  Makeone said:
And still, horrible limits on tank volumes, how one is suppose to built realistilcal rockets with 10kL slices and no fuel lines? I mean...ffs, you folks apparently have stopped the GAME long time ago...

Apparently, strechtytanks remains even i don't like so much of them mouse games, but they are safer for my mind than these horrendous things. PP fails still...miserably :(

Do you realize that every modder invests his free time trying to make the game experience better for you for free? swamp_ig doesn't owe you anything and if you don't like his mod or any other mod you can either give constructive criticism by telling your opinion on how you believe the mod would become better or stop using the mod and bothering the rest of us with your negative attitude.

Edited by petros_a_l
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Looks like I spoke too soon - even after ensuring I had PP 0.9.12 and RF6.0 on a clean install of KSP with the RPL mods, I'm still getting burn time issues with the SRMs - lower SRMs seem to more or less retain the proper burn time, but SRMs with solid stages below continue to default to a very short burn as soon as physics loads

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  Makeone said:
And still, horrible limits on tank volumes, how one is suppose to built realistilcal rockets with 10kL slices and no fuel lines? I mean...ffs, you folks apparently have stopped the GAME long time ago...

Apparently, strechtytanks remains even i don't like so much of them mouse games, but they are safer for my mind than these horrendous things. PP fails still...miserably :(

I've answered this question a number of times. I believe I've even answered it even to you directly. There's a section in the OP about how to change the tech limits. If you're incapable of following the simple directions there, then by all means don't use PP.

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  Makeone said:
And still, horrible limits on tank volumes, how one is suppose to built realistilcal rockets with 10kL slices and no fuel lines? I mean...ffs, you folks apparently have stopped the GAME long time ago...

Apparently, strechtytanks remains even i don't like so much of them mouse games, but they are safer for my mind than these horrendous things. PP fails still...miserably :(

You remind me of someone I don't like, nor should ever wish to meet. Also, "realistical"? Is that a word? According to English dictionaries it is not. Your ignorance combined with your tactless, and ungrateful demeanor renders you useless to humanity. So please, for the sake of nothing, because you hold nothing sacred (obviously), unhook your internet. You don't deserve it.

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Well ehm ... yes it's a bit tactless but I feel "useless to humanity" is a bit strong, don't you think? Let's assume frustration in daily life made him to use words he didn't really mean to and he'll learn not to do so in the future. :wink:

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  Ophiuchus said:
Looks like I spoke too soon - even after ensuring I had PP 0.9.12 and RF6.0 on a clean install of KSP with the RPL mods, I'm still getting burn time issues with the SRMs - lower SRMs seem to more or less retain the proper burn time, but SRMs with solid stages below continue to default to a very short burn as soon as physics loads

I've just discovered a bug in RF + PP SRBs, it's fixed. This may be the source of your issue.

Will post a patch in due course.

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A bit of further testing on a different computer with another fresh install showed the same problem. The test rocket consisted of a PPSRM kick stage under the fairing, a kerlox stage under that, a large PPSRM under that, and another kerlox stage under that:

PPSRM, liquid stage, PPSRM, liquid stage works



Add PPSRM boosters to stage 1, PPSRM stage 2 breaks



However, add non-PP SRM boosters and it works



Likewise, using a PPSRM as a first stage breaks the second PPSRM stage



And using a non-PP SRM as a first stage works



But adding PPSRM boosters to non-PP SRM breaks



It seems that using more than two non-symmetry PPSRMs will consistently produce the error







Additionally, the burn time will randomly change when reverting to VAB, but always within the 60-second range of the slider




I really appreciate the amazing work modders put into this game, and I especially love Procedural Parts SRMs, which look great. I enjoyed building mostly-solid launchers like Vega and Ariane 6 using StretchySRBs, and I hope to do the same with PP :) Again, I hope this isn't all the result of some stupid mistake on my part.

Edit: Thanks swamp_ig, looking forward to trying the patch

Edited by Ophiuchus
swamp_ig's post
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  Ophiuchus said:
A bit of further testing on a different computer with another fresh install showed the same problem. The test rocket consisted of a PPSRM kick stage under the fairing, a kerlox stage under that, a large PPSRM under that, and another kerlox stage under that

It took me far too long to realise that SRM meant Solid Rocket Motor. Do you use MJ for your SRM launchers? It doesn't seem to like mine at all, as it constantly stages them at the wrong time, or does weird things when my orbit gets close to my desired apoapsis.

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Swamp_ig: I would like to offer an apology. I have a difficult mindset (hopefully that is a proper word) and apparently i have some sort of depression going on, although i don't feel depressed, but...

Anyway, i do appreciate the many hours of works that has been done by you and others who have helped. PP is great mod (where does the 'mod' comes from anyway, modification?) and I will partially continue to use it, as some parts are very useful. I wonder if the tech limits are meant for stock tech tree rather than bit more demanding RPL tree? I hope that at some point configuration files could recognize which tech tree is going and modify those fuel tank capacities to more...sane amounts.

Oh, and when it comes for bad words, English is not my primary language although thankfully browser offers some sanity check there, but mistakes is bound to happen, of which i also apologies for those who get offended.

Markku B., Finland

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I tried compiling the plugin from the github repo, but I'm only getting the tank tweak for tank type. Others (shape, diameter, length, texture) are not showing up. Is there something simple I'm missing that was enabled/disabled?

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  OtherBarry said:
It took me far too long to realise that SRM meant Solid Rocket Motor. Do you use MJ for your SRM launchers? It doesn't seem to like mine at all, as it constantly stages them at the wrong time, or does weird things when my orbit gets close to my desired apoapsis.

I use MJ but not autostage or autolaunch, could never get autolaunch to work with FAR without flipping around like crazy and its easy enough to just use smartASS to smoothly change pitch and keep on the correct launch azimuth. Most of my SRM LVs have just under 9300m/s dv solid then a few hundred m/s in a hypergol engine for apogee adjustment and orbital insertion.

For now I've removed the MM file that hides StretchySRBs and just limit myself to one PPSRM per rocket (I love the pill shape for apogee kick motors) even though Stretchy has that weird bug where the top and bottom points move inside the motor when reverting to VAB.


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Oh and this bug shows up whenever I try to launch from Vandenberg:


Here the second stage is a PPSRM, the other stages are Stretchy. The PP engine bell appears in the air, and rightclick-activate engine results in this (igniting it in the air gives predictable results - a rocket instantly destroyed by FAR aero :)) Not a big deal since it only seems to happen in California and polar orbits are just as easy from CSG (or the Cape since RealGeorgia doesn't mind spent stages dropping out of the sky) but strange.


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  romie said:
how do i change the thrusts on the SRB i see no slider like i have for the burn time, i see that there is one in the pic in the OP

The two are equivalent: lowering burn time increases thrust, likewise increasing burn time decreases thrust.


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Without real fuels the thrust is set directly, the burn time is calculated at sea level and in vacuum. Since this is variable depending on the altitude, there's no 'burn time' slider since it's going to be variable anyhow.

With real fuels it's the other way around - the burn time is set directly and the thrust varies due to altitude (which is really how it should work). In this case you can set the burn time and thrust is calculated for sea-level and at altitude.

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  swamp_ig said:
Without real fuels the thrust is set directly, the burn time is calculated at sea level and in vacuum. Since this is variable depending on the altitude, there's no 'burn time' slider since it's going to be variable anyhow.

With real fuels it's the other way around - the burn time is set directly and the thrust varies due to altitude (which is really how it should work). In this case you can set the burn time and thrust is calculated for sea-level and at altitude.

o ok thanks i use real fuels and i see how it works now thanks just thought it be like in the pic

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New Features

  • Battery Part
  • Shape limiting on tech levels.

    Bugs Fixed:
    • Tweaking pill shapes
    • Fixed surface normal. Gold foil bump-map is still weird.

From this release, all my patches have been integrated into RealFuels and ModularFuelTanks, so you don't any longer need a patch download. Make sure you have 6.1 at least for RF, and 5.0.1 for MFT. There's still a bug or two with my patches for these, so stay tuned for fixes.

I'm sure there's gone to be some unrepentant winging criticism regarding limiting shapes on tech level. I'll put something up in the OP on how to remove the tech limits.

For tweakers, there's also a techObsolete property available, which will hide the shape once that tech is available. This did make some sense because cones are really just a special case of smooth cones. I've left it off for now however so you still have the same shapes all the way through.

I've also decided against continuing to use curse for downloads, so downloads back on github.

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