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[0.90WIP] Procedural Parts - Parts the way you want 'em 0.9.21, Dec 19


Would you prefer decouplers to:  

118 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you prefer decouplers to:

    • Closely as possible follow stock behaviour
    • Have a sensible relation between size, decoupler force, and mass

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swamp_ig: assuming you're doing all model changes on load, then KJR (which everyone should be using, basically) should properly interpret part size and set joints accordingly.

jsimmons: it's actually pretty tough (unless I hit an inspiration, or taniwha gets one) to change MFT/RF tanks on the fly. There's certainly no existing support for it. That's why there were so many different stretchy RF tank types. I would like to allow changing on the fly for PP tanks, but...no ETA.

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I did. What happen if anyone wants to create a new part?

Not for your mod, just for the game (lets said a decoupler), but they dont want add 1 part for each standard diameter. They can borrow your code (with all credits listed) to make their part with your system?

Or that is against your wish?

I'm fine with people doing whatever they want with my code. However, for the sake of avoiding fragmentation, it's generally best to contribute rather than fork, and for the same reason it's better if one person keeps control of a project or it tends towards cruftification.

Thanks to the work of jsimmonds, Decouplers are implemented and will be in the next release.

In case they can, how easy is to addapt your code?

Shouldn't be too hard. It's pretty well documented.

THat it would be the choice of the player, had some differences in the models or reduce their count part ,increasing game performance and increase their part possibilities by a lot.

If you dont remplace the standard parts with yours, you are doing the thing that you dont want.. That is, increase the part counts.

So maybe in the future needs to be a way to remove all game parts, or just ignore them in the game load.

You can hide parts in the VAB by setting the category in the config file to -1, you can do this pretty easily with module manager. The advantage of part hiding (rather than removing) is that existing ships with those parts don't disappear from your saves. It's really the part count on the ship you're flying that makes any difference to performance. Having parts just sitting around in the VAB makes no difference.

It wouldn't really be up to me to decide what parts people won't want to use any more. Procedural parts currently replaces all the stock tanks, but the detail level is lower and probably will remain so. The stock tanks will remain more pretty, so you might never use that.

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ok good to know, I hope this project receive more contributions.

(thanks jsimmonds)

About the hide.. In that case all parts would be load anyway and consume memory (from my low undestanding of the game engine).

In my case I have like 5 min of loading time with the active texture reduction mod. But maybe is just me.

Well you know, if you have some work that is repetitive and tedious, pm me, and I will see how to help you. (without credits).

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About the hide.. In that case all parts would be load anyway and consume memory (from my low undestanding of the game engine).

Yes that is true. I guess you could go forth and delete a pile of tanks and suchlike.

So the things we can happily delete:

Tanks - really for those containing stock resources.

1:1 Part adapters - these can be replaced by structural tweakables

Nose cones - as above

Stack Decouplers / Separators - new stack decoupler part now available

Again, you could do that with a module manager config file really. That way if you want to install a new version of whatever mod, you don't have to go through removing things again. Feel free to create a few module manager configs to do those things if you like, I'll make them available in a zip file much like StretchySRBDeprecated.zip.

Come to think of it really the contents of StretchySRBDeprecated would be best done as a module manager.

Anyhow, got another job I can PM you about if you're keen.

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I also have some free time in my hands, so if there is ModuleManager/Data gathering stuff, or any thing that doesn't require actual coding knowledge, I'm happy to help.

Also, will the next update have proper RealFuels/ModularFuelTanks properly implemented?

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I'm having trouble integrating this with RFs still. I'm getting very, very low volumes (less than 1.0 units at the default size). Also the mass is reset to 0.0

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This is the RCS tank, I just renamed it to balloon.

And this is with a clean install, with only Procedural Parts and RFs installed.

Edited by Yarbrough08
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atm i build a space station and because of the part count i have some related suggestions:

- battery module (stack)

- life support module (stack; TACLS integration)

- docking port with adapter (stack; conic adapter)

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Could we have a Procedural Crew Cabin or Pod/Lander Can? I reckon that would be awesome. Maybe which one it is could be defined in the tweakables, and offer different textures/Geometries depending on the purpose of the part?

i think the bigest problem there is the interior.

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What do you think of getting rid of decouplers and just selecting the attach node on any part you want to decoupler from and giving it the decouple property?

Hmm... not something I personally like, but I can make the DecouplerTweaker module compatible with doing this if you want and you can roll your own configs.

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Could we have a Procedural Crew Cabin or Pod/Lander Can? I reckon that would be awesome. Maybe which one it is could be defined in the tweakables, and offer different textures/Geometries depending on the purpose of the part?

This is being worked on.

The main issue with crew cabins is the IVA, which would need to be rescaled.

Procedural probe cores aren't too difficult, but will think about them later.

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It would be cool to be able to have a huge bell housing on a standard engine (power, TWR and ISP unchanged), then the Apollo CM could be reproduced without having a skipper in it...

Is this a separate mod or is it a continuation of stretchy tanks?

What I mean is, will my ships that I have built with stretchy tanks need rebuilding? (I`d probably do this but wouldn`t want to)

Can`t wait for the `proc pack` which (in my mind) would be the one stop shop for proc parts in a single mod.

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