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[0.90WIP] Procedural Parts - Parts the way you want 'em 0.9.21, Dec 19


Would you prefer decouplers to:  

118 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you prefer decouplers to:

    • Closely as possible follow stock behaviour
    • Have a sensible relation between size, decoupler force, and mass

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Heads-up: KSP-AVC doesn't recognize the update, thinks that 0.9.17 is still installed.

If the KSP-AVC warning does bother you, you can edit it by hand. KSP/GameData/ProceduralParts/ProceduralParts.version should say this:

"NAME": "Procedural Parts",
"URL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Swamp-Ig/ProceduralParts/master/ProceduralParts.version",
"VERSION": "0.9.[COLOR=#b22222][B]18[/B][/COLOR]",
"MAJOR": 0,
"MINOR": 24,
"PATCH": 2

That bold red bit is really the only change. Since the license (CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported) allows it, I'm also uploading a zipped copy of the fixed version file (Edit: removed link b/c NathanKell posted an update). Unzip it in your GameData folder and merge – there's only one file in there. (Edit: or you could download it from the link in the code).

Thanks again to NathanKell and Taniwha for their continued efforts to keep Swamp_ig's mod going. Very much appreciated. :)

Edited by Master Tao
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I have the great pleasure to report that, as far as I know, PP is now fixed.

Outstanding! Just DL'd, installed and we're back in business. Way to go Nathan. I hereby dub thee "Mr. Mod Fixer Extraordinaire". Maybe Nereid will create a ribbon for you. Thank you.

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Just tried out the update, and I can confirm that the issue with resizing and scaling has been fixed, at least for me. Thank you again NathanKell, for this and all the other mods you maintain. I'm pretty sure half the mods in my folder are your work or have been transferred over to you.

Can confirm Nathan's mods as "Game Essential".

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Mathijs: you built the latest release using the latest (1.7.0) KAE? If you don't get the same behavior, *please* post what you built.

Folks, my sincere apologies. Been working away at this; so has taniwha, and I even enlisted regex's help. We're still utterly mystified, because it'd be one thing if *nothing* worked, but the cones *do* work.

Voidryder: thanks!

The infuriating thing, though, is that in *this* sole case...nothing weird gets put in the log. That's why it's so hard to fix.

Nathan, if you still (since you fixed it) tcare about my build ...

I think this is it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1Y7F0l-EjgjVzJGYUY2MC1xYkE/edit?usp=sharing but I got it from recycling bin, so i'm not sure this is the exact one. (I tried and tossed away a few builds)

Not sure about the ksapiextensions version. I got it from another mod folder (procedural fairings if i remember correctly).

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Thank you so much for fixing PP! What was the problem? Time to get rid of all the tanks cluttering up the inventory!

Judging by Nathan's commits: It looks like there's something wrong with the callback function, "RegisterOnUpdateEditor", in KSE.

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Thanks! :]

Well, my fix is really just a hack around the issue, and ferram pointed out there's still a bug with SRB nozzle placement. So expect another release before too long.

Also, release updated with fixed version file. It was fixed in git, but I forgot to include it in the zip. Sorry.

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... and ferram pointed out there's still a bug with SRB nozzle placement.

Is that the issue where the nozzle is placed off-center on the Procedural SRB when you have small bells? I'd seen that issue in previous versions too. Had used StretchySRBs in 23.5 to get around it.

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I'm using Realism Overhaul and RealFuels.

Could someone explain to me what the Balloon type fueltanks are for?

I figured out that I need the Cryo for cryogenic fuels and the ServiceModule for life support, energy and pressurized fuels. But when would I need to use "Balloon" or "BalloonCryo"?

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I'm using Realism Overhaul and RealFuels.

Could someone explain to me what the Balloon type fueltanks are for?

I figured out that I need the Cryo for cryogenic fuels and the ServiceModule for life support, energy and pressurized fuels. But when would I need to use "Balloon" or "BalloonCryo"?

Balloon tanks are lighter than their standard counterparts. In the real world they require pressurization in order to hold their shape, otherwise they'd collapse upon themselves. So in KSP...dry weight/volume is less with balloon tanks.


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Balloon tanks are lighter than their standard counterparts. In the real world they require pressurization in order to hold their shape, otherwise they'd collapse upon themselves. So in KSP...dry weight/volume is less with balloon tanks.


Thanks for the quick answer!

I guess Procedural Parts balloon tank then should also be able to hold Monopropellants / Hypergolics and not only ServiceModules? But that maybe is something RealFuels would have to change (if it is correct), right?

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*All* tanks are pressurized. The distinction is between tanks that are mildly pressurized (everything but ServiceModule), and tanks that are *very, very* pressurized (ServiceModule) and are therefor fit for pressure-fed engines (RCS are pressure-fed engines btw).

RedAV8R: yep...

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Is that the issue where the nozzle is placed off-center on the Procedural SRB when you have small bells? I'd seen that issue in previous versions too. Had used StretchySRBs in 23.5 to get around it.

It's not just small bells... :)

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So, I'm trying to make a texture pack for these and I'm having some issues with the Config. I have it set up just like the other texture packs, but they don't seem to work. Any advice?

Here's the config I'm working on.

// by Taki117
texture = PPKWTex/KW1
bump = PPKWTex/1_25ShaftsF1Normal
uScale = 1
vScale = 1
autoscale = true
autoWidthDivide = true
texture = PPWTex/EndCapF1

// by Taki117
texture = PPKWTex/KW2
bump = PPKWTex/1_25ShaftsF1Normal
uScale = 1
vScale = 1
autoscale = true
autoWidthDivide = true
texture = PPWTex/EndCapF1

// by Taki117
texture = PPKWTex/KW3
bump = PPKWTex/1_25ShaftsF1Normal
uScale = 1
vScale = 1

texture = PPWTex/EndCapF1

// by Taki117
texture = PPKWTex/KW4
bump = PPKWTex/1_25ShaftsF1Normal
uScale = 1
vScale = 1
autoscale = true
autoWidthDivide = true

texture = PPWTex/EndCapF1


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I would be more than happy to help you figure out/implement the proper equations to apply for price and mass-scaling for each of the different shapes available in Procedural Parts (PM me if you're interested in my help). One of my best subjects was Geometry back in my high school days (though I've now graduated from Graduate School).

If you want to help, you should head over to the Github page and take a look at the code. Yes, ideally the base price and weight should both be based on surface area multiplied by wall thickness. KSP already handles fuel price for you so volume doesn't need to be in the equation.

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And you have MM (I presume) and you have this cfg file somewhere in GameData?

What does you GameData/PPWTex folder look like? Screenshot of the folder?


I do Have Module Manager, and my GameData is quite literally just PParts, the folder containing my textures, Squad (Minus the parts folder) and Module Manager. The Config will load fine (According to the Module Manager Message it says 1 patch applied) but when I go to swap the textures they do not appear.

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You've got a few lines in there where you use "PPWTex" rather than "PPKWTex", which might be causing the issues if PP requires that an end texture be found for it to work.

That's probably it then. I did it once and then just copy/pasted. Thank you for taking a look at it.

Edit: Yep, that fixed it. Now to finish editing the textures. Thank you!

Edited by Taki117
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