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speed increases as im going towards my APoapsis ?

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I'm not sure why this is happening, maybe there is a physics thing I havent picked up. but for some reason, on my minmus transfers as I get closer to my apsis, my speed is increasing, which is strange since I'm half-way to minmus, not burning and definetely not near the SOI of minmus.....

any effects i'm not taking into account or is this a bug ? :huh:

Edited by Nemrav
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OK, so as you climb out of the gravity well of Kerbin on your way to Minmus, your speed is INCREASING?


Is your speed indicator set to surface? If it is, what's going on is that you're at a super-synchronous altitude, and the planet is moving faster than you are. So, as you climb higher, the planet below rotates even faster relative to you. That causes your climbing speed.

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OK, so as you climb out of the gravity well of Kerbin on your way to Minmus, your speed is INCREASING?


Is your speed indicator set to surface? If it is, what's going on is that you're at a super-synchronous altitude, and the planet is moving faster than you are. So, as you climb higher, the planet below rotates even faster relative to you. That causes your climbing speed.

He did say it's set to 'Orbit'...

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yes it is possible that it was surface, but really, this has happened many times, stock and modded, guaranteed to be in orbit mode...

guess I could uninstall my part mods on my steam save and try and replicate the effects... or il search some footage I already have as a demonstration..

should this be moved to bugs ?.....

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I'm going to second sal's observation here. From what I've observed, most of the time the indicator should tick over automatically to whatever the game deems is the most appropriate setting, but if you've already manually cycled through the modes once, it seems to "stick" to whatever you left it on last as long as you're still on the same flight. It's fiddly about things like that.

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