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Trying to make a spaceplane to dock with Station Aleph (at a 200km circular equatorial orbit) without High Altitude Flight or Advanced Aerodynamics technology nodes and their dependents. Stock career. While I've managed a couple of different spaceplane designs that achieved orbit (the first without even having Supersonic Flight, a modified version carrying a haphazard probe), none have managed to get high enough. One time I got an intercept, but ran out of fuel trying to match orbits and had no monopropellant or oxidiser left. And it wasn't really compatible with Station Aleph's current tug, which might end up being replaced (again) at some point. Back to the drawing board.

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I built a VTOL Crew Carrier, it packs up to 7 Kerbals.

I am so tempted to call it "The Hot Dog", delicious Kerbal meat between two buns of flaming liquid fuel.


~Kerbal aerodynamics~

contemplating how to do career mode in RSS, if that's even possible.

Why wouldn't it be?

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I have a long-term Laythe colonization project going on. The Prometheus has already arrived there to scout for possible colony sites, while its probes scan for kethane deposits at Laythe, Pol, and Bop.


The most promising site so far is an equatorial island with kethane deposits. There is a somewhat level patch of land on the crater rim between the lake and the sea, so that's where the colony is probably going to be.


Today I built a second-generation utility tug that should be capable of both orbital and atmospheric operations. There were some surprising problems during the flight tests: the ship has way too much thrust without payload. If I follow my usual SSTO ascent path, the ship will climb too quickly, run out of air, enter a violent spin, and lose its jet engines.


The utility tug was the last piece of payload for the Nostromo, which is now waiting for the next launch window to deliver some habitation modules to the colony. The plan is to use the utility tug to land the habitation modules as close to each other as possible. I'm not sure whether it will work at all, or if I should start planning the next-generation habitation modules that are capable of landing on their own.


My heavy refueling infrastructure is also waiting for the launch window.


In the launch window after that, I'm probably going to deliver colonists, rovers, atmospheric jets, and some equipment to refuel those jets.

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~Kerbal aerodynamics~

Slapping the atmosphere in the face 1750 m/s, because physics... and that´s the compact version of the craft, take a look to the medium sized version that carries the crew of 7 and a big rover.

Here´s a detailed video on it and a download link to the .craft file :)

Edited by Wooks
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I recently downloaded and installed the Realistic scaled system mod, but went with the Kerbin version so I don't lose the KSP feel. This with the advanced jet plugin which turns the jet engines into realistic engines. And the Real fuels mod by Nathen Kell, I have been quite busy relearning things.

So I have been starting small, I built a jet plane to test out how the engines behave and the fuels affect the weight. I have a nearly working SSTO space plane already, I have made it up to 68km with the current fuel load and engine combo. I just need to enlarge the aircraft a bit and maintain the power to weight ratio, which is simple enough. The hard part is the changes in drag, which I am not looking forward to figuring out.

After I get that thing working I will have to deploy another communications satellite network, which I am not looking forward to, I may finally break down and get Mechjeb because I really don't want to deal with placing the satellites in a Keosync orbit manually again. Last time I did it with a spaceplane, it took 2 days to get the satellites in place and that was on a stock sized Kerbin, not on one with an atmosphere that goes up to 91km and requires over 9km/s d/V!!!!

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Tiny tiny pic :P

Which is a good thing for some mobile users. :wink:

Just click it!

Trying to built a space plane to retrieve my Duna crew when they return - not good ...

Playing with the thought of building a space station again, but dreading .24 to invest to much energy into this.

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I Just Finished My Satellite Network In Kerbins Sphere Of Influence I Have A Big Main Satellite Orbiting At 2700Km Above Kerbin. I Just Sent Up 3 Probes To orbit The Mun. 1 Was At A 90 degree inclination the other a 60 degree inclination all at 60Km And Then A central hub for the probes at a 0 degree inclination where the undocked and used there ion engines to get them into there inclinations. And My New Jool Satellite Pack Labyrinth Just Refuelled at My Minmus Satellite, then they are to go to the Jool System where the labyrinth explorer splits up into 5 Medium Sized Satellites All With 1440 Liquid Fuel To Give To My Future Space Missions which happen to be in need of fuel and pass by Jool

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Working on making a successful Mun fly-by in the Better Than Starting Manned. Electric charge is the main object, and the batteries I have store 400 units of charge for .3 tons. And the probe uses 10 charge per minute...

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Whell, I finally reached the limit of my poor old laptop on that last lift, the game kept crashing. That was the incentive I needed to finally go get a new one (the mission clock is supposed to be green? Who knew!). There was still some wonkiness with that ship, so it's been scrapped and is being rebuilt.

So, now that all that is gone I have an opportunity to redesign a few parts. Mostly I'm concerned about the ISA GPS unit not working right, I really wanted that on my rovers. Is there a decent replacement for that mod that is working in this version?

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Currently working on going bigger and better:


That's a Nova-C8 design for an Apollo style Alternis-Kerbol Mun mission. It needs to be able to send an orbiter, lander and a long term hab with enough fuel to propel itself back to Kerbin to the other moons of Jool. Given that the Mun is larger and harder to land on in Alternis and that I tend to overdesign things for aesthetics over efficiency means that a pretty big rocket is required...

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My manned Tylo lander The Tylonian 2 The plan is To Land is to land on tylo with 7 crew Ascend back to orbit and become a Temporary Station And then a Unmaned Rescue Craft Would Dock and Take the Crew home.

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