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Whackjob challenge: Shimmy's Quest!


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So Shimmy on the official KSP stream gave me an interesting challenge. He'd mentioned he'd like to see me launch one of my monsters on the real solar system mod. So, this challenge begins! Here's what I promised to deliver:

  • A Whackjob style launcher
  • Arkingthaad style munar lander
  • No mods permitted, excepting real solar system
  • A semi plausible part count
  • Something fun

When I build and perfect it, I will email him the craft file.

Project begins!

Also wanna take a moment to thank Shimmy. I was kind of directionless for a while. Had no goal and was sort of aimless. Got a project, now!

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Lander built. Orbital insertion stage built. Now on phase: Add boosters until orbit get! Progress photo:


#EDIT: Shakedown run a failure. Not a bad one. The outer boosters are striking the central column. The seperatrons I've got going up and down the whole stack are insufficient. But this is merely an engineering problem. Solution? Well, I've made handmade boosters...


... so why not handmade seperatrons?

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Much success! Many tons shed. Very seperatron. Wow!

Didn't need to shed the boosters at that altitude, but I wanted to see how my action grouping would work under full power and with most of the OJ still in the tanks. Despite shutting off the boosters and then kicking in the seperatrons I made, the center stack, still under full power, was able to plow right through without striking a single thing! I am delighted.

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Just RSS? Why not FAR, It would be even more challegning thanks to aerodynamics, and Deadly Re-entry :D

Shimmy probably couldn't take the part count that would require.

#EDIT: Starting over. Taking what I've learned about how much mmrph I'll need to orbit in real solar system. So I'm going to a six-symmetry build for stability purposes.

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It wouldn't surprise me if Whackjob is mentioned somewhere in the Bible.
He is! I think it started with a flood and the plan to save two dogs and his family in a small boat... ;)

Good luck with RSS, Whackjob! You are probably the first person to install RSS without FAR though... xD

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Good luck with RSS, Whackjob! You are probably the first person to install RSS without FAR though... xD

FAR looks like it has all kinds of custom parts. That immediately makes me suspicious... I don't want to end up with engines or tanks that are more powerful or efficient than what we've got with vanilla. I'm not out to do the easy. I'm out to do the difficult and the nasty.

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