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[0.23]Cargo Transfer Bags and Tanks(for TAC life support) 0.7

Albert VDS

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Well, thank you, don't forget Albert for creating this add-on, I'm just helping other people's requests that I see and it turned out I was here often. :) That'd be some motivation.

By the way, I was using my textures there when I was fiddling around, kindly change it to the texture you want.

right now i'm just using the blank texture but if you could posibly suggest some fuel,kethane,RCS,Xenon and rocketpart (maybe a bolt for electricity?) symbols for the bag i'd gladly do the rest myself :P

Edit: hmmm... converting them from TACLS is harder than i thought... is the mesh supposed to be in the code? cuz it isn't in the "cargotraferbag.cfg"

Edited by AntiMatter001
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What do you mean?

BTW, Albert, we could really use a tank, two tanks sitting beside each other with straps would do. Just a suggestion. :D

uhhh you forgot the .mu at the end of each model path. it doesn't know what you mean if you just write it without the ".mu"

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With Eagleshift's textures and Blackheart's science texture as well as his invaluable help, I made this. There are three sizes (original cargo size that acts like a KAS container, the backpack size (photo 1) for life support (has all 4 variants, each with the right resources), and the science pack that is the size of the EVA mobility pack (You can store science experiments in it). They have a close fit and allow the use of the resources they hold.



BlackHeart, thanks for adding a description, it was a nice surprise. Here is my version. A bit long and boring perhaps...


Oxygen: "This supply of oxygen came to be after a mission where brave Kerbaunauts discovered that the equipment they needed had been forgotten back home."

Food: "Kerbals don't often grasp the notion of sharing and when comes snack-time, and locking the door on their fellow Kerbaunaut still on EVA isn't uncommun. Thus was born the EVA snack dispenser system. Bob proceeded to test this innovation that had used up all of RnD's budget. He came back with smeared mayonnaise all over his helmet."

Water: "Although packing water inside a zipped up bag isn't considered the wisest thing, it didn't deter Kerbal scientists of global renown to applaud this revolution in resource transport."

Edited by Aknar
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With ShiftEagles textures and Blackheart's science texture as well as his invaluable help, I made this. There are three sizes (original cargo size that acts like a KAS container, the backpack size (photo 1) for life support (has all 4 variants, each with the right resources), and the science pack that is the size of the EVA mobility pack (You can store science experiments in it). They have a close fit and allow the use of the resources they hold.



BlackHeart, thanks for adding a description, it was a nice surprise. Here is my version. A bit long and boring perhaps...


Hey, you scorched my name :mad: Anyway, glad my work could help you in any manner !

But if you need the source for the texture to make your own without having to edit the thing the hardcore way, I could release the SVG file (I work with vector images for such things. So much easier to edit things !).

You'll see there's very little work put into that, but at least, anybody with Inkscape would be able the roll it's own textures, to fit their roleplay or put stripes on it to make the rocket go faster :sticktongue:

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yes T.T they don't show up... what i did.

1) delete everything except the transfercargobags folder.

2) reanmed the "oxygen,food,water" resources to "fuel,rcs,etc..."

3) load and it's not under utility.

i'm using linux.

Where were we, what's the problem?

With Eagleshift's textures and Blackheart's science texture as well as his invaluable help, I made this. There are three sizes (original cargo size that acts like a KAS container, the backpack size (photo 1) for life support (has all 4 variants, each with the right resources), and the science pack that is the size of the EVA mobility pack (You can store science experiments in it). They have a close fit and allow the use of the resources they hold.



BlackHeart, thanks for adding a description, it was a nice surprise. Here is my version. A bit long and boring perhaps...


Oxygen: "This supply of oxygen came to be after a mission where brave Kerbaunauts discovered that the equipment they needed had been forgotten back home."

Food: "Kerbals don't often grasp the notion of sharing and when comes snack-time, and locking the door on their fellow Kerbaunaut still on EVA isn't uncommun. Thus was born the EVA snack dispenser system. Bob proceeded to test this innovation that had used up all of RnD's budget. He came back with smeared mayonnaise all over his helmet."

Water: "Although packing water inside a zipped up bag isn't considered the wisest thing, it didn't deter Kerbal scientists of global renown to applaud this revolution in resource transport."

Hey, awesome!

Can't wait for this to be done :D

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The valve has too much polygons. Could make it more "kerbish" - brick shape valve and square section pipes. Also, tanks straps could be somewhat like simple struts - no need for them to wrap the tanks.

With all these you could cut dot polygons by, say 30-40.

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Where were we, what's the problem?

ok let me first explain what i'd like to do.

i'd like to use these bags to transport fuel and/or other resources from kerbin to (say) duna or a spacestation but don't want to clunk up cargo space with huge tanks.

is there a way to convert these into the said fuel tanks/cargo bags that i'd like?

i've given it a shot but they don't show up in the VAB or SPH under utility so i'm guessing i've done something wrong. do you mind having a go at it and posting a config of what works?

i'm at work right now so i can't get you my config files to show you what i've done. sorry.

thanks in advance!

p.s: i don't want the life support bags because i don't have TAC Life support or MFT so... yeah...

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Hmmm, try this:


// --- general parameters ---
name = RCSTransferBag //Always change this name
module = Part
author = Albert VDS

model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/[B]RCSTransferBag[/B]/CargoTransferBag //Always make a new folder for each and change directory, mainly this part.
texture = CargoTransferBags, CargoTransferBags/Parts/[B]RCSTransferBag[/B]/CargoTransferBags //Same as above.

// --- asset parameters ---
scale = 1
rescaleFactor = 1

// --- general parameters ---
node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0

attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0

// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = survivability
entryCost = 2800
cost = 340
category = Utility
subcategory = 0
title = RCS Transfer Bag
manufacturer = VDS
description = RCS Test

// --- general parameters ---
mass = 0.07 //Don't forget this
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.3
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 12
breakingForce = 400
breakingTorque = 400
maxTemp = 2900

name = KASModuleGrab
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.2, -0.22)
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = False
//storedSize = 16
attachOnPart = True
attachOnEva = False
attachOnStatic = True
attachPartSndPath = KAS/Sounds/attachTape
grabSndPath = KAS/Sounds/detachTape

RESOURCE //Make sure you put the right name in it.
name = MonoPropellant
amount = 20
maxAmount = 20


The critical point there is in model {}.

I always dedicate a folder with the exact model and texture name for each resource, and only the folder and the config name changes. Even the config doesn't need a name change, just the content of it.

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Hmmm, try this:


// --- general parameters ---
name = RCSTransferBag //Always change this name
module = Part
author = Albert VDS

model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/[B]RCSTransferBag[/B]/CargoTransferBag //Always make a new folder for each and change directory, mainly this part.
texture = CargoTransferBags, CargoTransferBags/Parts/[B]RCSTransferBag[/B]/CargoTransferBags //Same as above.

// --- asset parameters ---
scale = 1
rescaleFactor = 1

// --- general parameters ---
node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0

attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0

// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = survivability
entryCost = 2800
cost = 340
category = Utility
subcategory = 0
title = RCS Transfer Bag
manufacturer = VDS
description = RCS Test

// --- general parameters ---
mass = 0.07 //Don't forget this
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.3
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 12
breakingForce = 400
breakingTorque = 400
maxTemp = 2900

name = KASModuleGrab
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.2, -0.22)
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = False
//storedSize = 16
attachOnPart = True
attachOnEva = False
attachOnStatic = True
attachPartSndPath = KAS/Sounds/attachTape
grabSndPath = KAS/Sounds/detachTape

RESOURCE //Make sure you put the right name in it.
name = MonoPropellant
amount = 20
maxAmount = 20


The critical point there is in model {}.

I always dedicate a folder with the exact model and texture name for each resource, and only the folder and the config name changes. Even the config doesn't need a name change, just the content of it.

i can see why you changed the model and texture but why doesn't it work with different named configs (so like "Fuelcargobags.cfg, Xenoncargobags.cfg") in the same folder? (i think this is the problem. i put all my Edited configs into the same Cargobag folder)

i mean why doesn't it just use the same model and texture but different resource/cargo?

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If you use the same texture/model, that's fine, don't change the model{} it'll still show up. You don't need to add folders anymore. But don't forget to change the rest that I marked there.

i'll take a look at it when i get home... that config set up looks like mine but if it works then who am i to complain.

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i'll take a look at it when i get home... that config set up looks like mine but if it works then who am i to complain.

found my original problem. i put it into the parts folder D'oh.

got it working now sorry for the little mistake i made but i thought you just drop the file INSIDE the "CargoTransferBags" folder into the KSP Folder... (you don't. you drop the extracted .zip into gamedata) that's why it didn't pick it up. thanks for the help though

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You can actually put it wherever you like, just make sure the directory in model{} knows where to go. :)

here's my finished cargo bags... they don'thold two fuels which is odd but i'll try to look for a fix... maybe i wasn't supposed to put the resource code twice. will fix soon.


yeah i put it in parts but didn't edit my paths so it flipped up. thanks for the help.

oh those symbols on my cargo boxes are from hexcans and interplanatary launch pads so all rights go to them. the RCS is my own :P

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