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I don't mean to be rude, so if I come off as that I apologise, but what in Jebadiah's name made you think that would actually fly?

Everything I can see wrong:

The Centre of Mass on that is way off. Those two tanks plus that side mounted command pod. Why? For a return pod? Why not just have the main pod decouple and call it a day?

That Rockomax adapter, why? Just why? I can see that it's to mount the other command pod, but that throws off your CoM.

Those grey tanks, why aren't they in line with the orange tank? Is there a decoupler there? If so, why isn't it Asparagus Staged?

Delta V. That doesn't have nearly enough. To get anywhere. For a suborbital hop, sure, that'd do ya. But, why not just build a plane and do it that way?

All in all, it's inexperience that is leading to these mistakes. Hang around the forums, go watch some of Scott Manley's vids and you'll be putting 100ton payloads on a single launch Jool trajectory in no time.

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