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[Plugin][WIP]Nova's Plernets Dev Thread(PlanetFactory CE)


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Ever wish that all of these planet packs added what actually was planned to be implemented by the devs before Nova left? Well, this planet pack is for you! Nova's Plernets(thumbs up if you get the reference) adds Gas Planet 2 as it was envisioned by NovaSilsko. If you don't know what his plan was, click here. In the future, this planet pack will add more than GP2, so keep following this thread. Also, this planet pack will not make up ridiculous names, only a couple of silly ones.

This is my motivation for making this mod:

  1. Since Nova left, it is unlikely that his ideas for the rest of the Kerbol system will be implemented. This mod is intended to preserve those ideas and bring them to life. So this mod is a bit of a source of nonstalgia in which users can remember some old ideas that aren't going to be in the game.
  2. 2. I am slightly annoyed with many of the planet packs out there. Many are either very unrealistic(*cough cough* moons of moons*cough cough*), not stockalike, or just plain... weird. While I respect the ideas of those pack-makers, I want to make something close to the stock KSP planet experience.

And before I show the planets, I have a message for the developers of this amazing game:You are allowed to implement these planets. I will not mind. You will probably do a better job on them anyway.

So what are we waiting for! Let's see the plernets!

(Note: this album and OP will be changed as development proceeds.)

The New Gas Planet


Centaur(a pun on Sentar) is the largest planet by diameter in the solar system. However, it is less dense than Jool. It, in fact, has such a low density that it would float on water.

How Centaur Looks


As one can see, Centaur looks similar to the livestream picture found on the wiki page. In the future it will have more moons, including Eeloo(which won't be so lonely). It is also planned to have a ring system, which is prevented from coalescing into a new moon by Eeloo's gravitational pull.



Daphy is a small moon slightly larger than Minmus that formed out of spare ring material. Its surface is made of a snowly powder referred to as "fluff". It seems that some impacts with bodies in the ring system have blown away areas of "fluff", revealing the compacted ice below.



Potatus is another small moon resembling a potato. It spins so fast that it is deformed into an elipse. While it is only possible to land on the equator with KAS grappling hooks, the poles rotate at a slow enough speed that it is possible to land on it with only landing legs.

At the time of posting, there is no download link. That is because it is not complete enough for a 0.1 release. Down below, I have provided a road map for future development. When the pack is released, I will open a release page on the main addon forum.

Development Road Map

  • 0.1(First Release) - add basic Fonso, fix bugs, and tweak.
  • 0.2 - Write a plugin that moves Eeloo into an orbit around Centaur, add oceans to Fonso, and add rings to Centaur.
  • 0.3 - Tweak Centaur system, add the basic form of Gas Planet 3, which has a wiki page here, and its moons.
  • 0.4 - Add the currently hypothetical Gas Planet 4 and its moons, and polish Gas Planet 3.
  • 0.5 - Add a lava dwarf planet, and a Pluto analouge in an orbital renosance with Gas Planet 4.
  • 0.6 and up - Who knows?

Any suggestions are welcome, especially ones that point out unrealistic features. Keep it to constructive criticism though.

All non-obsolete posts are after post #12.

Edited by gutza1
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  wasmic said:
Accordin to Nova, the GP2 would actually be 50 % larger than Jool, and therefore it would probably also be denser. Anyway, can't wait to see how this turns out. Looks great for now.

Centaur is actually 9,000 km in size, just like it says on the wiki. However, density is only a measure of how compacted a piece of matter is, so a gas planet could be theoretically lagrer than Jool but have less density. I actually did that because Centaurs moons orbited at ridiculous speeds if their parent planet is too massive.

  NovaSilisko said:
... continue.

ERMAGERD NERVA PUSTED ERNLY CHIKENZ ZERPAZZZ THIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Does the chicken dance in celebration. I love chickens:sticktongue:.)

Edit1: Before this was an official dev page, it was a teaser, and apparently people didn't like that, so they rated it one star. Is there any way to reset the rating?

Edited by gutza1
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Just as a warning, due to RL I may have trouble finding time to work on the weekdays. This weekend I have a project, so I may not have time to work on this mod in the next couple of days.

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  gutza1 said:
Centaur is actually 9,000 km in size, just like it says on the wiki. However, density is only a measure of how compacted a piece of matter is, so a gas planet could be theoretically lagrer than Jool but have less density. I actually did that because Centaurs moons orbited at ridiculous speeds if their parent planet is too massive.

Right, that makes sense. My reasoning was just, that since the planet grows bigger, there's more gravity, and therefore higher pressure. Of course, it can be hand-waved by saying that it is just made of lighter gases. Oh, and congrats on the Nova-approval.

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  gutza1 said:
It, in fact, has such a low density that it would float on water.

Its probably fine that its less dense than Jool, but I really doubt it would be realistic to have its density be less than 1 g/cm3, considering that all planets in KSP are an order of magnitude denser than their real-world counterparts.

Anyway, keep up the good work. Too many of the planet packs I've seen either add too many objects, add unrealistic things like moons around moons, or are just not in the spirit of KSP.

Edited by jfull
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  jfull said:
Its probably fine that its less dense than Jool, but I really doubt it would be realistic to have its density be less than 1 g/cm3, considering that all planets in KSP are an order of magnitude denser than their real-world counterparts.

My initial thought as well. The density or Saturn is actually less than 1 g/cm, but due to KSP being downscaled, it should probably be a bit heavier. Anyway, if it makes the planets rotate too fast otherwise, it's better to make it lighter.

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Sorry for not updating yesterday. I didn't have access to the computer because I had friends over. Tonight I have to go to a play and I have to work now, so expect no progress updates for a couple of days. I will be able to answer questions, so ask away!

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I do hope that someone realizes that hijacking nova's vision and taking a stab at it without his permission is at best rude and at worst illegal. The plans for these planets were and still are his intellectual property. I can't really comment on the OP's talent or execution in making planets from the couple pictures provided, but, I can testify to nova's immense talent in making planets for Kerbal Space Program, as can anyone who's been off Kerbin, or tied out his alternate universe mod. Falling short of this high mark would be failing to do a justice to the solar system that was and will always be nova's, and in so doing belittle his hard work and the value of his vision for the system.

If it weren't for nova's (hesitantly?) saying to do so, I would have trouble saying that this should continue.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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