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[WIP] (Stage Idea/recruiting) Reflective glass for all pods?


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I'm searching to know if this idea is possible:

If reflections mod http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70089-Reflection-Plugin-Continued only allow a per-part rendering, I was wondering if make "real windows" parts for all stock and most famous pods would be possible.

How? Well, we can add windows parts wich in fact are just new layers for the glass, with reflection mod applied.


Sadly I need someone who knows how to create parts. But I can do all the artistic work!, so someone who consider this possible is available?

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1)import .mu for the iva into blender

2)create window geometry

3)add window to iva as a prop



edit: exterior version: Probably best to point the cfg to a new model.

Edited by Nazari1382
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What does John Lennon have to do with KSP?

Just wanted to do a funny kind of bump thread. No more non-100%-related content. Promise. I have an infraction by this and I don't want more.

But "seriously": a little sense of humor would be much better than that type of attitudes.

In fact and about this concrete case, immo and as a creative, I think that any pop culture piece mixed with the game universe expands the game in self (generating memes -in his vast meaning-, role sympathy, impacting much more across cultural conexions and so on...).

Why exists things like Kerbalizer? It's just Kerbals with content not related to the game.

Another very simple example: the flags. Why people do, for example, his country flags for a game about an hypotetical/alternative kind as the kerbals?

There you go. Nothing related, just people creating cultural ties between the game and his lives.

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1)import .mu for the iva into blender

2)create window geometry

3)add window to iva as a prop



edit: exterior version: Probably best to point the cfg to a new model.

I speak about the exterior of the window. Reflection plug-in acts over the meshes, so if I want (as example) use it in the cupola I must convert the stock texture to TGA (bad); create a new "reflection layer" via alpha channel (modify a stock texture? too bad) and finally lose the stock look of the stock piece "just" to gain a realistic reflection in the windows. (as you see a very bad way to get a simple reflection in the windows)

So I propose a new "piece" to add and get exterior reflections in stock pods and cockpits: an invisible overlay for the stock piece (cupola in this case) just with a polygon to cover the windows, apply a new glass texture and the reflection plugin to that mesh, not the original one.

Maybe my english is too bad yet to explain this things clearly. Sorry.

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