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[1.8.x-1.10.x] SmokeScreen 2.8.14 - Extended FX plugin (18 April 2020)


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I'm running KSP 1.3.0 heavily modded.  One of the issues I've noted is that upon Reverting to Launch , the SmokeScreen+RealPlume exhaust doesn't show.  This happens whether or not there was an craft flown in the Launch prior to the Revert to Launch.  Work-around is to Revert to VAB/SPH and relaunch.

Log files of a test run here.


In the test, I did the following.

1.  Started KSP, loaded savegame, went to SPH, loaded a craft.
2.  Launched and flew the craft with a visible exhaust.
3.  Reverted to Launch and flew the craft, no exhaust visible.
4.  Reverted to SPH, Launched and flew the craft with a visible exhaust.

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  • 2 months later...

I've mentioned this in the SDHI thread, but I've noticed: Smoke Screen seems to be bugged with the SDHI launch tower (so the plumes are always burning, even before the system is activated). Everything else works fine, you just have that graphical glitch (and oddly, not in any other launch towers). This may be something on SDHI's end, but I wanted to mention it for anyone else. 

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  • 1 month later...

Is there any possibility for "per nozzle" configuration? Or, at least, possibility to remove effect for some nozzles, because "stock" SmokeScreen configs (i.e. RealPlumes) give weird result if engine (RE-D7 "Bollard" from Ven's Stock Revamp for example) have nozzles with different sizes:


Edited by Canis Dirus Leidy
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  On 12/15/2017 at 7:09 PM, Canis Dirus Leidy said:

Is there any possibility for "per nozzle" configuration? Or, at least, possibility to remove effect for some nozzles, because "stock" SmokeScreen configs (i.e. RealPlumes) give weird result if engine (RE-D7 "Bollard" from Ven's Stock Revamp for example) have nozzles with different sizes:



Hum, tricky question. If they all uses the same transforms name I don't see how it could be doable. If they uses different names then it may be doable with multiples effect definition but I never tried.

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  On 12/15/2017 at 7:14 PM, sarbian said:

If they uses different names then it may be doable with multiples effect definition but I never tried.


It works well with different transform names and multiple effects definitions -- I've used that kind of a setup on my vernier-equipped engines in SSTU (RD-107 + 108's, others).  -- https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/blob/master/GameData/SSTU/ModIntegration/RealPlume/RealPlumes-Engines.cfg#L103-L130

This required having the thrust transforms be separate from the effects transforms though.  All of the thrust transforms are managed through a single ModuleEngines, using the split-thrust setup, while the specific effects transforms are referenced in the RealPlumes config.  However, it does require that the engine be rigged with that sort of use in mind from the start.  As a bonus of setting things up this way -- you can easily have transforms with effects on them, but no thrust output (e.g. for an open-cycle GG exhaust nozzle).


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi guys,

I'm looking to get the launch effects from Cool Rockets. I can't seem to have them working. I have a load of those 1k thrust engines at the bottom of my stack and there is no effect on them. Similarly I have no ice effect on the fuel tanks. i am sure I am missing something simple but would anyone be able to point me in the right direction?

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  On 1/20/2018 at 11:09 PM, thevegimobil said:

Hi guys,

I'm looking to get the launch effects from Cool Rockets. I can't seem to have them working. I have a load of those 1k thrust engines at the bottom of my stack and there is no effect on them. Similarly I have no ice effect on the fuel tanks. i am sure I am missing something simple but would anyone be able to point me in the right direction?


You probably missing .cfg for specific engine and fuel tank.

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V2.7.6 is out with a long overdue support for TwekScale


Can someone with a bit more free time check if this build also works for KSP 1.2 ?

  On 12/25/2017 at 12:58 AM, dundun92 said:

How hard would it be to add AoA (angle of attack) to the "Multiple Inputs Curve?"


Seems I missed your post... It would not be too hard. I guess it would be the AoA of the part and not of the vessel ? What would your use case be ?

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  On 1/21/2018 at 2:54 PM, thevegimobil said:

Sorry to be a pain but how do I do that for the stock 'Vector' engines?


Like this:

  name = KM_PreLaunchEffect_SmkS
  effectName = PreLaunchEffectEngine1
  checkBottomNode = true
  model = CoolRockets/FX/cryo-1m/model
  position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
  scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
  rotation = 0, 0, 0
  parent = thrustTransform
  width = 0
  height = 16
  xOffset = 0
  yOffset = -0.5
  zOffset = 0
  numP = 30    
  speedX = 0
  speedY = -0.3
  speedZ = 0
  size = 1.5

  name = KM_PreLaunchEffect_SmkS
  effectName = PreLaunchEffectEngine2
  checkBottomNode = true
  width = 0
  height = 2
  xOffset = -0.5
  yOffset = -0.4
  zOffset = 0
  numP = 15
  speedX = -0.2
  speedY = -0.6
  speedZ = 0
  size = 0.4

You can read how to add effects in the original post:


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  On 1/28/2018 at 11:07 AM, sarbian said:

V2.7.6 is out with a long overdue support for TwekScale


Can someone with a bit more free time check if this build also works for KSP 1.2 ?

Seems I missed your post... It would not be too hard. I guess it would be the AoA of the part and not of the vessel ? What would your use case be ?


I was thinking about using smokescreen to replicate real-life wingtip vortices, which form at a certain AOA. By making a rocket engine with little thrust, but a lot of smoke FX. Vessel AOA is what I was thinking about, though part AOA would probably work too.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm getting a crash on my save. I have narrowed it down to either this mod, or to tweakscale. 


I'm using the latest versions of Real Plume/Smoke Screen/TweakScale on CKAN.

The crash-to-desktop happens as I am time accelerating towards a ship I am trying to rendezvous with. Once I get within loading distance of the other ship, CRASH! There are some debris nearby that is using scaled liquid radial engines (THUD radial engine, or MK 55 from the game files) from the stock game. Deleting debris stops the crash. Uninstalling either TweakScale or Real Plume/SmokeScreen stops the crash.


From what I can see, the last thing the game does before crashing is that the Smoke Screen module is attempting to adjust the size of the plume smoke.


[SmokeScreen ModelMultiShurikenPersistFX] Found TweakScale. Rescaling by 0.500 final scale 0.200
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)



That is what the last few lines look like before the crash. It seems like the game is crashing as SmokeScreen is adjusting for the tweakscale size.


I should add that the crash only happens while in time warp. Normal speed is fine.

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I just found something interesting towards KSP 1.4 testing and how well mods work yet (I'm aware things can happen if KSP is freshly updated etc.). I assume the particles aren't even loaded correctly and that's why it's spamming that.

..just trying to report things here what is spamming my logs and narrowed it down to SmokeScreen:

[EXC 09:02:59.220] MissingFieldException: Field '.KSPParticleEmitter.pe' not found.

ty and happily waiting for updates :)

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SmokeScreen is one of the mods that is heavily impacted by the update. I fixed some of the code on my PC but it only showed that I should rewrite part of it now that stock uses Shuriken.

So it may takes "some time"™

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  On 3/10/2018 at 8:15 AM, sarbian said:

SmokeScreen is one of the mods that is heavily impacted by the update. I fixed some of the code on my PC but it only showed that I should rewrite part of it now that stock uses Shuriken.

So it may takes "some time"™


I'm using the latest B9 parts and as workaround deleted the folder (hopefully has no massive impact otherwise tho :D)

I will update when an update is released. plz take your time properly and make things as awesome as they are with MJ!
ty for your reply and work!!

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I managed to get it to work without too many changes. Some FX may look different so if you find large changes take pict in 1.3 + 1.4 and show me what is wrong.

2.8.0: KSP 1.4 support. MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST is gone and  only MODEL_MULTI_SHURIKEN_PERSIST is there now. Support for single transform fx (RCS)


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  On 3/10/2018 at 5:32 PM, sarbian said:

I managed to get it to work without too many changes. Some FX may look different so if you find large changes take pict in 1.3 + 1.4 and show me what is wrong.

2.8.0: KSP 1.4 support. MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST is gone and  only MODEL_MULTI_SHURIKEN_PERSIST is there now. Support for single transform fx (RCS)



Thank you!! The stock effects in 1.4 are insanely ugly.

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Looks like the 1.4 update majorly broke 1.3.1 for me. No plume effects or sound whatsoever, though interestingly I did have some smoke effects on takeoff. One Volcano Cryogenic Engine and 2 Swivel engines under VSR. Only other recent changes were updates to Custom Barn Kit and Docking Port Alignment Indicator, and a couple of custom tweaks to the FASA launch clamps (which I don't *think* should be related as they related to TweakScale, but not sure).

Also, not sure what's up with the Persistent Rotation exceptions in the log.

KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bFLnoGmvcH2Qx0BtpxfDJKaRMo5uSQUh/view?usp=sharing

Hmm...Skimming the log, I found this exception for CBK: 

[EXC 11:59:21.057] TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'ModuleEvaChute' from assembly 'Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
	CustomBarnKit.CustomBarnKit.Start ()


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