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A Mechanic Is Jeb, or "KAS For Almost Everything"


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Many* people have asked in both the KAS thread and the Module Manager thread: "how do I make all parts under 1 ton grabbable?" or "how do I make everything radially attachable be grabbable?"

This is not possible with ModuleManager at this time.

Instead, I've thrown together a MM config that matches lots of parts - 257 named parts plus a few more * matches - and makes them grabbable and storeable.

Here's the config:


I know it's... unorthodox to make a thread for a config file in Add-On development. However, since there are so many parts included, it's probably best that this get some testing before it is called 'released', ie. I link to it in the KAS thread. If anyone would like to try it, please do.


// v0.5 -- added KDEX and RLA stockalike parts

// v0.4 -- added Stock shielded docking ports

// v0.3 -- added DMagic and FASA packs

// v0.2 -- added AEIS stuff



There's nothing being distributed here but names.

What parts did you add it to?

Lots. Some of which metre-tall frogbeings with the body definition of a FigRoll probably couldn't really carry. But there were some criteria:

  1. Mass = 1 or less
  2. Radially Attachable or should have been radially attachable

What part packs are being modified?

  • AIES
  • Deadly Reentry
  • DMagic Science
  • FASA Rockets
  • KSP Interstellar
  • Squad
  • B9
  • Lionhead's Circular Panels
  • CP Airbags
  • Hexcans (inc TAC's)
  • Brass Moustache's TAC parts
  • Hullcam
  • Kethane
  • Klockheed Martian
  • KW Rocketry
  • Lack Lustre Labs
  • Lack's Stock Extension stuff
  • RealChutes
  • SurfaceLights
  • ScanSat
  • Telemachus
  • Cacteye Telescope
  • Infernal Robotics

Hey wait, everything is storedSize 4? The Delta Wing AND the little wing light are the same size?

Yes. I mean, no. Kind of. This config file was generated by a script, y'see. If you put them in a container they will still weigh what they should, it's just that large, light things fit in containers into which they probably shouldn't. Because magic. Let's test that these don't cause stuff to blow up (any more than Vanilla KAS does, at least) before we worry about little details. I will happily take suggestions.

Can you add MyFavouritePartsPackv.1.ponies?

Probably. Tell me what you want. Or just add it yourself, this is so easy a PHP script did it. And we know how dumb PHP is, right?

Liar and slave! MyFavouritePartsPackv.2 already has KAS support

Some of the packs already had partial support. I've added more.

That's totally unrealistic, Jeb couldn't just attach a delta Wing and a Fusion Generator to a probe core in space!

Rule of Cool

License please

Do we need licenses for MM configs? Anyway, it's Creative Commons Non-Commerical Attribution**.

* definitions of Many may differ

**with the usual 'I dedicate myself to the loyal service of GavinZac should the current world system degenerate into a post-apocalyptic horror story' addendum.

Edited by GavinZac
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Can you do AEIS and interstellar (i sometimes forgot to put radiators on sats before launch..)?

Interstellar is there already (including the more 'sane' radiators) but sure, I'll have a look at AEIS tomorrow. If you promise to test it! :blush:

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Would it not be better to put each mod in its own cfg file (if you haven't already as I haven't checked the download sorry)? That way people can add the <insertmodnamehere>.cfg for their <insertmodnamehere> mod they are using?

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Would it not be better to put each mod in its own cfg file (if you haven't already as I haven't checked the download sorry)? That way people can add the <insertmodnamehere>.cfg for their <insertmodnamehere> mod they are using?

It won't cause any adverse effects having a part named that isn't present; ModuleManager will just ignore it. The file is currently broken up by //comments to identify where the current 173 parts are coming from, so it is possible to quickly remove sections. The only downside then is an extra few checks for MM and 40kb or so of disk space.

Perhaps when it's 'done' I'll break it up for the ease of people who don't want KAS for Almost Everything; but as there are already many disparate "add KASGrab to" configs floating around but nothing meeting the "everything under 1 ton" request, the goal is to have 1 file quick-drop, easily version-controlled file that enables KAS for everything you'd expect/hope Jeb to be able to breakoff/attach/move around on a ship or base.

Mass limit dependency might fail for, say, balloon tanks (MFT tank type) which can be easily below 1t mass, but still much larger than kerbal or a KAS container.

Correct! Don't worry, all of these are added by hand (though the file is generated from that list). For example, in Lack's Stock Expansion pack, there are some inflatable tanks which technically are under 1 ton when empty. However, I did not include them as I don't want people to complain when their Jeb part-clips inside a tank and won't come out.

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Can you do AEIS and interstellar (i sometimes forgot to put radiators on sats before launch..)?

AIES now included but not tested yet as I'd need to do a fresh install to actually run it with all the new parts. Although going through the AIES parts made me really greedy...

OP updated, redownload for AIES compatibility.

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"Lack's Stock Extension stuff"

Sounds nifty. Where do I download? Search turned up this thread and another one that's 109 pages. Would be nice if the search would find the *post* instead of only the thread.

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"Lack's Stock Extension stuff"

Sounds nifty. Where do I download? Search turned up this thread and another one that's 109 pages. Would be nice if the search would find the *post* instead of only the thread.

Here you go! A couple of 'doors' down from here.


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Would you add parts from wip mods like FASA or DMagic's science parts?

Is there much to add from FASA? I thought it's mostly rocket parts. DMagic's science parts I can do, they're the perfect sort of thing for this.

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Didn't change anything for my install, except an AIES strut...

I suppose I installed it wrong, i'm supposed to put it in the Gamedata folder, right?

In what manner did it change the AIES strut? If it added KASGrab to one part it should add it to them all. Yes, just put it in the GameData folder along with its dependancies - ModuleManager and KAS.

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I only found one entry in the KSP.log:

[LOG 04:04:07.564] [ModuleManager] Applying node KAS/A_Mechanic_Is_Jeb/@PART[1.25_Heatshield] to DeadlyReentry/Parts/deadlyReentry_1.25Heatshield/part/1.25_Heatshield

however I'm looking to grab an AIES solar panel that is loaded into the game:

[LOG 04:04:30.150] Load(Texture): AIES_Aerospace/Electrical/AIESsolarpanelES1/model000
[LOG 04:05:42.473] Load(Model): AIES_Aerospace/Electrical/AIESsolarpanelES1/model
[LOG 04:05:49.682] Config(PART) AIES_Aerospace/Electrical/AIESsolarpanelES1/part/solarpaneles1
[LOG 04:05:49.777] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'AIES_Aerospace/Electrical/AIESsolarpanelES1/part/solarpaneles1'

it's in your parts file:

@PART[solarpaneles1] {
name = KASModuleGrab
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.15)
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = True
storedSize = 10
attachOnPart = True
attachOnEva = False
attachOnStatic = False

and Science Revisited seems to find it ok (albeit through a different means):

[LOG 04:04:07.709] [ModuleManager] Applying node Robau/ScienceRevisited_SolarPanels/@PART
[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleDeployableSolarPanel]] to AIES_Aerospace/Electrical/AIESsolarpanelES1/part/solarpaneles1

So what's up with that? I have several more parts that should be config'd through A Mechanic Is Jeb loaded as well, and yet for some reason only the heatshield gets treated

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oh wait, I had a hunch after I noticed the AEIS strut and the heatshield were both at the top of the file. I suspected a missing brace and yea - every entry starting at the B9 RCS is missing the closing brace for the @PART definition

Cheers, generator must've messed up. Will fix it now.

Edit: Fixed now.

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  • Fixed a problem with the last update
  • added DMagic Science parts
  • added (some) FASA parts.
  • Part count now at 257 individual modifications.

FASA was, as I thought, mostly rocket bits, but there were some extra bits and pieces and probe stuff. I've been less stringent with this one as some of the parts seem intended to be non-surface attachable. I don't have experience using this pack so it should be tested. Probably won't kill anyone that is not green.

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aaand no. You're still missing closing braces. I can see several just paging down through the file

argh! I'll check it by hand. Leson learned: do not fear the robot uprising, they will be missing brackets.

It was each one before a comments section. The code seems to have been commenting itself, which is a dirty, filthy habit.

Should be fixed now.

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