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What's Your Greatest Achievement


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Now Before I Get Started I Know People Are Probably Going To Say There Is Already A Post For This, unfortunately if so i did not see it or i was to lazy to, personally i hope i didn't see it.

But anyway on with the thread,

My greatest achievement was multiple things first learning how to build a working ship, then learning how to fly it (T SAS and all) and learning to get into orbit with out mechjeb, rendezvousing whith your other ships docking, but mainly when i was about 500 metres from landing on the Mun and i couldn't take the excitement and accidentally tapped space (whoops engine drop, speed 10..20..40..50) But Most of all KSP, the game itself now some might think what? you can't achieve KSP and i totally agree with you but i mean getting the game and hearing the theme song and putting a mainsail on top of a 144 litre (or is it gallon) fuel tank with a pod but your Kerbal is on the external command seat. So my greatest achievement is learning KSP. now this may sound confusing to you because it confuses me. Whats Yours? First Interplanetary trip? visiting the entire Jool System With one ship?

:) remember what i said about mainsails and a tiny ship for it to push? I've got one of those at full power. I've got some Kerbals to kill...WHAT i mean Erm...make them look directly down..i mean save some glorious Kerbals!

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Too many things, done in so many different ways. It's hard to pick just one out of the bunch. XD

The Kerbapult was a good one, though. >:D

Docking at less then 300m from the surface of the Mun.

Wow... that is impressive.

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The thing that felt the best was my first successful Mun landing and return. Actual difficulty wise, it's one of the following, not sure which.

A. Manned landing and return from Duna.

B. Manned landing and return from Dres, including a rescue ship sent to retrieve the crew from Dres orbit.

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Building my multipurpose LKO station. It's a fantastic feeling when I send up a module without independent maneuvering ability and use a station-based tug to install it. I'm extremely proud of my meager space convenience store. :P

Second place would be landing a rover on Dres. For some people that's peanuts, but Dres is a long way away and has a really fookin' tiny SOI. For somebody still quivering at the thought of interplanetary missions, I consider such a landing to be a resounding win.

^^Dizzle above may have managed a manned landing and return, but for me, a dinky science rover is good enough for now lol.

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At the moment, mine is probably first successful unmanned Moho mission. All of the previous missions had failed and flown by. This one worked, though. I deposited an orbital science platform, a probe lander, and a rover on/in orbit of Moho in a single mission.

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Building my multipurpose LKO station. It's a fantastic feeling when I send up a module without independent maneuvering ability and use a station-based tug to install it. I'm extremely proud of my meager space convenience store. :P

This. Nothing has seemed quite so 'yes' as establishing my first space-station.

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Probably in the demo version, recovering the Kerbal aboard my stranded SSTO rocket. Had to learn how to aim for an inclination on launch, plane change in orbit, and made a rendezvous. Then did it again because I accidentally terminated the rescue flight :(

SSTO in foreground, rescue ship beyond. Do you think I've got enough ladders?


And of course the mission failed 500 m above the ground when the parachute tore off -_-

Right now I'm trying an EVA Minmus landing. I'm down, but it's only an achievement when I get back to the orbiter.

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Let's see...In my current save it's building a SSTO capable of making it to a 200kmx200km orbit, docking with my space hotel there, and returning with fuel left over. My eventual plan is to not have to return to the Space plane hanger after landing. (I have to now only because I don't have rover wheels on the tech tree yet:)

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Well, during the space race the KSC had to do some "editing" because they were falling behind, so most of the population now believes that we have landed on Duna, and the ones who know the truth are treated like they have a mental problem:


The truth, is that I have only made a single manned interplanetary mission, and it was hella fun. An Apollo-style Eve flyby.





I even used my Saturn V replica for this, instead of designing a new ship from scratch. :D

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My greatest achievement in general terms was a manned landing on Duna and return in 0.22.

What I would hold up as truly being the greatest was my first Mun landing back in 0.12 when the whole experience was still very new and I was managing to push a skill boundary with sweaty palms.

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Hrm. Tough call. I'd have to place two:

Either my first Arkingthaad tower lander...


... or the successful launch of the Arkingthaad Nadir. Easily the hardest engineering challenge I've ever done.


#EDIT: AAARGH. Forgot my old one-piece space station.


#EDIT2: ARGH! Forgot the fire wheel of death! My first truly big build!


... Forget it. I can't decide. I submit the entire contents of my imgur account and will leave it at that.

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Wow. Thats pretty impressive their LevelLord. I like the amount of lights you have on it, doesn't make it look like your local lights galore shop but has enough so it makes it look like on of your army bases you see in the movies. liking all the stuff thats coming up here

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Hrm. Tough call. I'd have to place two:

Either my first Arkingthaad tower lander...

... or the successful launch of the Arkingthaad Nadir. Easily the hardest engineering challenge I've ever done.

#EDIT: AAARGH. Forgot my old one-piece space station.

#EDIT2: ARGH! Forgot the fire wheel of death! My first truly big build!

... Forget it. I can't decide. I submit the entire contents of my imgur account and will leave it at that.

Good thing this isn't in game whilst I'm looking at these crafts because my computer would already have with sparks flying off it by now with a ship with more than hmm.. 80 maybe 100 parts. I do not want to imagine the result with that many parts

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Mine would probably have to be my first ever Minmus hopper mission. Up until this point, I had always completely failed at doing hopper missions, so it was extremely satisfying. It allowed me to actually properly use the mobile processing lab for the first time. Got me a good science reward as well.



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