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Spherical & Toroidal Fuel tanks don't transfer fuel and I don't understand why

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Sorry if I am posting this in the wrong place. This is my first post here. Anyway, I downloaded the spherical and toroidal fuel tank pack. I am using the .23 version. I am also using the recommended modular fuel plug. When I right click on the spherical tank to bring up the fuel tank data window there is no response. I have looked all over google and this forum for answers and I can't find any. This is really bumming me out. Has anyone else encountered this problem? If so, did you find a way to resolve it? Or did you just give up on the mod?

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I'm surprised no one has responded to your thread. Usually this type of post would be bombarded almost instantly with answers and suggestions. Being unfamiliar with your particular mods, I'm unable to help. However, you might get a better response if posted your thread in the 'General Ad-on affairs' category.

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Not so much reply maybe because you need to be more specific lowlevellowl911, what actually did you do ? (not what you think you've done, to help, people need facts).

Have you hide control windows/display (F2 key) ?

In which scene did you do the right click ? (VAB/SPH, space, somewhere else)

Did you try with stock fuel tank ?

Is your probe/pod have enough power ? (no electricty = no control = no response to anything you will try)

Did your mods was installed correctly ?

I have ST mod but no modular fuel or real fuel with it and I don't have any issues like this.

Maybe try without modular fuel plugin.

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As suggested, if you have questions about a specific mod they often get answered faster on that mod's thread. (But people will still try to help you here.)

I would also recommend including a picture of your craft if you can. That generally makes it a whole lot easier for us to help you out.

Press F1 in-game to take a screen shot. It will be in your KSP/screenshot directory. Upload that to any file sharing site such as imgur or photobucket and then you can post them in the forum.

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I've used the spherical tank mod and have not had the issues you have at all, which leads me to think that perhaps the issue is not a mod issue. if you can't get it to work, then I would recommend trying to use a mod like TAC fuel balancer or the crew management mod.

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