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SpacePort BUY button


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Maybe this has been discussed, maybe it hasn't. I tried searching for threads on it and I'm not even sure this is posted in the right place. All that said, here's the rub.

Has anyone else came upon a mod on the SpacePort that had a "BUY" button instead of "Download?" I just came across one and was a little disturbed by it. I enjoy playing with mods. I don't use a tremendous amount, but some just fix things that need fixed and I am grateful for the modders that have the capability to do that. The part that worries me is the potential for Squad to suddenly start releasing purchasable DLC content. Some companies do DLC alright, others make it a requirement to buy certain "updates" to even make the base game fixed enough to enjoy. I worry Squad may begin to start charging people to download mods. Or worse yet, institute some type of Squad-only coin like current mmo games are doing for the "extra" content.

If it is just for mod devs to be able to make money on their mods, that's great. Any thoughts?

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I think there was a big row over what was considered part of the package that the player bought when buying KSP a while back. If I remember correctly, Squad is planning paid DLC in the form of expansion packs or something. People who bought the game before a certain date would get these for free. Those who bought the game after that date would have to pay for it.

Thats not to say that there wont be free stuff, just that some of the goodies might need to be paid for.

Im almost certain that all updates up to the 1.0 release will be free to those who buy the game.

I cant find any sources but if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me :D

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Highlad, that has nothing to do with this. At all. The software Spaceport uses was original intended to allow purchasing, but KSP doesn't use that aspect of it. I'ma gonna close the thread now that it's answered, to avoid any more confusion.

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