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What mods do you play with?


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So far just the two. ShowFPS, for keeping an eye on performance, and Kerbal Engineer Redux so I don't have to manually crunch delta-Vs. I don't tend to use KER's flight engineer though, it seemed to hurt performance and it's easy enough to check my dV in flight thanks to quicksave.

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depends on which copy of KSP, I have 2 which are modded, 1 stock...

i'l go with my most populated modded one :

FAR, infernal robotics, Kethane (which I have never found a use for), an extension to kethane which I forget the name of(no use), firespitter, airships, KAS (no use yet).

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Get in line :)


Oh, and that's just my main install. I also have alternate installs for Realism Overhaul and Alternis Kerbol, as well as one for testing mods as I make them

And I thought I was running lots of mods...What's your system look like?

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The only one I consistently use has been Engineer. I haaaate math, and it takes care of my calculations for me!

Other than that, I am 95% stock, because right now I'm also using Chatterer.

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And I thought I was running lots of mods...What's your system look like?

i7 920 with 12gb RAM and a GTX760 video card. Everything is actually a few years old except the video card, but it was top of the line when I built it. I probably should mention that I severely pare down the parts in the big mod packs like KW and NP2, as well as use the texture compression mods, and run right at the limit. I get the occasional crash if I play for more than a few hours straight without reloading.

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I've spent some time putting together a group of mods that are fun for me while retaining stability. Here are the mods I currently use, along with my reasons for including each.

**Mods for challenge:**

Deadly Re-Entry This makes sensible spacecraft design necessary - even early flights need to be carefully angled on return through the atmosphere without the Goo Container or (more importantly) the parachutes burning up from the shock heating! It also makes extreme G-forces appropriately fatal to unfortunate Kerbals.

Ferram Aerospace Even more need for sensible design: you can't just stick a bunch of engines out the side with a blunt front end, that thing's gonna flip over before you reach 8km. This mod is all about realistic aerodynamics, and fundamentally changes how rockets fly. You will have to learn to Kerbal all over again, but it's worth it!

Remote Tech 2 This mod requires lines of communication for unmanned probes to work. This makes probe missions a true challenge, but separate from that there is also the requirement of communications to transmit science - unless you bring everything back to Kerbin you're going to have to set up a communications relay network. This is surprisingly fun and makes your Kerbin system significantly more busy and 'alive' - it gives you a real reason to make satelites, and work out how to create Kerbostationary orbits and relays over each body you're exploring.

http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/tac-life-support/]TAC Life Support Making interplanetary trips and long-term space habitation a lot more interesting, this mod means you have to think about space-station design, let alone visits to Duna or beyond. It makes using probes for extra-Kerbinal exploration a lot more attractive, which combined with Remote Tech makes the game quite a different and to my mind more fun *and* realistic experience. This mod also makes early space-flight considerably more challenging as Kerbals need electricity to heat up the command pod - but batteries aren't invented until you've at least performed couple of early atmospheric and orbital missions for Science: No more first-ever-rocket-gets-600+-munar-landing-science.

**Mods which add more parts**

RealChute Basically just better parachutes. This is here for the slower, controlled deployment of the chutes, to keep G-forces in survivable levels for poor Kerbals returning to Kerbin through Deadly Re-entry. It also includes in-line parachute components and drogue-/main-chute combo parts which are both interesting and useful.

KW Rocketry not only does this include a ton of parts with a different, somewhat more realistic aesthetic, but it also brings a host of new (and pretty well balanced) Engines, and also Fairings so that you can bring your newly-designed satellites and unmanned probes to orbit through FAR's improved aerodynamics. Probably my favourite Parts mod.

RLA-Stockalike Parts which look like stock KSP parts. But pretty interesting ones! This includes main engines powered by Monopropellant; radial attachment jet engines; smaller and larger versions of various stock KSP components like decouplers; RCS blocks with 5 nozzles, and some with a 45 degree 'corner' angle, so you don't waste monoprop on diagonal thrust.

B9 aerospace A *huge* pack of components, mostly focused on spaceplane parts. Includes lots of great wings and wing-bits, wheels, etc. Also, the parts look just plain gorgeous. With B9 & KW both installed your ships may look decidedly un-kerbal though, almost.. professional, and spaceshippy.

KSP Interstellar) This mod extends the tech tree out to futuristic levels, culminating in the (rather well balanced) Warp Drive for extreme fast traveling. Interestingly it adds a heat management system, because stuff can actually overheat in space! The radiators look amazing, and there are various power generators added.

Infernal Robotics) Have you ever wanted to have rover wheels that fold in to be a little more convenient or fit in a fairing? Well, with the huge selection of hinges, extending pistons and rotating assemblies this mod will let you add an incredible array of movement-capable ship parts to your rockets, probes and space stations.

**Mods which add functionality or convenience**

**In flight**

Kerbal Alarm Clock This mod adds far more than the already amazing automatic-time-de-accelerating when you reach your node. It also includes countdowns for how many days you have till you can optimally travel between each Kerbol system body. Not only that, but it also *stores* maneuver nodes! Ever been annoyed after an EVA, when you realise you lost your carefully planned node? No more! Alarm Clock saves them, and you can just click on your planned maneuver to retrieve it, even after switching active vessel.

Enhanced Navball Quite simply the way the navball *should* be. It shows you where your maneuver node is, even when its on the other side of the ball. It further displays the Radial and Normal positive and negative directions, and it shows the negative direction of your maneuver node for when you have to aim backwards.

Precise Maneuver Nodes This mod lets you tweak your maneuvers by 0.01 to 100 m/s Delta-V with a button press, and move nodes forward or backward in time by so many seconds, rather than relying on finicky click-and-drag work. It also allows for changing of the way the conics are drawn.

Docking Alignment Indicator this gives you a little window that shows you how close you are to having your docking ports meet up. It shows distance, relative speed and in what direction your relative motion is compared to target.

**Ship Construction**

Kerbal Engineer To my mind this is simply a necessity. Being able to see how much Delta-V and TWR you have before launching is a pre-req for any well planned mission. In flight this also adds a ton of useful information, like showing you what your Apoapsis is without having to go to map view, or telling you what the orbital period of your vessel is which is invaluable for setting up stable Kerbostationary satellites, and much, much more.

Tech Tree loader Changes the tech-tree, so all sorts of rocket component appear at different stages to be a little more logical.

RCS build aid This little tool will help you with RCS placement by showing you visually how much thrust they provide in each direction, and how balanced multiple thrusters are.

Joint Reinfrocemet This basically improves Kerbal welding technology which means you don't have to strut every single engine to its fuel tank. I grabbed it mostly to save on part counts.

Simple Part Organiser With all those mods, the part list is a little out of control! This mod helps with that. Sort parts by size or weight, filter out mod-packs or parts manufacturers, any organisation you like for each parts tab!

**Mods that improve your experience in non-gameplay ways**

Toolbar mod icon manager With all these mods, their individual icons might clutter up your screen - this toolbar fixes that. All mod icons are gathered in to the one toolbar, which can be set to hide itself.

Final Frontier Keep track of your Kerbals' achievements in the Kerbal Space Program: it will tell you who was the first to make it to orbit of each body, if they have done an EVA in a new environment, how many flights each Kerbal has been on, etc.

Clouds & City lights This makes Kerbin look even cooler when you're returning from a long trip.

Crowd-sourced Science Logs! This makes reading the science reports from each instrument and crew/EVA report more fun and varied.

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My list (of which I am sure is not complete here) keeps changing from update to update, but I have a few essentials (some not being used due to problems with the mod itself):




















Clouds and Lights (minus the Lights)



Vanguard Parachutes

ActionGroupManagement (at least as soon as it gets patched)


plus varying part packs/bits and pieces from bigger mods, but always:







also frequently coming along:



Spherical Tanks


AIES tanks only (plus maybe some stuff, but I have mental issues with modded engines)

becoming essentials it seems:

RCS Sounds



I never got around trying out MechJeb, as I heard it offered less information during construction than KER and I would not use the auto pilot anyway - though I like the transparent window design better.

Hyperedit was for when I managed to built a really nice space station and wanted to keep it after a restart inducing update, but since I never built a space station that really turned me on ...

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