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Okay, Squad. Put a "1" down on your kill sheet!


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I knew it was happening, and didn't expect her to hang on as long as she did. But it's official. The Whackputer has finally died, the destruction complete with announcement by mystic blue smoke and smell of ozone. For the foreseeable future, there is no room in the budget for an adequate replacement. That means my KSP career is on hold and involvement in the KSP community will be quite limited.

I'm bummed, but there's not a bloody thing I can do about it. She's toast.

It was an awesome ride, guys. I hope to jump back in when the budget permits. Take care, and someone land an asteroid at the KSC for me.

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what part is fried, isn't there ANYTHING you could find on saving it, anything ? WE NEED YOU AS AN ACHIEVEMENT WHACKJOB, WE NEED YOU !!!

come-on you know KSP is limited to 32bit right now (~3.5gb), even my ~$350 + tax laptop has that, its the only thing that limits you, you need a new machine !!!

Or is this just an early april fools joke ?

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Like colmo said.. If you are very lucky it could just be your psu and that all your other components survived. So if you arent sure if the system itself is fried I would try to get hold of another psu to test it.

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Problem with hardware replacement is it's a laptop. Specifically, an alienware M17x. I did disassemble it in order to see if it was something I could fix. But those things have a number of booby-traps inside the case, specifically tiny ribbon cables with unsurpassed fragility. I managed to destroy one of those during my disassembly.

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Problem with hardware replacement is it's a laptop. Specifically, an alienware M17x. I did disassemble it in order to see if it was something I could fix. But those things have a number of booby-traps inside the case, specifically tiny ribbon cables with unsurpassed fragility. I managed to destroy one of those during my disassembly.

Yeah if smoke came out of your laptop then it is safe to say that little can be done.

I always assumed you used a desktop since you love high part ships which is not something laptops handle very well.

In my experience laptops does not last very long anyways when used for gaming.

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I don't know how much longer I can play with input lag of 4-6 seconds and an FPS in the single digits(and this is with 80 or so parts)

My condolences.

EDIT:Not to mention overheat warnings since I can remember:P

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Here's the thing. I don't make tons of money, am paying rent, car payments, and taking care of a sick parent to boot. The Whack-budget is necessarily strained. I honestly don't know when I can procure a replacement. I still have to put in for my tax return, and I expect a return on that, but probably not an amazing one. Going to do that immediately and see what I can swing. Maybe that'll help.

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I just put in an order on a barebone kit from Tiger direct. There was just enough room in the Whackbudget for this: yey tigerdirect grrr

I will of course have to chase up some RAM and a hard drive and a graphics card. I have two spare drives, so no problem there. I believe I still have the RAM and video card from an elderly machine at home still, and I can slap those in until budget room shows up again to make improvements.

So maybe 50% odds I'll be back towards the end of this week. Maybe.

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I will of course have to chase up some RAM and a hard drive and a graphics card. I have two spare drives, so no problem there. I believe I still have the RAM and video card from an elderly machine at home still, and I can slap those in until budget room shows up again to make improvements.

If the machine is so old that you cant use it to play KSP its very likely that the RAM would not fit (Ever heard about DDR1, DDR2 and DDR3?)...

I dont know the prices of US Hardware, but perhaps its cheaper (and more powerfull) to buy the Hardwarecomponents on their own and build your own PC. Cheap Case + Cheapest i5 4XXX you can get (IGPU should be enough for KSP, but perhaps not for your partcount, im not sure) + cheapest S.1150 MB + 8GB DDR3 Ram + Powersupply (dont go to cheap, or your PC will follow your Laptop! buy a good brand with good tests and dont take one with more than 500W, you dont need it).

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If you have the chance, you should upgrade from bulldozer to piledriver. I bought the second gen fx 6300 due to the original having a horrible pipeline, and they are actually worse than phenom ii and athlon legacy parts in some benchmarks.

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