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Okay, Squad. Put a "1" down on your kill sheet!


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Sing my Kerbal Poetry, which you can find here. Surreptitiously upload the video via your work computer or ask a friend for help.


I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. A bucket stapled to my face.

#EDIT: 'Tis end-of-office time. Whackjob, signing off the internets. See you all this Wednesday!

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*sigh* And another space program dies today... Wish we could help you, Whackjob.

Yeah if smoke came out of your laptop then it is safe to say that little can be done.

I always assumed you used a desktop since you love high part ships which is not something laptops handle very well.

In my experience laptops does not last very long anyways when used for gaming.

What's the average a laptop can last long in years? Mine's 3 years old already and is not reset/killed by overheating/melting/smoking (the most recent reset is due to boot problem due to boot partition not existing...)

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I will go along with it, but only on the provision that you guys demand something from me in turn.

Deal. I have one that will be on the money: Do all the XKCD "My hobby" comics in real life (not acted, it's more fun when it's for real) and videotape it!

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Fun fact about new(ish) laptop drives: A SATA cable's a SATA cable, regardless of if they're laptop drives or desktop drives. IT's not like the old IDE ones, where you had to get a converter to plug it in to a desktop. So those are likely still good. The RAM from the laptop's probably fine as well. Could eBay that off. Hell, you could e-bay the rest of the computer off for parts to someone that needs things

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Whack, you've definitley earned the right to get crowdfunded with all of your epic creations.

...Also, I do hope that your tigerdirect order does fine. Just a few months ago, I tried ordering my racing wheel from them. About a week later, it said SORRY, it's out of stock!

They should really check their inventory, and I hope that out of stock on that page dosen't include you.

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Whelp... there you have it. He finally did it. He built the ship so big, no universe could hold it, ours or the kerbals. The comp was probably programmed to destroy itself if he built such a thing. I'll hold a charity Mun landing in his honor, if anyone has an appropriate flag.

Excuse me, is that a black hole outside?

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Alrighty Whackjob, this is (my first post?) And I'm going to make it count, because the only reason I'm here at all, is to convey my message:

Over the course of the past year (maybe less, I have no clue) I have seen your whacky creations grow and inspire. And they really do inspire. I have never in my life had as much fun as the one time I tried to build a Whackjob creation. It failed miserably, but it was fun nonetheless. not only that, but every single on of your creations has been immensely entertaining, and have even been used to uplift me when I wasn't in a good state of mind (Shout out to Mah besty CBY!). And it really did help, because after all, there's nothing as good for fixing a bout of depression, as giant explosions of death!

And you know, that alone is worth the money that we're offering. If it wasn't worth (to us at least) To pay you, for nothing more than the promise of future Whack-works, then we wouldn't be posting. So when you say you won't take anything for free, trust me when I say you aren't. You're giving us far more than our money's worth. You're giving us the purest creations! Of fire and despair! but fun and glee as well!!!

So really, we aren't offering the money just to give you a freebie, and it is still your choice in the end (And one that I at least shall respect). But know this: If you accept the funds, and continue on your kerbal killing adventure, then we fund you not to take away dignity, but to get a little more of that uplifting rocketry glee. A tad more of those inspiring monstrosities. We do this to get our fill of your Boosters of enlightenment! (praise the kraken, our rendezvous has come!)

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This community is beautiful, I'm broke as hell or I'd offer my help but.

Now Whackjob, I haven't been as involved in this community as most people, but I lurk around a lot but I couldn't help but notice you. You've inspired me to build crazy stuff and I know you've inspired many others.

I never thought I'd often have more fun trying to get a crazy contraption that is overbuilt and makes absolutely no sense than bringing a simple spaceship to another planet. You're a big part of this community and if people are willing to help you stay a part of it, you should know it's totally not just charity, we need our whackjob around!

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Whackjob, Though this is my first post, I bought KSP exactly one week before you posted the famous coffee thread. I have been lurking here since. If you need a new computer, I am sure that this community will help you, as you are an integral part of it. I will help if I can as well. Though I have never been as Kerbal as you, you have given me a keen insight to what is possible within this game.

Thank You

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Whackjob, you've earned a new PC, its the least we can do to repay you for literally testing KSP to it's maximum limit. On a laptop to boot.

If you must have us demand something in return, why not make a game with whatever machine we, the kommunity, can cobble together.

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Whackjob, you've earned a new PC, its the least we can do to repay you for literally testing KSP to it's maximum limit. On a laptop to boot.

If you must have us demand something in return, why not make a game with whatever machine we, the kommunity, can cobble together.

Very well said, Galactic.

The place just isn't the same without ya!

Deal. I have one that will be on the money: Do all the XKCD "My hobby" comics in real life (not acted, it's more fun when it's for real) and videotape it!

This sounds awesome. XD (But would probably get him arrested.)

I'm poor meself, but I'd definitely find a few dollars to pitch your way. You make everyone here reach for new heights(and lag) when building. That's a pretty cool accomplishment!

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or anything that'll get me arrested. I've got a mostly clean file, and would prefer to keep it that way.

A mostly clean file ... wasnt there a culture (fictious or real) in which hospitality was repaid by telling a good story? :wink:

Whelp... there you have it. He finally did it. He built the ship so big, no universe could hold it, ours or the kerbals. The comp was probably programmed to destroy itself if he built such a thing. I'll hold a charity Mun landing in his honor, if anyone has an appropriate flag.

Well ...

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...mystic blue smoke and smell of ozone.

It exploded?! Woah. What the heck did you build?!

Take care, and someone land an asteroid at the KSC for me.

I will try. [execute start of massive built-in-orbit asteroid de-orbiter]

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This sounds awesome. XD (But would probably get him arrested.)

*Puts on badass shades*


On a side note, much like everyone has said, you're a vital part of this communiry and we wub you. I sure as heck would pitch in to make sure you get a new and awesome computer, no matter if you do the XKCD stuff. But then again, if you decide you need to give something back, make a huge rocket with 5 parts for every donated dollar! It'll be hella fun and it would get you back on track!

Oh, and by the way, do you know how to build a pc?

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