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Nasa-eastereggs overdue for KSP?


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Ive been away for some bit now due to lots of work I had to do and just read about the collaboration with NASA and came to think - isnt some kind of easteregg related to NASA somewhat overdue? Id love a dusty Moon-lander on the Moon or some more deserted buildings on Kerbin. My favourite would be a half-sunken Saturn V Lifter-stage somewhere in the desert.

KSPs Universe is supposed to be a thing on its own thats not linked to our real world, but that doesnt mean we cant have some nice Eastereggs like those suggested. They fit the theme rather well and in the Saturns' case Id love to see some traces indicating previous spacefaring endeavours. Our own burnt out stages tend to simply despawn without a trace.

Opinions? Any other great ideas what could make for a really nice easteregg are also welcome! :)

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You haven't searched for easter eggs very hard have you ?

nasa related easter eggs spoiler : there's a neil armstrong (apollo lander too) memorial on the mun at nearly the same co-ordinates as the real thing.

on duna you can see the top of the curiosity rover sunken in the sand....

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  BubbaWilkins said:
Hard to make more NASA easter eggs when there isn't really that many things NASA has left on the Moon or on other planets.

Five Surveyors on the Moon.

Two Vikings on Mars.

Six Apollos on the Moon.

Sojourner on Mars.

Huygens on Titan.

Spirit and Opportunity on Mars.

Curiosity on Mars.

There's enough things around, though they are heavily concentrated on Mars and the Moon.

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  Red Iron Crown said:
Five Surveyors on the Moon.

Two Vikings on Mars.

Six Apollos on the Moon.

Sojourner on Mars.

Huygens on Titan.

Spirit and Opportunity on Mars.

Curiosity on Mars.

There's enough things around, though they are heavily concentrated on Mars and the Moon.

And then you have the venera lander on venus. Probably not much left of it now though...

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  boxman said:
And then you have the venera lander on venus. Probably not much left of it now though...

The Venera probes are Soviet, not NASA.

But the Small Day Probe from NASA's Pioneer Venus Multiprobe mission did survive impact and transmitted for over an hour from the surface of Venus (this was a bonus, since it was only meant to send back atmospheric dara and was not expected to survive landing on the surface).

And the NEAR Shoemaker probe was landed on the surface of the asteroid Eros.

Edited by Brotoro
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  Brotoro said:
The Venera probes are Soviet, not NASA.


Yep, if we were to mention non NASA landers, we also would have to mention the 2 russian Lunochods

as well as the chinese moon goddess with her jade rabbit

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Hey everyone.

I did think of the memorial-site, however, I kind of see that one more belonging to Neil himself, rather than nasa. Its true I forgot about the Rover, though. Is it still buried in the ground?

Well - either way that means we're not overdue, but yeah, something a little bigger would be nice and it wouldnt even really have to be something fitting the real world. A crashlanded Spaceshuttle on muns surface would look nice in my opinion, even though the Shuttles were never meant to leave Earths orbit.

In general, something like a crashlanded object that left traces on the ground it sled over, leaving bits on the way, tells a little story, whereas a static rover is just a static display. In my opinion it would be nice to maybe have another Nasa-themed easteregg thats a little more in the likes of the signal-broadcasting pyramids. Something that offers more to discover.

Edit: Id like to point out that Im not trying to make a suggestion to the devs here. Its just a bit of thinking out loud jolly discussing the matter.

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  Audiopulse said:
Hey everyone.

I did think of the memorial-site, however, I kind of see that one more belonging to Neil himself, rather than nasa. Its true I forgot about the Rover, though. Is it still buried in the ground?

Well - either way that means we're not overdue, but yeah, something a little bigger would be nice and it wouldnt even really have to be something fitting the real world. A crashlanded Spaceshuttle on muns surface would look nice in my opinion, even though the Shuttles were never meant to leave Earths orbit.

In general, something like a crashlanded object that left traces on the ground it sled over, leaving bits on the way, tells a little story, whereas a static rover is just a static display. In my opinion it would be nice to maybe have another Nasa-themed easteregg thats a little more in the likes of the signal-broadcasting pyramids. Something that offers more to discover.

Edit: Id like to point out that Im not trying to make a suggestion to the devs here. Its just a bit of thinking out loud jolly discussing the matter.

More Eastereggs is of course a nice Idea but I would like to see them in a little different way.

Neil Armstrong & Carl Sagan (not at the Moment) have their very own Tribute in KSP because those Names really mean something.

All the others are based on somekind on Movies (Monoliths from 2001 Space Odyssey) or anomalies discovered in the early Earths Spacemission (Mars Face as Duna Face).

I really would like to see some Easter Eggs that are actually related to Kerbalkind like the Pyramids, KSC2, Stonehengeformation on Vall...(No clue how they have built that there or where it comes from).

My Intention is that there will be more benefit to the roleplayers by it and to give the game a Little Storyline in some Kind.

Well, thats at least my opinion :)

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I like the easter eggs because it gives a good reason to do multiple landings on a given world and precision landings at difficult latitudes. Why land on Duna 3 times when you can get all the science in one go? To visit all the anomalies of course!

Biomes serve a similar function, but, precision is not key.

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  Red Iron Crown said:
Five Surveyors on the Moon.

Two Vikings on Mars.

Six Apollos on the Moon.

Sojourner on Mars.

Huygens on Titan.

Spirit and Opportunity on Mars.

Curiosity on Mars.

There's enough things around, though they are heavily concentrated on Mars and the Moon.

That's a pretty cool idea but there's too many. Including all of those wouldn't really feel like easter eggs but rather just places to visit. Maybe just a few well known historical spacecraft from several nations. "Lost" spacecraft would make for good easter eggs. Take on Mars had two lost probes, Beagle 2 and Mars 3.

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  MalfunctionM1Ke said:
I really would like to see some Easter Eggs that are actually related to Kerbalkind [...] give the game a Little Storyline in some Kind.

That! Absolutely that! Very good point :D

Instead of mashing the game up with even more foreign stuff that doesnt really belong there, lets give the Kerbals something that actually belongs to them! Possibly even introducing a mild backgroundstory.

Thinking of that, my favourite Easteregg of the few I ever visited is the Island-runway. It fits, it has practical use and most important: you can enter it and land on the top of the tower. You can do stuff with it. Just like with our new, pretty much beefed up KSP-center. I love testing my roverdesigns on the launchpad and around the compound.

Sidenote: We need more ramps at KSC!


Actually - reading Medweds post again - some real-life-eastereggs might still be a nice addition. And if Squad were to add real-life crafts - yeah, why the hell should we not have some russian vessels, too? Theres only one requirement to meet, though - the featured object should *pointing at Malfunction* actually mean something. No random stuff.

Spontaneous thougt:

We already have one/some seemingly abandoned Space-centers. How about adding 2-3 more, resembling the most important/most used space-centers from earth? They would kind of look like the island-runway in terms of style and textures. Those would make some pretty nice places to land and build bases at.

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Hey, let's not forget Voyager! or, V---ger. Like as in "Star Trek the Movie" It's a perfect combo of real world and science fiction. Can you imagine what havoc would ensue with "Vger" entering the Kerbol system (as in the movie)? A little frame rate problem there,? Ya think?!?

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I dont quite remember what happened with Voyager/Vger in the movie other than it developing some kind of self-consciousness. But if Voyager were to make an entry in KSP, I wouldnt take the fictional crazed version but the original Probe, that actually left our Solar system.

Well. Yes, Voyager would be a potential candidate. Whats most interesting about it, though, is its role as an interstellar craft that left our solar system. We could go with another model like the magic boulder, but - like its been said before now - it would be nicer to have something you can do stuff with and/or has some interesting background.

How about a comet/planetoid on an exeptionally large orbit around the sun and heavily inclined/elliptical, entering and leaving the solar system maybe only once in a few years. I would imagine it to be very small planet with very low gravity so you can actually land on it. Intercepting that body should be quite a task and make for a nice target for potential bases ;)

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  Godot said:

as well as the chinese moon goddess with her jade rabbit

I want a jade rabbit.

Overall I'm in favor of more kerbalkind things before more RL things, especially Kerbalkind things related to their history or their life outside of and before space flight. Pyramids are perfect example, want more of that.

If we add real life stuff, I'd love to have a programmed event say year 10, Voyager passes thru the system, looking 100,000 years old.

Edited by Moon Goddess
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  SpacedCowboy said:
Hey, let's not forget Voyager! or, V---ger. Like as in "Star Trek the Movie" It's a perfect combo of real world and science fiction. Can you imagine what havoc would ensue with "Vger" entering the Kerbol system (as in the movie)? A little frame rate problem there,? Ya think?!?

Hey, Whackjob? You hear that? Once your computer is back up and running... NEW KRAFT!

(and perhaps some kind of never-before-beheld-Kraken variation. We could term it "The Whack Kraken")

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