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Gentlemen, we are going to the red planet.

KNSA Scientist

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Hello, this is going to be the most awe-inspiring collaboration of teamwork and docking ever to be done in Real Solar System mod...

We are going to Duna.

And not only are we going to Duna, we are doing it manned. With lots of mods that add extreme difficulty.

Alright, now that we have that inspirational speech out of the way, let's talk mods and rules.

The mods are as follows:

Deadly Re-entry (for death defying plasma-bursting action)

FAR (for extreme aerodynamics)

Tac Life Support (this one is most likely the reason why not many people have dared to try this)

KW Rocketry (for engines and stuff)

Novapunch 2 (for tanks and engines and stuff)

Aies Aerospace (for more engines and tanks and stuff)

RealChutes (for better parachutes)

RealFuels (for better fuels)

RemoteTech 2 (for communication!)

StretchySRBS (for longer and thicker tank sizes)

Procedural Fairings (for better fairings)

Kethane (for fuel on Duna)

And now for the rules...

Rule #1: Part limit is 50 parts, to keep it small and laggy computer friendly.

Rule #2: Do not move around other peoples modules to fit your own, ask first.

Sign up by telling me what your module is and show a picture of the module.

List of participants:







Please tell me what you think, and also I am not sure if this is the right place for this. :P

Thank you, and have a nice day.

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I could possibly do this on a seperate install of KSP. B9 takes up too much space right now. What does Novapunch and AEIS provide that KW doesn't? I would love designing a mars ship/base in RSS launched with a bunch of Falcon Heavies to see how the rocket would actually fare against the SLS. :P

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Since there are several threads of this sort now, we've had to make a policy decision so that they will be handled consistently. From now on, if you're working on a joint project which doesn't involve offering craft files to non-members (because those belong in Rocket Builders), the thread should go here, in Forum Games. Please feel free to continue the thread/project in this new home.

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