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[0.23.5] [WiP] RedAV8R Realism Packs for RSS - Last Update 18 June 2014


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Continuing work today. First off, Saturn V isn't even remotely close to done, it's sized, most of it that is, just finished the rest. Big problem right now is the scaling. Since the original parts are in Kerbal scale, some graduated parts will not work with a real sized project...


Big item though...I'd like to commission somebody to model just a few parts. I'll do the cfgs, that's not the issue. One that I can see right now is the S-IVB aft interstage. The part shall be a hollow truncated cone. The part shall be 6.604m wide at the top, 10.058m wide at the bottom, and 5.778m tall. The walls should be say .1 meter thick (we can do some research to determine what it is). Textured appropriately.

The second will be a proper Spacecraft Lunar Module Adapter appropriately scaled to match the real thing. More details to follow once Frizzank publishes Apollo.

That is all at this point.

Edited by RedAV8R
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Hello everybody. Could someone help me with the LEM ascent and descent tank/engines? They don't seem to support Real fuels and engine ignitor. How do I fix that?

edit: Is the apollo csm supposed to be not resized?

Well my friend, what you have is an old version. I am putting up a new version as we speak, still not completely done, but it's a whole lot closer. Soon I'll add craft and sub-assemblies to make things easier.

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Make sure you have RO/RSS and all dependencies thereof. I also need to mention and add to the OP that ModuleRCSFX is now also required.

Yes all the RSS_FASA_***.cfg goes in the main FASA folder that is itself in the GameData folder. I like to put RSS_Resources in the main GameData folder.

Same problems as before with RealFuels?

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Ok right now the game crashes once it should enter the loading screen. I don't think it has to do with my memory as I deinstalled Kw Rocketry and Novapunch. The game works with FASA installed without the patch. I Installed all the required cfg's and plugins etc but did not install the KM_gimbal.dll as it is aleady contained in Jack Bauers Realengines mod.

edit: Is the patch for the stable FASA version or the beta that includes Saturn 5?

edit2: Game works now but still no realfuel function. The LEM is still useing liquidfuel/ox instead of Aerozine. The parts don't seem to be rescaled

Edited by BombastixderTeutone
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Ok problem solved. I deinstalled the FASA stable and installed the Beta and now everything works. Thanks for the help RedAV8R. Now I can start building my moonrocket ヽ༼ຈلÜຈ༽ノ

edit: The command module rcs ports don't seem to be supported by real fuels. When i click on them in the stageing menu the real fuels window does not appear. Also the SAS does not work, and the WASD direction ony the Navball seems to be reversed. Mechjeb does not offer any good results either. Another problem seems to be the SII Interstage adapter, as it randomly explodes halfway during my flight, cutting me of from my first stage way too early

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Yes, the Apollo Command Module RCS is having problems. I haven't figured out what is going on yet, some experimentation is required and I've got a few ideas, but I do know about it. That said, because there are no reaction wheels, if RCS is broken, starts spinning, there is nothing there to stop it. The blowing up of interstage I noticed yesterday during my first flight testing. Sizes, weight, fuel load was first, no comes the flight testing to make sure it all comes together. Gotta make sure FAR isn't breaking it either, still a ways to go, but in my mind the hard, time consuming part is over, now the fun part begins.

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Do you have the reversed controll problem too? Down is up and left is right reversed, and it confused the SAS and Mechjeb.

Let's get this straight. The SAS is there. Period. It also works. There are no reaction wheels present though, so it must use other means (IE RCS) in order to keep itself pointed in the direction you want. Well at this time the RCS is screwed up. Until that is fixed, it's not going to work. One could make a work around, but I'm going to give DennyTX a shout and see what he can do first, then it's up to Frizzank to include it in FASA.

Now, I need to suggest to DennyTX to rework his RCS for the Apollo Command Module. First, there are 12 engines in the real deal. He has modeled 8, missing the 4 roll engines outright, and 6 of the others are wrong compared to real life. The pod that is placed near the forward tunnel, under the front heat shield, fires outward, as is modeled it's the only one that is the same as real life, BUT it's on the WRONG SIDE, the top of the Command Module needs flipped 180. Once that is fixed, all will be well again. DennyTX has two options as I see, model the RCS trust transforms and visual model into the Command Pod itself, which with the advent of ModuleRCSFX resolves all issues that otherwise would have occured, or he can make 1 new RCS pod model, one with the trust transforms that fire correctly for roll and cut out 2 sections in the command module to place them. Then it would be up to the individual to place them correctly. I obviously am in favor of just building the entire command module model correctly with the transforms and let ModuleRCSFX do the work, but others don't like that.

Edited by RedAV8R
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I'm not talking about RCS but about the gimbal of the different rocket stages, they don't act right and I have no clue what causes this.

Well talking about RCS then SAS and so on, one was led to believe you were. I'll check out the gimbals and get back to you. I have noticed with RCS ON mechjeb doesn't work so good, turn it off, gimbals just fine.

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I'm not talking about RCS but about the gimbal of the different rocket stages, they don't act right and I have no clue what causes this.

Ok, since I didn't get much info on WHAT gimbals were wrong, found the issue, easy fix, KM_Gimbal just needed to turn pitch/yaw inversion on. That's resolved now, I'll update download in a couple hours. Now onto the exploding parts...

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Everybody, I'm going to go through and add it to others, I've already done and included all 3 Saturn engines (F1,J2,H1), but I will be making new engine copies which enable KM_Gimbal functionality for those who like that, while still keeping an engine with stock gimbals around for those who don't.

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Are there instructions on how to install the Engine Thrust Controller? I know it's probably simple, I just don't know where to put the DLL.

Make a folder, make a plugins folder...Mine is ETCv2/Plugins. Really doesn't matter, please make sure to delete the *.cfg file though thats included.

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On the FASA Agena probe and RCS pod, I believe they are supposed to have RCS capabilities, however, they aren't using the Nitrogen included in the pod. How can I fix this?

The Agena probe core while having RCS in FASA, as far as I can tell in my research did NOT have the RCS. There were nitrogen thrusters on the flight pack just above the engine. Seems when I converted it to ModuleRCSFX I used the normal transform name, rather than the name it should have been. I've just uploaded the latest version which corrects this error, please make sure you delete everything old before installing the latest version.

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