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B9 5.0 pre-release (with download)


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  sysigy said:
I am having trouble building it, I can't find some of the parts.

Apart from B9 parts, it uses at least wings and radial intakes from SpacePlane+, and animated engines from BahamutoDynamics.

  K3|Chris said:
Those are B9 engines

Ouch, sorry then. I haven't tried an experimental version yet, and B9 pack continues to surprise.

Edited by Konnor
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  K3|Chris said:
Those are B9 engines, the white fuel tank in the middle is KW, but it's just a fairly standard 2.5m fuel tank.

He means the radial engines in the last picture, on the bottom right, they are part of BahamutoDynamics parts pack, the one with the crittercrawler in it.

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  S1000RRHP4 said:
yes but an "hollow" cross section part for stock of my fighter ships:)

for navigate inside my ship

Hangar with all doors is hollow? Do you want the other models hollow too? bac is gonna shoot me if I ask for that :D

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  SufficientAnonymity said:
Hang on, am I reading the past few pages correctly in that with one of the more recent commits, it's now possible to disable some of the HX nodes to make part placement easier?


There's a tweakable menu on the larger HX parts that you can use to toggle individual nodes in the editor. The full mod has a whole host of other things it does, so I haven't included the MM file to apply it to every single part, or all the other plugins - link is in readme if you're interested.

  BLUESHADOW125 said:
are you able to give a rough estimate of when this will be released

Every time I do this something bad happens and I'm away from the pc for weeks (deaths in the family, illness, other fun stuff) so I'm not doing it any more. B9 is now officially on Valve Time, its ready when its ready.

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  Konnor said:
Apart from B9 parts, it uses at least wings and radial intakes from SpacePlane+, and animated engines from BahamutoDynamics.

Ouch, sorry then. I haven't tried an experimental version yet, and B9 pack continues to surprise.

Thanks, I've pretty much got most of it working now.

Does anyone know where those air breaks at the back of the wings are from?

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  S1000RRHP4 said:
yes but an "hollow" cross section part for stock of my fighter ships:)

for navigate inside my ship

Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying. There already are hollow parts of all sizes.

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  bac9 said:
Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying. There already are hollow parts of all sizes.

I think he wants a version of the HX hollow sections with the support beams removed (leaving just the corners and any enabled walls), so that you can fit/navigate builds through a stack of them that are larger than a single HX2 or HX1 internal volume.

Been having some fun with new B9 along with Interstellar, Infernal Robotics, and SP+. This build couldn't even fit in the SPH.

Edit: formatted as imgur album; thanks Diomedea!

Edited by Jafar_Ironclad
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  Andrew Hansen said:
From B9 of course, under the control category.
Yeh found them about 5min after posting...

Ok I have now fully replicated the ship, bar 1 thing. I can't work out where the Probe core or Pod goes to control the thing lol

I've looked over every angle on the picture but I can't see a pod or probe core anywhere.

Any ideas?

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  Psifroto said:
I am also experienced a bug where when placing a part locks up the game. It seems to be one of the lights and the black RCS for me.

That's incredibly vague, specifics please, did you read install instructions in OP? Got a log if you did follow them?

  Alshain said:
Can I delete RPM? I don't fly IVA so I have no use for it. Will deleting it cause issues or is it safe to delete?

Should be safe, though I can't vouch for it, try it? Always fun to hear 100h+ of work is dismissed as wasted resources.

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  K3|Chris said:
Should be safe, though I can't vouch for it, try it? Always fun to hear 100h+ of work is dismissed as wasted resources.

Please don't take it that way. The IVA's are beautiful and there are plenty of people that will enjoy them, just not me. Just personal taste, no offense meant. It has nothing to do with the IVA itself anyway and the fact I just have trouble flying in IVA.

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  bac9 said:
Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying. There already are hollow parts of all sizes.

I think he's referring to the beams across the middle of the HX4 hollow section that sort of split it into two stacked HX2 sections. If that beam was removed then you could fit something in to the HX4 hollow section that didn't fit into the HX2. It would be nice to make a huge docking bay like that. I would probably put a single centered docking node there because I tend to flail around a lot while docking so I need the extra room :)

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  Taverius said:

There's a tweakable menu on the larger HX parts that you can use to toggle individual nodes in the editor. The full mod has a whole host of other things it does, so I haven't included the MM file to apply it to every single part, or all the other plugins - link is in readme if you're interested.

Awesome :) Up until now, when using HX parts, I'd been rotating the camera inside the existing piece, looking out through the node I wanted to use and then flailing about with the part I was trying to attach. I'd say it worked... oh, about 10% of the time :P

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Commit: 3fb453ccd81ff54582f9062061cf82a9b26d06e9 [3fb453c]

Parents: f86b09f564

Author: Leonardo Valeri Manera

Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 10:21:07 AM


name = FSmeshSwitch
moduleID = 0
objectDisplayNames = Raised; Lowered; Straight A; Straight B; Flat
objects = Tail_Raised;Tail_Lowered;Tail_Straight_A;Tail_Straight_B;Tail_Flat
objectDisplayNames = Raised (Structural); Raised (LF); Raised (LFO); Lowered (Structural); Lowered (LF); Lowered (LFO); Straight A (Structural); Straight A (LF); Straight A (LFO); Straight B (Structural); Straight B (LF); Straight B (LFO); Flat (Structural); Flat (LF); Flat (LFO)
objects = Tail_Raised; Tail_Raised; Tail_Raised; Tail_Lowered; Tail_Lowered; Tail_Lowered; Tail_Straight_A; Tail_Straight_A; Tail_Straight_A; Tail_Straight_B; Tail_Straight_B; Tail_Straight_B; Tail_Flat; Tail_Flat; Tail_Flat
affectColliders = true
useFuelSwitchModule = true
fuelTankSetups = 0; 0; 0; 0; 1
fuelTankSetups = 0; 1; 2; 0; 1; 2; 0; 1; 2; 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5

name = FSfuelSwitch
resourceNames = Structural;Structural
resourceAmounts = 0; 0
resourceNames = Structural;LiquidFuel;LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;Structural;LiquidFuel;LiquidFuel,Oxidizer
resourceAmounts = 0; 7120; 3204, 3916; 0; 8460; 3807, 4653
basePartMass = 3.618
tankMass = 0; 0.685
tankCost = 0; 1170
tankMass = 0; 0.678; 0.904; 0.685; 1.492; 1.761
tankCost = 0; 7750; 5325; 1170; 10385; 7500
displayCurrentTankCost = true
hasGUI = False
showInfo = false

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  sysigy said:
Yeh found them about 5min after posting...

Ok I have now fully replicated the ship, bar 1 thing. I can't work out where the Probe core or Pod goes to control the thing lol

I've looked over every angle on the picture but I can't see a pod or probe core anywhere.

Any ideas?

Most likely with part clipping, that's how I do it when I build drones like this, and I learned it from taking apart one of the drones included with B9 R4.

Essentially you place one of the probe cores on the front of that first fuel tank and then clip the tail over it for the nose, or place it on the back of the tail and clip the fuel tank over it, but you need to make sure to orient the probe in the correct direction otherwise you will be flying backwards lol, made that mistake a couple times.

If you don't know how to turn on part clipping hit alt+F12 (on windows, if you are using mac or linux then idk what it is, the modifier key and F12) and select the tick mark to enable part clipping in editors. Or if you install Editor Extensions, which I highly recommend then it's just alt+z. :cool:

You can get Editor Extensions here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/38768-0-24-Editor-Extensions-v1-3-19-Jul-2014-(EdTools-Editor-Tools-replacement)

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  sysigy said:
Thanks, I've pretty much got most of it working now.

Does anyone know where those air breaks at the back of the wings are from?

Note that two of the large airbrakes wiill slow you down IMMENSELY they produce 152 drag each. Make sure they are equally spaced or else your spaceplane will roll,yaw,and pitch to one side.

Two of the large airbrakes slows 3500kn of thrust down to probly 1/3 to 1/4 of that. GREAT for landing. Just post them to an action group and enable them about 750m from the runway at 750m high if your doing 3-400 m/s

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  Akira_R said:

Editor extensions makes me have to buuild my spaceplanes in the VAB no matter if i start in the SPH or not. I got rid of it for that reason alone. Too bad. It needs an update bad, the hotkeys and that issue killed it for me.

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