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The single biggest problem with career mode!

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With the edition of contracts and money to go along with them (unless contracts give you science in 0.24 until they get cash figured out, i dunno) we will finally have a practical use for all our spaceplanes! Once we're done with our spaceplanes, we will be able return them to Ksc for a considerable refund, i imagine.

However, what if we want to use multi-stage reusable rockets, like spacex and the space shuttle program use? I certainly like using them! however given that unless you are always within physics range of them boosters just disappear in the atmosphere and launch stages automatically self-terminate when they hit the ground regardless of how many parachutes you put on them ( big breath), it seems like they won't be feasable anymore. ;.;

So what do you think? Do you have any solutions to this problem? Do you not really care? :sticktongue: Tell me here!

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I would add a specific "Landing zone" / Landing pad which would require you to land a rocket at the pad and recover it for a partial refund of the construction costs. (say 80%-90%) as recoverable rockets will still half to be refurbished after each launch, and as we saw with the space shuttle refurbishing added a fair bit to the overall cost of each mission.

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as we saw with the space shuttle refurbishing added a fair bit to the overall cost of each mission.

The shuttle is not something you should compare to when you talk about reusability. It is the only thing we have tried and "succeeded" to reuse, true, but with horrendous results, so we don't know the full potential of reusability yet.

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IMHO they will probably handle the same way that the mission controller mod handled it.

It calculated to see if you had attached enough parachutes to the spent stages to safely land them. If you did, you got X% cash back. If not, well you burned that money.

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This is hardly the best place for this thread. Let me see... *flips through the KSPF Tour Guide Book*

Ah, yes, here we are. Suggestions and Development Discussion. This seems like a far better place to talk about this. *starts fiddling with a console full of brightly-lit buttons*

There. Moved.

Please take a little care when choosing where to post a new thread in future, mmkay? :)

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If part costs and reusability are implemented without major rebalancing, i'll place my bets on jet-boosted rockets. Spaceplanes are just too fragile and hard to build, while traditional rockets are big and expensive.

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Just check how much an object whieghs when it leaves render and how many parachutes are attached. If there are enough parachutes to slow the object down then it is recovered if not it goes boom. However I think it will be a while (if ever) money is implemented

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We still have no idea how money will work in KSP.

My idea on how to make SSTOs less overpowered was that a contract might come with two kinds of money - design budget and completion reward.

However, design budget cannot be used to top your account. You may use it to build a ship for the mission but if you don't use it all, the rest will be cleared. Only after you finish the mission, you get the completion reward on your account.

That means you have to build something for each mission if you want to have something from the design budget.

It also assumes no money rewards on recovered parts so nothing forces you to try to make everything recoverable.

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