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How much with ARM effect the R&D tree?

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I've been wondering where the new parts will go. Where do you think they will go and any thoughts?

Here's the current tree if it possibly helps (using FASA to experiment :wink:).



Edited by Avera9eJoe
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  NecroBones said:
I think in one of the interviews, the devs said that the new parts will go where the largest of the older parts were, and those in turn will unlock sooner. So I'm guessing these will be in that upper-right box.

Really? The tech tree is too easy to finish as it is (go to minmus), I was hoping for another tier.:P

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Scott said in his video that there's no career mode in the version he was playing when showing the ARM mission.

Whether that's temporary or permanent he didn't mention and probably didn't know.

And no, career mode is not "too easy". It's designed to be quite doable for people who're not experts, designed so people can go through it with relative ease.

And oh, those same "experts" been complaining for months now that "it's too grindy" and that parts should unlock with less effort.

So what will it be? You can't have it both ways.

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They will probably be at the end, either where the mainsails fit now or somewhere in between the last tech parts.

I also feel like they will split up the parts into at least into two categories, maybe more.

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  Brofessional said:
The tech tree will get more difficult to unlock when currency is added and you actually have to manage part costs.

True. Very true. That will add a lot more difficulty to career.

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  Brofessional said:
The tech tree will get more difficult to unlock when currency is added and you actually have to manage part costs.

[citation needed]

The tech tree is billed as an introductory feature, I doubt it will ever be much harder.

E: Might as well reiterate that a citation is, in fact, needed because we have very little information to go on regarding financing. Like none AFAIK. If anyone has something solid besides "money will exist at some point and you can exchange it for science and rep" I'd love to see it. So far I've read tons of hearsay.

E2: On topic, I hope they put those parts in the later empty "modder" nodes (experimental rocketry, etc...)

Edited by regex
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  regex said:
[citation needed]

The tech tree is billed as an introductory feature, I doubt it will ever be much harder.

E: Might as well reiterate that a citation is, in fact, needed because we have very little information to go on regarding financing. Like none AFAIK. If anyone has something solid besides "money will exist at some point and you can exchange it for science and rep" I'd love to see it. So far I've read tons of hearsay.

E2: On topic, I hope they put those parts in the later empty "modder" nodes (experimental rocketry, etc...)

Squad has said they'd like to make ksp a space agency simulator(and also a space flight simulator at the same time), complete with discovering celestial bodies and managing finances, multiple times on multiple interviews; a citation shouldn't be needed because it is abundant. If you look at the parts they all have a value listed if I recall correctly indicating that some sort of currency will eventually be added.

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  Vade said:
Squad has said they'd like to make ksp a space agency simulator(and also a space flight simulator at the same time), complete with discovering celestial bodies and managing finances, multiple times on multiple interviews; a citation shouldn't be needed because it is abundant. If you look at the parts they all have a value listed if I recall correctly indicating that some sort of currency will eventually be added.

And yet they've said nothing concrete (nothing at all, really) about difficulty regarding those finances and the integration with tech tree beyond that three currencies will be exchangable and that parts will probably be unlockable. It is entirely reasonable to say that it will be insanely difficult to generate money to unlock parts in the same way that it is entirely reasonable to say that money will be so bountiful that unlocking parts will be child's play. It's all speculation at this point and statements of fact can build false hopes.

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  Brofessional said:
The tech tree will get more difficult to unlock when currency is added and you actually have to manage part costs.

read, more grindy, having to run dozens of (nearly) identical missions just to get more parts... Either that or the mission that unlocks the science brings enough income to unlock the associated parts.

And of course the same people complaining "it's too easy" will be the ones complaining "it's too grindy" when they have to put in more effort.

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  regex said:
...all speculation at this point and statements of fact can build false hopes.

This sentence should be a general advice in the forum rules.

I think the whole progression system in the game is more of a nice little challenging aspect and not to keep players from getting further without fighting like hell. KSP is very much a fun game with educational touch... A tough progression curve simply doesnt fit the concept. I am looking forward to play the new career mode.

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  MalfunctionM1Ke said:
Actually... Why should I redirect an Asteroid to get science from it? Cant you just fly to it, grab the science and leave again?

Or is the science dependend on the biome the asteroid floats in? :)

An asteroid in orbit can be examined in greater detail as it is easier to reach 24/7.

It can even be pulverized over time, exploring layer for layer in the process.

This cannot be simulated realistically in KSP right now, as the passage of time has no influence on the game (Kerbals do not age, experiments are finished instantaneous, no way to do longtime observations etc.), but it can be approximated by giving the player another set of data while the asteroid is in orbit.

A big pool of science available for an asteroid in LKO that can only be transmitted by say 30% and has to be "mined" further by returning several samples to KSC would be the closest thing to long time research of a captured object, I think.

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  MalfunctionM1Ke said:
Actually... Why should I redirect an Asteroid to get science from it? Cant you just fly to it, grab the science and leave again?

Or is the science dependend on the biome the asteroid floats in? :)

You don't have to redirect it; you can, indeed, do science in situ.

Then you can redirect it and do MOAR science.

I think the asteroid gives 3 different reports: Kerbolar orbit, HKO, and LKO.

All of the above AFAIK, of course.

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Alright, alright, break it up, break it up! This is clearly the wrong section for this kind of discussion. *shoos you all over to the Development Discussion section*

The forum has sections for good reason; please use them where appropriate! :D

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  AlexinTokyo said:
You don't have to redirect it; you can, indeed, do science in situ.

Then you can redirect it and do MOAR science.

I think the asteroid gives 3 different reports: Kerbolar orbit, HKO, and LKO.

All of the above AFAIK, of course.

I think I've heard one of the early access videos saying that you could take it anywhere and get local science. So you can get High Orbit Jool, Low Orbit Gilly, Surface Laythe, etc. At the moment only Kerbin science is practical though, but maybe they'll expand asteroid generation to other planets later.

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Hm, the science in game only supports "around planet x" not "around a planet".

I think I would prefer a systems allowing for "EVA report near an asteroid around planet x" and "sample from the asteroid x".

This would then follow more closely to the existing system which at least feel like reports being something like "we achieved to reach x" and experiments like "we measured stuff on body x".

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  jwenting said:
read, more grindy, having to run dozens of (nearly) identical missions just to get more parts... Either that or the mission that unlocks the science brings enough income to unlock the associated parts.

And of course the same people complaining "it's too easy" will be the ones complaining "it's too grindy" when they have to put in more effort.

I agree with the grindy and wasy aspect but mainly because I've done everything already. Although the greater portion of the fan base has had KSP for while and has already done the majority of things in the game. More difficult features do need to be added like stock deadly reentry and stock communications satellites. Or even more celestial bodies. Something more that's required to advance so you aren't always doing repetitive missions. Missions to space with satellite missions and Kerbin exploration missions in between. Oh and science and money for modular building too I'd love to see that.

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