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[0.23] [Released] ScienceAlert 1.3: Experiment availability feedback (updated Apr 7)


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1.1 is now out!

  DMagic said:
Well, it sort of works with my parts. Some of my modules inherit from ModuleScienceExperiment, so it picks up on those, but it's calling the base.DeployExperiment method, that makes it skips any animations of other effects used by my DeployExperiment method.

Should now be fixed

  DMagic said:
In my latest build I switched the anomaly scanner over to ModuleScienceExperiment too, but I fixed it so that this mod will ignore it. Using the current release Sciencealert shouldn't see shouldn't see this part though (or the drill).

You provide experiment definitions for them, so it'll pick up both of them and determine when they're applicable based on the situation mask and other parameters. Players will have to enable "assume onboard" for this to work, however, and won't be able to use the experiment shortcut button to activate them.

  Amaroq said:
Repro steps (confirmed again this morning): launch a "first stable manned orbiter" craft. When Science Alert alerts about EVA for a common terrain (grasslands, water, shores), EVA out, right click on the Kerbal, "EVA Report", then return to the craft. Begin warp. As its in orbit, eventually the craft will leave that biome .. and since its common, eventually it will re-enter it. Re-entering the biome triggers the "EVA Report" Science Alert again, even though the report for that biome is already onboard.

I couldn't get this to show up a single time, though I tried and tried. I've added some debug options (accessible via middle mouse click on button) that might help me track it down. The next time this shows up, open the debug menu and press the first two buttons; then upload your log (and perhaps a quicksave as well) somewhere I can get at them.

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  xEvilReeperx said:
Should now be fixed

Yep, works great now.

You provide experiment definitions for them, so it'll pick up both of them and determine when they're applicable based on the situation mask and other parameters. Players will have to enable "assume onboard" for this to work, however, and won't be able to use the experiment shortcut button to activate them.

A fix for this, from the other modder's side, is to set both bitmasks to 0, I did this with the anomaly scanner and it works fine. Since the kind of experiments that differ significantly from stock science usually end up changing how they decide when to make a report available this should work most of the time. ScienceAlert will still see the experiment, it will just think that it's never available. And it's not difficult for a modder to setup their own version of an experimental situation and biome check if they need to.

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I updated 2-3 mods today, so I will post this in each of their respective threads, but I can't figure out what went wrong.

Each time I launch a new craft the PhysX time slows down(the MET becomes yellow) and the game starts being super laggy(as in FPS constantly low laggy).

Now..you'll say "Ok, you are launching a craft with many parts, so it's normal". Yes, but! BUT!

The moment I go to the Map view and back it disappears!

I checked the Alt+F2 log. This is spammed several hundred times:


EDIT: Added output_log - https://www.dropbox.com/s/g78bn2vshyixs6t/output_log.txt

List of mods updated prior to the bug:

1. Visual enhancements TEST 8.1;

2. Procedural Fairings 2.4.4;

3. Science Alert Beta 1.1a;

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  smunisto said:
I updated 2-3 mods today, so I will post this in each of their respective threads, but I can't figure out what went wrong.

Each time I launch a new craft the PhysX time slows down(the MET becomes yellow) and the game starts being super laggy(as in FPS constantly low laggy).

I didn't encounter your issue. I don't think your output log is complete. The flight scene doesn't appear in it so ScienceAlert never initializes

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This won't apply to most people but I have a small roleplaying conflict between this and ScanSat - I like to believe my Kerbals can't *plan* for Biomes until they've scanned them (obviously they can do experiments and *find out* they have a new biomes). However, it's quite pie-in-the-sky to imagine or expect that this mod will check with ScanSat if the biome has been mapped already :) Will post if I can think of any compromise.

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Something you might want to put in the OP is a warning that the "stop warp" function for science alerts seems to seriously screw up orbital calculations as compared to just the usual rounding errors from going in and out of it manually, and much more severely the higher the warp factor is at the time of interruption - in circular orbits I've had periapsis drop from 1/6 at about 100x to as much as 1/2 while doing 1000x. I know you said you didn't exactly want automatic experiment triggering as an option, but since the toolbar menu lets you conduct experiments even when in warp maybe an in-warp auto-perform would be a good route to take to avoid that kind of cataclysmic deorbiting situation.

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  SorensonPA said:
Something you might want to put in the OP is a warning that the "stop warp" function for science alerts seems to seriously screw up orbital calculations as compared to just the usual rounding errors from going in and out of it manually

Uh, I didn't notice and it's gone unreported until now. Thanks for the report. Fixed in 1.2

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Noticed another point of interest that might tie in with this mod, was farting around with planes and as usual twisted and crashed because of the weird wheel-balance physics and got a CTD ~3 seconds afterwards. Grabbed the main log and noticed a looooot of ScienceAlert activity right before the crash. Log starts from the first impact:

[LOG 16:30:23.080] FSfighterWing collided into model_runway_new_v44_collider - relative velocity: 91.10656 - no impact momentum (no RB)
[LOG 16:30:23.082] FSfighterWing Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.1
[LOG 16:30:23.084] [FSfighterWing]: Deactivated
[LOG 16:30:23.086] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Analyse Magnetosphere): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.087] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Analyse Magnetosphere): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.088] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Atmosphere Analysis): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.089] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Atmospheric Pressure Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.089] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Crew Report): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.090] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Gravity Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.091] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (High Resolution Altimetry Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.092] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Impactor Experiment): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.092] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Low Resolution Altimetry Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.093] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Materials Study): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.094] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Multispectral Analysis): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.095] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Mystery Gooâ„¢ Observation): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.095] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Sample): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.096] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Seismic Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.097] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Surface Sample): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.097] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Temperature Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.105] [00:12:24]: FS1W Firespitter Wing collided into Runway.
[LOG 16:30:23.121] 1 explosions created.
[LOG 16:30:23.129] Tac.FuelBalanceController[FFF60F5E][1382.76]: Rebuilding resource lists.
[LOG 16:30:23.196] B9.Aero.Wing.SW.Winglet.2-3x1-6m collided into model_runway_new_v44_collider - relative velocity: 88.91451 - no impact momentum (no RB)
[LOG 16:30:23.197] B9.Aero.Wing.SW.Winglet.2-3x1-6m Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.1
[LOG 16:30:23.197] [B9.Aero.Wing.SW.Winglet.2-3x1-6m]: Deactivated
[LOG 16:30:23.198] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Analyse Magnetosphere): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.199] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Analyse Magnetosphere): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.200] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Atmosphere Analysis): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.201] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Atmospheric Pressure Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.201] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Crew Report): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.202] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Gravity Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.203] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (High Resolution Altimetry Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.204] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Impactor Experiment): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.204] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Low Resolution Altimetry Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.205] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Materials Study): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.206] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Multispectral Analysis): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.207] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Mystery Gooâ„¢ Observation): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.208] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Sample): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.208] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Seismic Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.209] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Surface Sample): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.210] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Temperature Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.215] [00:12:24]: SW Winglet 2.3x1.6m collided into Runway.
[LOG 16:30:23.229] 1 explosions created.
[LOG 16:30:23.237] Tac.FuelBalanceController[FFF60F5E][1382.88]: Rebuilding resource lists.
[LOG 16:30:23.242] UltraWarp off 70.7228632752085
[LOG 16:30:23.254] Tac.FuelBalanceController[FFF60F5E][1382.92]: Rebuilding resource lists.
[LOG 16:30:23.496] KW1mtankL2 collided into model_runway_new_v44_collider - relative velocity: 88.97754 - no impact momentum (no RB)
[LOG 16:30:23.497] KW1mtankL2 Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.5
[ERR 16:30:23.499] ScienceAlert, StorageCache: Active vessel is not monitored vessel.
[LOG 16:30:23.502] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Analyse Magnetosphere): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.503] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Analyse Magnetosphere): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.503] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Atmosphere Analysis): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.504] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Atmospheric Pressure Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.505] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Crew Report): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.505] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Gravity Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.506] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (High Resolution Altimetry Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.507] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Impactor Experiment): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.508] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Low Resolution Altimetry Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.508] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Materials Study): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.509] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Multispectral Analysis): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.510] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Mystery Gooâ„¢ Observation): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.510] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Sample): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.511] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Seismic Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.512] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Surface Sample): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.513] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Temperature Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.519] ========ModuleFuelTanks.OnInitialize======= for B9.Cockpit.MK1.Control.SAS
[ERR 16:30:23.520] ScienceAlert, StorageCache: Active vessel is not monitored vessel.
[LOG 16:30:23.521] ========ModuleFuelTanks.OnSave called. Node is:=======
[LOG 16:30:23.521] MODULE
name = ModuleFuelTanks
isEnabled = True
timestamp = 7069076.11632102
basemass = 0.28125
basemassPV = 0.000625
volume = 450

[LOG 16:30:23.523] ========ModuleFuelTanks.OnSave adding subNode:========
[LOG 16:30:23.523] TANK
name = LiquidFuel
utilization = 1
mass = 0
temperature = 300
loss_rate = 0
fillable = True
note =
amount = 427.961081981634
maxAmount = 450

[LOG 16:30:23.524] ========ModuleFuelTanks.OnSave adding subNode:========
[LOG 16:30:23.525] TANK
name = Oxidizer
utilization = 1
mass = 0
temperature = 300
loss_rate = 0
fillable = True
note =
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0

[LOG 16:30:23.526] ========ModuleFuelTanks.OnSave adding subNode:========
[LOG 16:30:23.527] TANK
name = MonoPropellant
utilization = 1
mass = 0.000625
temperature = 300
loss_rate = 0
fillable = True
note =
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0

[LOG 16:30:23.528] ========ModuleFuelTanks.OnSave adding subNode:========
[LOG 16:30:23.529] TANK
name = XenonGas
utilization = 56
mass = 0.000625
temperature = 300
loss_rate = 0
fillable = True
note = (pressurized)
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0

[LOG 16:30:23.530] ========ModuleFuelTanks.OnSave adding subNode:========
[LOG 16:30:23.530] TANK
name = Kethane
utilization = 1
mass = 0
temperature = 300
loss_rate = 0
fillable = False
note =
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0

[LOG 16:30:23.533] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Analyse Magnetosphere): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.533] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Analyse Magnetosphere): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.534] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Atmosphere Analysis): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.535] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Atmospheric Pressure Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.536] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Crew Report): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.536] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Gravity Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.537] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (High Resolution Altimetry Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.538] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Impactor Experiment): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.538] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Low Resolution Altimetry Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.539] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Materials Study): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.540] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Multispectral Analysis): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.541] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Mystery Gooâ„¢ Observation): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.541] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Sample): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.542] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Seismic Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.543] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Surface Sample): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.543] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Temperature Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.548] ========ModuleFuelTanks.OnInitialize======= for FSfighterWing
[ERR 16:30:23.549] ScienceAlert, StorageCache: Active vessel is not monitored vessel.
[LOG 16:30:23.550] ========ModuleFuelTanks.OnSave called. Node is:=======
[LOG 16:30:23.551] MODULE
name = ModuleFuelTanks
isEnabled = True
timestamp = 7069076.11632102
basemass = 0.009374999
basemassPV = 0.0003125
volume = 30

[LOG 16:30:23.552] ========ModuleFuelTanks.OnSave adding subNode:========
[LOG 16:30:23.552] TANK
name = LiquidFuel
utilization = 1
mass = 0.0003125
temperature = 300
loss_rate = 0
fillable = True
note =
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0

[LOG 16:30:23.553] ========ModuleFuelTanks.OnSave adding subNode:========
[LOG 16:30:23.554] TANK
name = Oxidizer
utilization = 1
mass = 0.0003125
temperature = 300
loss_rate = 0
fillable = True
note =
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0

[LOG 16:30:23.555] ========ModuleFuelTanks.OnSave adding subNode:========
[LOG 16:30:23.556] TANK
name = MonoPropellant
utilization = 1
mass = 0.0005
temperature = 300
loss_rate = 0
fillable = True
note =
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0

[LOG 16:30:23.557] ========ModuleFuelTanks.OnSave adding subNode:========
[LOG 16:30:23.557] TANK
name = XenonGas
utilization = 56
mass = 0.0005
temperature = 300
loss_rate = 0
fillable = True
note = (pressurized)
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0

[LOG 16:30:23.558] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Analyse Magnetosphere): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.559] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Analyse Magnetosphere): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.560] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Atmosphere Analysis): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.561] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Atmospheric Pressure Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.561] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Crew Report): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.562] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Gravity Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.563] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (High Resolution Altimetry Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.563] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Impactor Experiment): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.564] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Low Resolution Altimetry Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.565] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Materials Study): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.566] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Multispectral Analysis): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.566] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Mystery Gooâ„¢ Observation): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.567] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Sample): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.568] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Seismic Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.568] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Surface Sample): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.569] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Temperature Scan): rebuilding...
[ERR 16:30:23.574] ScienceAlert, StorageCache: Active vessel is not monitored vessel.
[LOG 16:30:23.576] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Analyse Magnetosphere): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.577] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Analyse Magnetosphere): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.578] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Atmosphere Analysis): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.578] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Atmospheric Pressure Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.579] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Crew Report): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.580] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Gravity Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.581] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (High Resolution Altimetry Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.581] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Impactor Experiment): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.582] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Low Resolution Altimetry Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.583] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Materials Study): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.584] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Multispectral Analysis): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.584] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Mystery Gooâ„¢ Observation): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.585] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Sample): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.586] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Seismic Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.587] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Surface Sample): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.587] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Temperature Scan): rebuilding...
[ERR 16:30:23.590] ScienceAlert, StorageCache: Active vessel is not monitored vessel.
[LOG 16:30:23.592] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Analyse Magnetosphere): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.593] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Analyse Magnetosphere): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.593] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Atmosphere Analysis): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.594] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Atmospheric Pressure Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.595] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Crew Report): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.595] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Gravity Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.596] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (High Resolution Altimetry Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.597] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Impactor Experiment): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.598] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Low Resolution Altimetry Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.598] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Materials Study): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.599] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Multispectral Analysis): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.600] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Mystery Gooâ„¢ Observation): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.601] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Sample): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.602] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Seismic Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.602] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Surface Sample): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.603] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Temperature Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.605] [KW1mtankL2]: Deactivated
[LOG 16:30:23.607] [KSP Interstellar] Handling Impactor
[LOG 16:30:23.608] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Analyse Magnetosphere): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.609] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Analyse Magnetosphere): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.610] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Atmosphere Analysis): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.611] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Atmospheric Pressure Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.612] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Crew Report): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.612] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Gravity Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.613] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (High Resolution Altimetry Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.614] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Impactor Experiment): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.615] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Low Resolution Altimetry Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.615] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Materials Study): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.616] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Multispectral Analysis): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.617] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Mystery Gooâ„¢ Observation): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.618] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Sample): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.618] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Seismic Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.619] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Surface Sample): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.620] ScienceAlert, (info): ExperimentObserver (Temperature Scan): rebuilding...
[LOG 16:30:23.634] [00:12:24]: KW Rocketry SA-2 LFT collided into Runway.
[LOG 16:30:23.650] 1 explosions created.
[LOG 16:30:23.659] Tac.FuelBalanceController[FFF60F5E][1383.18]: Rebuilding resource lists.
[LOG 16:30:23.701] mumech.MJ2.AR202 collided into model_runway_new_v44_collider - relative velocity: 83.07398 - no impact momentum (no RB)
[LOG 16:30:23.702] mumech.MJ2.AR202 Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.5
[LOG 16:30:23.703] [mumech.MJ2.AR202]: Deactivated
[ERR 16:30:23.704] ScienceAlert, StorageCache: Active vessel is not monitored vessel.
[LOG 16:30:23.705] [00:12:24]: MechJeb 2 (AR202 case) collided into Runway.
[LOG 16:30:23.710] 1 explosions created.
[LOG 16:30:23.738] KWRadBattSmallL collided into model_runway_new_v44_collider - relative velocity: 88.83251 - no impact momentum (no RB)
[LOG 16:30:23.739] KWRadBattSmallL Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.5
[LOG 16:30:23.740] [KWRadBattSmallL]: Deactivated
[ERR 16:30:23.740] ScienceAlert, StorageCache: Active vessel is not monitored vessel.
[LOG 16:30:23.741] [00:12:24]: KW BX-L Battery Bank collided into Runway.
[LOG 16:30:23.746] 1 explosions created.
[LOG 16:30:23.801] B9.Cockpit.MK1.Control.SAS collided into model_runway_new_v44_collider - relative velocity: 87.33217 - no impact momentum (no RB)
[LOG 16:30:23.802] B9.Cockpit.MK1.Control.SAS Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.5
[LOG 16:30:23.803] ========ModuleFuelTanks.OnInitialize======= for KW1mtankL2
[ERR 16:30:23.804] ScienceAlert, StorageCache: Active vessel is not monitored vessel.
[LOG 16:30:23.805] ========ModuleFuelTanks.OnSave called. Node is:=======
[LOG 16:30:23.806] MODULE
name = ModuleFuelTanks
isEnabled = True
timestamp = 7069076.33632101
basemass = 0.28125
basemassPV = 0.000625
volume = 450

[LOG 16:30:23.807] ========ModuleFuelTanks.OnSave adding subNode:========
[LOG 16:30:23.807] TANK
name = LiquidFuel
utilization = 1
mass = 0
temperature = 300
loss_rate = 0
fillable = True
note =
amount = 427.961081981634
maxAmount = 450

[LOG 16:30:23.808] ========ModuleFuelTanks.OnSave adding subNode:========
[LOG 16:30:23.809] TANK
name = Oxidizer
utilization = 1
mass = 0
temperature = 300
loss_rate = 0
fillable = True
note =
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0

[LOG 16:30:23.810] ========ModuleFuelTanks.OnSave adding subNode:========
[LOG 16:30:23.811] TANK
name = MonoPropellant
utilization = 1
mass = 0.000625
temperature = 300
loss_rate = 0
fillable = True
note =
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0

[LOG 16:30:23.812] ========ModuleFuelTanks.OnSave adding subNode:========
[LOG 16:30:23.812] TANK
name = XenonGas
utilization = 56
mass = 0.000625
temperature = 300
loss_rate = 0
fillable = True
note = (pressurized)
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0

[LOG 16:30:23.813] ========ModuleFuelTanks.OnSave adding subNode:========
[LOG 16:30:23.814] TANK
name = Kethane
utilization = 1
mass = 0
temperature = 300
loss_rate = 0
fillable = False
note =
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0

[ERR 16:30:23.816] ScienceAlert, StorageCache: Active vessel is not monitored vessel.
[ERR 16:30:23.817] ScienceAlert, StorageCache: Active vessel is not monitored vessel.
[ERR 16:30:23.818] ScienceAlert, StorageCache: Active vessel is not monitored vessel.
[LOG 16:30:23.819] [B9.Cockpit.MK1.Control.SAS]: Deactivated
[ERR 16:30:23.819] ScienceAlert, StorageCache: Active vessel is not monitored vessel.
[LOG 16:30:23.820] [00:12:24]: MK1 SAS Reaction Wheel collided into Runway.
[LOG 16:30:23.821] KW1mtankL2 collided into model_runway_new_v44_collider - relative velocity: 87.6501 - no impact momentum (no RB)
[LOG 16:30:23.822] [Explosion] Combined.
[LOG 16:30:23.823] KW1mtankL2 Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.5
[ERR 16:30:23.824] ScienceAlert, StorageCache: Active vessel is not monitored vessel.
[ERR 16:30:23.825] ScienceAlert, StorageCache: Active vessel is not monitored vessel.
[ERR 16:30:23.826] ScienceAlert, StorageCache: Active vessel is not monitored vessel.
[ERR 16:30:23.827] ScienceAlert, StorageCache: Active vessel is not monitored vessel.
[ERR 16:30:23.828] ScienceAlert, StorageCache: Active vessel is not monitored vessel.
[ERR 16:30:23.829] ScienceAlert, StorageCache: Active vessel is not monitored vessel.
[LOG 16:30:23.830] [KW1mtankL2]: Deactivated
[ERR 16:30:23.831] ScienceAlert, StorageCache: Active vessel is not monitored vessel.
[LOG 16:30:23.832] [00:12:24]: KW Rocketry SA-2 LFT collided into Runway.
[LOG 16:30:23.845] 1 explosions created.

This is with the latest version, 1.2. I'm gonna' remove it and see if that stops the CTDs I've been getting recently, but I'll leave this here so I don't forget about it or something.

EDIT: Still CTDing so back in it goes. Next up, Chatterer.

Edited by SorensonPA
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  SorensonPA said:
Noticed another point of interest that might tie in with this mod, was farting around with planes and as usual twisted and crashed because of the weird wheel-balance physics and got a CTD ~3 seconds afterwards. Grabbed the main log and noticed a looooot of ScienceAlert activity right before the crash. Log starts from the first impact:


This is with the latest version, 1.2. I'm gonna' remove it and see if that stops the CTDs I've been getting recently, but I'll leave this here so I don't forget about it or something.

It shouldn't be causing any CTDs. The log spam there is normal: to save a bit on performance under normal conditions, the watchdog for each experiment has a look through all the parts on the vessel and tracks the ones that contain experiments. Whenever the vessel changes the watchdog needs to rescan the vessel instead of relying on its cache. So if your vessel is bouncing along on the ground with pieces being ripped off left and right, you're going to be triggering a lot of rescans. It shouldn't hurt performance in any noticeable way. You can see Tac.FuelBalanceController doing something similar.

I'll stress test it tonight to see if I can get something to break. I can reduce log spam in this condition for the next version, since any event that would cause one to rescan will cause all of them to anyway

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Is there any way to have ScienceAlert check to see if you have a specific set of results stored on-board when it alerts you to a new experiment? I decided to kit out a probe with 24 gravity sensors to do a low+high orbital sweep of Minmus and get it all out of the way, but ScienceAlert keeps alerting me to stuff even when I store it away for transit back to Kerbin.

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  SorensonPA said:
Is there any way to have ScienceAlert check to see if you have a specific set of results stored on-board when it alerts you to a new experiment? I decided to kit out a probe with 24 gravity sensors to do a low+high orbital sweep of Minmus and get it all out of the way, but ScienceAlert keeps alerting me to stuff even when I store it away for transit back to Kerbin.

It should be doing this already. You might have found the elusive eva report bug I've been hunting since 1.0. The next time it happens, right after you're alerted could you open up the debug menu (middle-mouse click on toolbar icon) and then press each button, then put the output log somewhere I can have a look at it? It might also be helpful to have the related save file (quicksave right after the event would be great) and knowing what options you have set for that experiment are

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Debug dump:

[Log]: ScienceAlert, Dumping all science found in 24 containers aboard XSP-4 Gravity Scanner
[Log]: ScienceAlert, gravityScan@MinmusInSpaceLowSlopes - Gravity Scan from space just above Minmus's Slopes
[Log]: ScienceAlert, gravityScan@MinmusInSpaceLowMidlands - Gravity Scan from space just above Minmus's Midlands
[Log]: ScienceAlert, gravityScan@MinmusInSpaceLowMidlands - Gravity Scan from space just above Minmus's Midlands
[Log]: ScienceAlert, gravityScan@MinmusInSpaceLowHighlands - Gravity Scan from space just above Minmus's Highlands
[Log]: ScienceAlert, gravityScan@MinmusInSpaceLowSlopes - Gravity Scan from space just above Minmus's Slopes
[Log]: ScienceAlert, gravityScan@MinmusInSpaceLowHighlands - Gravity Scan from space just above Minmus's Highlands
[Log]: ScienceAlert, gravityScan@MinmusInSpaceLowMidlands - Gravity Scan from space just above Minmus's Midlands
[Log]: ScienceAlert, gravityScan@MinmusInSpaceLowSlopes - Gravity Scan from space just above Minmus's Slopes
[Log]: ScienceAlert, gravityScan@MinmusInSpaceLowMidlands - Gravity Scan from space just above Minmus's Midlands
[Log]: ScienceAlert, gravityScan@MinmusInSpaceLowSlopes - Gravity Scan from space just above Minmus's Slopes
[Log]: ScienceAlert, End science dump.
[Warning]: ScienceAlert, Current eva situation: evaReport@MinmusInSpaceLowSlopes, science 32
[Log]: ScienceAlert, There are 2 total transmitters - 1 real, 1 magic
[Log]: ScienceAlert, MagicDataTransmitter probeCoreOcto_4294370598 has 0 queued transmissions

Settings.cfg dump:

SaveFlightSessionManeuverNodes = True
FlaskAnimationEnabled = True
SoundOnNewResearch = True
StarFlaskFrameRate = 24
EvaAtmosPressureThreshold = 0.00035
EvaAtmosVelocityThreshold = 30
DebugMode = True
Enabled = True
SoundOnDiscovery = True
AnimationOnDiscovery = True
StopWarpOnDiscovery = False
AssumeOnboard = False
Filter = Unresearched
IsDefault = True
Enabled = True
SoundOnDiscovery = True
AnimationOnDiscovery = True
StopWarpOnDiscovery = False
AssumeOnboard = False
Filter = Unresearched
IsDefault = False
Enabled = True
SoundOnDiscovery = True
AnimationOnDiscovery = True
StopWarpOnDiscovery = False
AssumeOnboard = False
Filter = Unresearched
IsDefault = False
Enabled = True
SoundOnDiscovery = True
AnimationOnDiscovery = True
StopWarpOnDiscovery = False
AssumeOnboard = False
Filter = Unresearched
IsDefault = False
Enabled = True
SoundOnDiscovery = True
AnimationOnDiscovery = True
StopWarpOnDiscovery = True
AssumeOnboard = False
Filter = NotMaxed
IsDefault = True
Enabled = True
SoundOnDiscovery = True
AnimationOnDiscovery = True
StopWarpOnDiscovery = True
AssumeOnboard = False
Filter = NotMaxed
IsDefault = True
Enabled = True
SoundOnDiscovery = True
AnimationOnDiscovery = True
StopWarpOnDiscovery = False
AssumeOnboard = False
Filter = NotMaxed
IsDefault = True
Enabled = True
SoundOnDiscovery = True
AnimationOnDiscovery = True
StopWarpOnDiscovery = False
AssumeOnboard = False
Filter = Unresearched
IsDefault = True
Enabled = True
SoundOnDiscovery = True
AnimationOnDiscovery = True
StopWarpOnDiscovery = False
AssumeOnboard = False
Filter = NotMaxed
IsDefault = True
Enabled = True
SoundOnDiscovery = True
AnimationOnDiscovery = True
StopWarpOnDiscovery = False
AssumeOnboard = False
Filter = NotMaxed
IsDefault = True
Enabled = True
SoundOnDiscovery = True
AnimationOnDiscovery = True
StopWarpOnDiscovery = False
AssumeOnboard = False
Filter = NotMaxed
IsDefault = True
Enabled = True
SoundOnDiscovery = True
AnimationOnDiscovery = True
StopWarpOnDiscovery = False
AssumeOnboard = False
Filter = NotMaxed
IsDefault = True
Enabled = True
SoundOnDiscovery = True
AnimationOnDiscovery = True
StopWarpOnDiscovery = True
AssumeOnboard = False
Filter = NotMaxed
IsDefault = True
Enabled = True
SoundOnDiscovery = True
AnimationOnDiscovery = True
StopWarpOnDiscovery = False
AssumeOnboard = False
Filter = NotMaxed
IsDefault = True
Enabled = True
SoundOnDiscovery = True
AnimationOnDiscovery = True
StopWarpOnDiscovery = False
AssumeOnboard = False
Filter = NotMaxed
IsDefault = False
Enabled = True
SoundOnDiscovery = True
AnimationOnDiscovery = True
StopWarpOnDiscovery = False
AssumeOnboard = False
Filter = NotMaxed
IsDefault = False
Enabled = True
SoundOnDiscovery = True
AnimationOnDiscovery = True
StopWarpOnDiscovery = False
AssumeOnboard = False
Filter = Unresearched
IsDefault = False
Enabled = True
MinDelay = 2
Enabled = True
MinDelay = 0
Enabled = True
MinDelay = 0

Quicksave (though it's a mutated hodgepodge of mods, so I'm not sure if there's anything to be gleaned from this): https://www.dropbox.com/s/5gjxb92gn4skbwv/quicksave.7z

Quicksave from a new game with only ScienceAlert and Mechjeb, same problem and same approximate conditions: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iae89souo1r3wcw/quicksave2.7z

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I have two annoyances:

1. Could you make the plugin ignore science that's already been collected? This thing "blubblubs" every few seconds telling me to do EVA reports that I just did a few seconds ago.

2. Can you make "kill warp" a global toggle. Or maybe have 3 options: Global on, Global Off, and per experiment.

Other than that good work. I like it a lot.

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  SorensonPA said:

Enabled = True
SoundOnDiscovery = True
AnimationOnDiscovery = True
StopWarpOnDiscovery = True
AssumeOnboard = False
[B]Filter = NotMaxed[/B]
IsDefault = True

This might be your problem. A "not maxed" filter will result in alerts popping up when ANY science is available. If a report is onboard, it will also consider what the "next" science value would be. In this situation, here's what's happening:

You deploy a gravity scan experiment. ScienceAlert knows about this, and assumes you'll return it for 80 science (cap of 88 science points). The next time it checks the experiment, it discovers that you have 80 of 88 science accumulated but that you want to know whenever more science is possible. It calculates the next science value (recently added, current versions aren't this verbose):

[Log]: ScienceAlert, Experiment gravityScan@MinmusInSpaceHighMidlands just became available for possible 7.272728 science! (Cap is 88, threshold is NotMaxed, current sci is 80)

So it figures 80 + 7.273 < 88, experiment should be available.

Note at this time that it only accounts for the next science value so even if you were to take a second report, ScienceAlert would still report the experiment is available incorrectly. I'll look for a solution.

I'd appreciate your input on this, though. The filter options could probably use some work.

  Cpt. Kipard said:
I have two annoyances:

1. Could you make the plugin ignore science that's already been collected? This thing "blubblubs" every few seconds telling me to do EVA reports that I just did a few seconds ago.

It does. Or should be. Somebody reported an issue with eva reports that I couldn't reproduce. Is your filter for eva reports set to something other than "unresearched"? Maybe a bug snuck in there. I'll look at those closely tonight.

2. Can you make "kill warp" a global toggle. Or maybe have 3 options: Global on, Global Off, and per experiment.

Sounds like a good idea. I'll add it in the next version.

Edited by xEvilReeperx
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I had a feeling a rounding issue or something of that type was the case given the diminishing returns aspect you see in a lot of the higher-end experiments. I'd tweaked sciencedefs.cfg to equalize basevalue and sciencecap (repetition's necessary in reality, but doesn't make for the best of gameplay) but had already done several beforehand which probably led to some hidden far-flung value that kept hootin' and hollerin'. Idiotproofing is just as much a part of development as bughunting, I suppose.

What about looking at the potential return of a given experiment type and setting the "not maxed" filter such that it acts more as a "99% researched" or "<0.1 science" filter? That should knock out most stuff by the third or so repetition of the experiment but would also leave a bit of wiggle room for high-payout stuff like experiments on Eeloo or Moho.

EDIT: <90% still gives repeated reports, but <50 got it to settle down although that leaves a huuuuuge hole of science that'll be ignored after the first pass with some stuff.

Edited by SorensonPA
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  SorensonPA said:
EDIT: <90% still gives repeated reports, but <50 got it to settle down although that leaves a huuuuuge hole of science that'll be ignored after the first pass with some stuff.

Another bug! Gah! Working on it. Mainly applies to endgame-ish experiments with high multipliers

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  • 2 weeks later...

I needed more alerts in my life. This provides them... with just the right amount of cowbell. However...

Found an interesting... aspect... of this mod. Not exactly a bug, not exactly a feature. Not exactly fugly either.

You will get this:


...if you have SA active in the Orbit map view, and get an EVA report alert, and click on the experiment from the SA button in Toolbar (which immediately pops a Kerbal to EVA, provided you're not presently in-atmosphere...)

This image was taken after successfully taking the report and reboarding the craft.

It's not gamebreaking as far as I can tell, but sometimes the scale can get a bit wacky.


A simple change back to staging view (once aboard the craft) corrects this.

Recommend a forced view change out of orbit view before popping the Kerbal out on EVA.

Managed to recreate it easily.


Have a low orbit (69km +) EVA report undone.

Launch manned craft on high ballistic arc with intended apoapsis > 75km.

As craft approaches 65 km, switch to orbit view.

Bring up nav-ball.

When SA goes off, wait a few seconds for apoapsis to climb so you have enough time to reboard craft.

Kill main engine throttle.

Left click on SA button to bring up experiments.

Click on EVA Report.

Laugh as you realize that you may have finally matched Jeb's body to his ego:


Edited by VaporTrail
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This mod is just awsome. i never playd carreer mode befor.

Your plugin rocks!!

The best part of it is i see every scince i can do with my craft in one nice menu. when it starts to blink you are 2 clicks away from fresh scince stuff :-)

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When playing with a mod that changes something's science to be worth 0, alerts still show up even if it has been fully researched.

For example, with this completed crew report on kerbin's surface: 5NqofTA.png

Although it has already been done, because it's worth 0 science you still get alerts.

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  nallar said:
When playing with a mod that changes something's science to be worth 0, alerts still show up even if it has been fully researched.

Thanks. Fixed in 1.5a. Really obvious in hindsight :blush:

  Amaroq said:
FYI, my earlier report is fixed when using Science Alert 1.3 and Module Manager 2.0.7

I reported the bug to Sarbian. Apparently there's an issue deleting certain types of config nodes. I don't know if the fix made it into 2.0.7, but his suggestion is to modify the existing crew report rather than delete it and create a new one

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  • 1 month later...

EDIT: I just realized I posted this in the old thread. Maybe we should lock it? It's the first thing to show up on Google.

I've been meaning to report this for a long time but never got around to it. I'm not sure if it's just this mod or an interaction between mods but it happens a lot so if nobody else is getting it I can try it on a fresh install and see if it recurs.

The alerter frequently stops alerting me. When it stops, it stops for good and is broken until I reload the ship. F5/F9 works, as does jumping to another ship in map mode or leaping off to the space center and back. Anything that reloads the ship, suddenly bloop bloop I've got science to do. Then, 10 minutes later or so suddenly no alerts. Sometimes it's only a minute before it breaks.

The mod's good enough that I've been living with this problem, but it really makes it hard to use. I frequently don't know if the lack of alerts is because there is truly nothing to do, or if it's broken.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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