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Inverted Lander Prototype (now in orbit!)


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The Jet Master RCS LI is now certified for low orbit missions and certified to launch small payloads into orbit.

Try the Jet Master RCS LI S today!

Introducing the Jet Master RCS LI !!!


A high degree of skill with RCS thrusters is needed to operate this craft.

We at Jet Master Industries have developed a prototype for those who like to land their craft upside down without death.

Remember, this is just a prototype lander. You can however easily be combined this craft with any other compatible Jet Master launch platform (or develop your own).

As an added bonus, we have include a soild fuel rocket to get you started in the wrong right direction for training purposes.

Instruction in use of prototype.

1. Use solid fuel rocket to gain enough altitude for lander training.

2. Once fuel is spent, detach immediately!!

3. Immediately invert craft so the nose is pointing toward the ground. Engage RCS and SAS.

(Please note: If you where reading these instructions while flying prototype, pray instead. Screaming is also acceptable)

4. Reverse thrust to slow decent.

5. Land

Use of parachute is NOT recommended.

Feel free to experiment with the Jet Master RCS LI. Although please share what this prototype can do with us so we can create better rockets for you in the future.

Download Notes:

(Jet Master Industries uses only approved stock parts. No mods needed to fly)

Jet Master RCS LI = trainer for leaning how to land

The Jet Master RCS LI S = mission ready craft

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Wouldn\'t real masters land directly on the command module? ;P

Newer versions will have the parachute removed.

Also because of the high impact resistance of the command module, it makes for very good landing gear.

The landing \'legs\' are there for extra RCS thruster mounts and balance.

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