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Asteroid 101

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I am planning my first asteroid mission and want to know a few things:

What are all the possible ways to suck SCIENCE out of an asteroid? do you claw it then run your tests(goo,temp,gravioli,ect.)? or do you just need to do the experiments near it? do you net science for recovering a landed asteroid from kerbin?

Due to unity running parts through a "tree" parts can only connect to 1 other part. this means that a bi-coupler with 2 fuel tanks cannot mate with another upsidedown bi-coupler at both nodes, only one node will connect.

does that mean that a single ship with 3 claws cannot grab the asteroid at all 3 points at once?

these are just some things i want to know before designing my ship.

Have an excellent Wednesday!

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What are all the possible ways to suck SCIENCE out of an asteroid? do you claw it then run your tests(goo,temp,gravioli,ect.)? or do you just need to do the experiments near it? do you net science for recovering a landed asteroid from kerbin?

Currently, the only science that can be gained with asteroids is a surface sample. there is no need to use the claw to preform the experiment. However, the samples are different per biome. Sutch as high or low orbits, or landed at different biomes. So using the claw can still benifit your career mode endevours.

Due to unity running parts through a "tree" parts can only connect to 1 other part. this means that a bi-coupler with 2 fuel tanks cannot mate with another upsidedown bi-coupler at both nodes, only one node will connect.

does that mean that a single ship with 3 claws cannot grab the asteroid at all 3 points at once?

While this is true, multiple docking ports can connect in a similar fasion but only one will be a "real" connection while the others will act as struts. I don't know the claws will do the same.

Where is the claw in the science tree...I got a bogey inbound and only just to the point where I'm about to land on Mun.

The claw is tier 5 tech and requires advanced construction.

Edited by xub313
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If you land an asteroid on Kerbin, can it be recovered for additional science?

no, it can be recovered but you gain nothing from it. Sadly I had a class B landed relatively close to KSC but I tried to recover it for science, Had I know I'd have kept it and found a way to move it to KSC and build a monument

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no, it can be recovered but you gain nothing from it. Sadly I had a class B landed relatively close to KSC but I tried to recover it for science, Had I know I'd have kept it and found a way to move it to KSC and build a monument

Bummer! :( Quicksave is your friend.

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Does an asteroid transfer energy and fuel just like a docked ship does? If there is a part attached to one with RCS ports on it, but no RCS fuel, then another part that has RCS fuel is attached; would that RCS fuel be used by the other attached part with the ports? Is the same thing true for power? Does the SAS modules attached to an asteroid all act together when you go to maneuver it?

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