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Good Music to KSP Too?


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Coil's 'Musick To Play In The Dark' albums are pretty good:

And this, to me is the Kerbal mindset in a nutshell:

From north and south

We come from east and west

Breathing as one

Living in fame

Or dying in flame

We laugh

Our mission is blessed

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What music do you like to listen to when you go to space?

Do you stick with the in-game tracks (which are great) or do you play something else instead?

I recently put the Battlestar Galactica soundtrack on while playing KSP, and it was awesome :D

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It's surprising just how many different styles of music can fit in when travelling in space. Anything acoustic like Erik Mongrain's Equilibrium all the way up to ambient electronic stuff can work out. Some types of Jazz even seem to fit. I even find that something like Tunedef's Justice which is relatively high energy modern electronic song can work with a chopped video of KSP actions like docking, ascent etc. It's really quite amazing that all these various styles of music can fit in when used right with space considering Hollywood still doesn't seem to have figured out why electronic music and pre-1900's settings don't mesh.

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My 'Ambient Elctronic stuff' at the moment consists of things like Fearsome Engine, but I've found Gorillaz and Muse to be very good too :)

EDIT: Oh, and many of the Indie Game soundtracks I've picked up are pretty good for it too; Nervous Testpilot (Frozen Synapse Soundtrack) seems to fit in well (haha!) Jeffball (Astroman Soundtrack), Chipzel (Phonetic Symphony) - 8-bit spacegame music FTW!, Solar Fields (Capsized Soundtrack), Ensnare (Impeccable + Nitro), Disasterpiece (Deorbit) - more 8-bit goodness, and lots of others besides!

Wouldn't recommend the Amnesia OST soundtrack for those who suffer from things described in this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51670-Am-I-the-only-one-who-s-creeped-out-by-the-Mun

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Some of the soundtracks from Earth & Beyond, and EVE Online work great.

Also like the Babylon 5 soundtrack (and other albums from Christopher Franke, such as his London Concert).

Just now discovering how well the wide range of ambient electronic stuff works. There's a great sampling on Youtube from "Spacemind", such as:



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Oh man, I listen to a variety of stuff, but it mostly depends on what I'm doing. During reentry or aerobraking, particularly with an untested design, I find

from the Mass Effect 2 soundtrack is often quite fitting. Chris Hadfield's rendition of Space Oddity is nice for time warp, docking, and other space station operations. For launches I use
by Muse most, thanks to
video, but for tests and crazier designs I tend to go with
, because... Reasons.

Unless I want something specific though, I usually just have

list on shuffle.
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Jerry Goldsmith.

Alien, Explorers, and a whole slew of Star Trek films.


John Williams's score for Space Camp is nice too.

If you want something a bit more creepy and ambient, John Serrie has a lot of good music for that. He sometimes uses actual space noise for samples too.


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Oh man, I listen to a variety of stuff, but it mostly depends on what I'm doing. During reentry or aerobraking, particularly with an untested design, I find
from the Mass Effect 2 soundtrack is often quite fitting.

I really love all of the Mass Effect series music, but I can't listen to it without turning all fanboy-ish and getting all emotional. :)

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I so want to put this in for one of my launches sometime soon, too bad I didn't record the one I had a few nights ago it would have fit. The thing just did not want to go into space...

Normally I just put pandora on when I am messing around and put it on Classic Rock mixed with 90's grunge.

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