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ARM Pack Appreciation

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I'm loving this update. I can lift bigger things into orbit! I can have decals EVERYWHERE! I can color my lights, clumps ships together and PIVOT them with the claw... so much to play with, so little time!

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  EtherDragon said:
... and the Class 3 parts really don't help for interplanetary stuff once in orbit. (in fact, they're pretty bad at it, comparatively).

Ok the mass ratio on the tanks is a tad worse than on the previous tanks (8.2 instead of 9). The most efficient arrangement would be to use 3 jumbo's and an LV-N as the interplanetary stage, however it is so easy to build a 4 stage one with the new parts and have 4 LV-N's around the top tank and use the remaining fuel in the 3rd stage that did orbital injection get the full value of the Oberth effect as you boost out of Kerbin orbit. Leaving you with 70t off fuel on its way to where-ever and an energy budget of nearly 8000m/s while still delivering nearly 20t of fuel to the destination.

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I like having KSP look only slightly naff instead of really naff, thanks to the performance improvements.

And I like the big SRB. They can get a small payload practically into orbit by themselves, and will be better suited than the BACCs for bigger lifters.

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