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Universal Storage (For KSP 1.4.x) 13th March 2018

Paul Kingtiger

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  Atmoz said:
Hello world !

Need help (sorry for my bad english)

I can't see the "Universal Storage Food Bag" in my VAB List or my Tech Tree !

I Use a lot of mod and everything seems to work perfectly. (USI, TAC, SETI, ...)

I see a "Universal Storage: Supply Bag" but my "TAC Life Support Build Aid" does not change the value of food (3 d) if i had this, but if i had the "Universal Storage: Water Tank" my quantity of water increase a lot (168 d)

Can someone help me... i need food to my first Minmus trip :)


EDIT: KSP 1.0.4

All mods installed by Ckan

Win7 64

Wait, you are using USI Life Support and TAC Life Support?

That would not work.

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Ckan does not tell me to conflict...

I try to uninstall USI Life support... can i keep the other USI mods ?

EDIT: Thanks for the tips... i have uninstalled the USI Life Support and the "Universal Storage: Food Bag" appeared and work fine now:)

Edited by Atmoz
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  Sandworm said:
New theory (My US cores are exploding again)....

I looked at the cores in flight and noticed they were not exactly overheating. They were in fact flashing between hot and cold very rapidly. It was like the heat 'packets' were too large when hitting a lightweight part. I saw similar flashing a few days ago with Novapunch parts connected via decouplers. When I increased the mass of the US bases the problem went away. At a mass of 5.0, instead of 0.5, the octocore didn't overheat. More importantly, at a mass between 0.5 and 1.0 it would overheat more slowly. Heat capacity is therefore based on mass, which does make some sense. Then I dug through the cfgs for parts that cool things, specifically the aero parts that cool incoming air, and noticed the "thermalMassModifier" attribute. It seems to act as a multiplier for heat capacity bypassing the need to increase part mass.

So try adding this line to the octocore cfg:

" thermalMassModifier = 2"

That should increase the part mass for purposes of heat to 1.0. For the hex I'm using a multiplier of 5. This seems to work but I am still testing. I've been wrong before.

So with the latest update to FAR I reinstalled it, and it was causing the quadcore to blow again (it had been fine without FAR installed). I tried this fix again and added the thermalMassModifier = 2 to the quad config and its stopped overheating now. :)

Not sure why it didn't work for me when I tried it previously, assume its related to the FAR update.

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  Torih said:
So with the latest update to FAR I reinstalled it, and it was causing the quadcore to blow again (it had been fine without FAR installed). I tried this fix again and added the thermalMassModifier = 2 to the quad config and its stopped overheating now. :)

Not sure why it didn't work for me when I tried it previously, assume its related to the FAR update.

I had this issue since the last update with or without using CKAN to install just tried this and it worked like a charm thanks a ton! I was about to go bald from all this warp explosions.

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  TicTacToe! said:
I've always wondered, does this mod have a wedge designed for the sole purpose of storing experimental data?

Nope. But Daishi was asking about ideas for utility wedges in the dev thread (but please don't have too many, I'd like to see a release ;-))

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  fallout2077 said:
Is the wedge for the Science Jr. supposed to be with 'Stability" in the tech tree? If so, why there? Aside from balancing the tech, I can't see the logic in an experiment module being grouped with "Stability" tech.

That sounds like a DMagic orbital science part, you're best bet is to ask in his thread.

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Proposal: Solar Panel wedge

eg containing a trapezoid solar array, so that the outer segments are larger than the inner ones, since there is less room available the further you go into the wedge.

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  TicTacToe! said:
I've always wondered, does this mod have a wedge designed for the sole purpose of storing experimental data?

It could do in the future, old 70's computer interfaces have so much character (I love the flight engineer tape drive). Not to mention the flight computers and the instrument unit on the Apollo craft themselves were pretty cool. Do you have any examples of similar parts from other mods, so i have an idea how they function?

  Yemo said:
Proposal: Solar Panel wedge

eg containing a trapezoid solar array, so that the outer segments are larger than the inner ones, since there is less room available the further you go into the wedge.

Could give it a try once the core resource tanks are done :)

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  Daishi said:

The only thing I can think of is the KIS EVA Science container (not currently up for 1.0.4):


This is basically a backpack for kerbals to allow them to do more infield experiments. It's effectively just like a command pod, in that your transfer all your experiments to it, so I was thinking along the same lines for a US wedge. Sorry I can't find many more mods, my request was based upon the fact there was a lack of such a thing.

The big need IMO is for surface-focused operations. You can't store experimental data in a command seat, so at the moment you need to bring along a command pod as your "bank". A science wedge would just allow you to dump all your results into it. I imagine it would also be of use on long and far-reaching grand tour missions, where a ring of different science wedges could be used to sort your experimental results you've gathered (their would inevitably be a lot on that kind of mission) so that would give you the storage required to be able to haul them all back to Kerbin in the flesh rather than lose some science value by transmitting.

EDIT: As you might know, command pods run into a limitation where results must be "unique", in that you can't have two crew reports from Kerbin's shores, for example. The Science Lab let's you surpass this limitation, and allows multiple copies of the same experiment.

Edited by TicTacToe!
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  TicTacToe! said:
The only thing I can think of is the KIS EVA Science container (not currently up for 1.0.4):


This is basically a backpack for kerbals to allow them to do more infield experiments. It's effectively just like a command pod, in that your transfer all your experiments to it, so I was thinking along the same lines for a US wedge. Sorry I can't find many more mods, my request was based upon the fact there was a lack of such a thing.

The big need IMO is for surface-focused operations. You can't store experimental data in a command seat, so at the moment you need to bring along a command pod as your "bank". A science wedge would just allow you to dump all your results into it. I imagine it would also be of use on long and far-reaching grand tour missions, where a ring of different science wedges could be used to sort your experimental results you've gathered (their would inevitably be a lot on that kind of mission) so that would give you the storage required to be able to haul them all back to Kerbin in the flesh rather than lose some science value by transmitting.

EDIT: As you might know, command pods run into a limitation where results must be "unique", in that you can't have two crew reports from Kerbin's shores, for example. The Science Lab let's you surpass this limitation, and allows multiple copies of the same experiment.

Ahh, that mod i gave the EVA-X too ;) Yep, i understand what you're after now.

Never used the lab much so I wasn't aware of its power to store more than one copy - but why though? If something is recovered (which is what this storage wedge is suited for), don't you get the full amount of science for it anyway? The copy would be redundant.

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  Daishi said:
Never used the lab much so I wasn't aware of its power to store more than one copy - but why though? If something is recovered (which is what this storage wedge is suited for), don't you get the full amount of science for it anyway? The copy would be redundant.

Just in the interest of full disclosure really :D If I'm not mistaken however, you can repeat experiments for diminishing returns:

http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/122737-How-much-science-can-each-capsule-hold (see the bottom post of this thread)

Granted, this feature is of not much importance to me personally (I play a modified save where I just complete every experiment once) this could be useful for someone playing a career save where those diminishing returns copies of the same experiment could get them a new tech node, where normally they would be stymied by not being able to bring an extra copy of the experiment home.

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There are several experiments that don't give you the full return value, and even less with transmission, and those are mostly the bulky, non-rerunnable ones. But you can't stuff repeats of the same experiment in a single stock container (there are a few mods that do that, AFAIK, but I never tried them). For me the use of a pure science container would be taking a bunch of results from whatever while in a polar orbit around something, then just plopping that in an unmanned vehicle that would be sent to Kerbin. Also, some mods (ship manifest) allow moving science around on unmanned vessels, so that's another place where it could be used. Meanwhile, I'll remain annoyed that results from thermometers aren't fully transmittable.

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Hey, first I wanted to say that this is an awesome mod and I'm eagerly awaiting V2. I've only been playing KSP for a few weeks so I very unfamiliar with the rendering and physics engines. So please forgive if these are naive suggestions.

I'm currently designing version 2 of my space station to try and address some of the shortcomings of the first one. One of the shiny new things is a Mk3 CRG-50 bay in the middle of the station. I was scratching my head about how to populate it when I realized that USP was a great fit. I've got a stack of octocores mounted on one end of the bay and it lets me get an incredible density of functionality that I would have previously had to dangle off the outside of the station.

Part of my hope is that putting a lot of small parts into the bay, I can reduce the FPS hit of the station a bit.

I currently have a few fuel cells and elektrons for power conversion and storage along with all of the reusable science modules. http://imgur.com/a/q2CWz

As nice as this setup is, I would love to shrink it down a bit. Right now, most of the octocore space is unfilled as I don't want to put science wedges facing the back side. I also can't face the fuel cells and elektrons facing backwards as that would make switching them on and off problematic.

So for one suggestion, is it possible to make a lazy susan module that you can mount the octowebs to? It would be awesome to simply rotate the whole stack to bring different wedges to the front for easy access. I would be able to halve the number of octowebs I'm using with space to spare.

Is this possible? I know I've seen rotating structures before but I have noticed a lack of rotating and moving structures with hardpoints on them. Is this a game engine limitation?

As for some other suggestions, a hard drive wedge would be great. There's some HD mods that let you bank science data so that it can be fed to an over time or packaged up to Kerbin for more efficient analysis. I believe that it's part of the Tarsier science package.

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  DanHeidel said:
Hey, first I wanted to say that this is an awesome mod and I'm eagerly awaiting V2. I've only been playing KSP for a few weeks so I very unfamiliar with the rendering and physics engines. So please forgive if these are naive suggestions.

I'm currently designing version 2 of my space station to try and address some of the shortcomings of the first one. One of the shiny new things is a Mk3 CRG-50 bay in the middle of the station. I was scratching my head about how to populate it when I realized that USP was a great fit. I've got a stack of octocores mounted on one end of the bay and it lets me get an incredible density of functionality that I would have previously had to dangle off the outside of the station.

Part of my hope is that putting a lot of small parts into the bay, I can reduce the FPS hit of the station a bit.

I currently have a few fuel cells and elektrons for power conversion and storage along with all of the reusable science modules. http://imgur.com/a/q2CWz

As nice as this setup is, I would love to shrink it down a bit. Right now, most of the octocore space is unfilled as I don't want to put science wedges facing the back side. I also can't face the fuel cells and elektrons facing backwards as that would make switching them on and off problematic.

So for one suggestion, is it possible to make a lazy susan module that you can mount the octowebs to? It would be awesome to simply rotate the whole stack to bring different wedges to the front for easy access. I would be able to halve the number of octowebs I'm using with space to spare.

Is this possible? I know I've seen rotating structures before but I have noticed a lack of rotating and moving structures with hardpoints on them. Is this a game engine limitation?

As for some other suggestions, a hard drive wedge would be great. There's some HD mods that let you bank science data so that it can be fed to an over time or packaged up to Kerbin for more efficient analysis. I believe that it's part of the Tarsier science package.

Glad you enjoy it! For the rotating core thing, give Infernal Robotics a try. That brings in rotating mechanisms, hinges, and robotic arms that you can use for spicing up space stations. Its one of the only mods I know of that can rotate joints, so I assume its a pretty hard thing to develop around. Adding that functionality to US directly is probably beyond me.

US2 will feature its own enclosing bay system that opens on both sides (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/73455-WIP-Universal-Storage?p=2082281&viewfull=1#post2082281) so that might be better suited for you in the future :) It'll have a customizable skin too, so it'll look the part on space stations.

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Version released

Released on 2015-07-18

Minor update to fix parts exploding due to Squad bug

This release will help reduce the bug where parts overheat for no reason and explode. I was holding off in the hope that Squad would fix the problem, but it doesn't look like they will, so I've added some changes to reduce the chance of it happening with Universal Storage parts.

  • Added thermal mass modifier = 4 to all three cores (wedges already have these values to represent the cooling fins on the outside)

Download from KerbalStuff or CKAN (see first post for links)

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  Paul Kingtiger said:
  • Added thermal mass modifier = 4 to all three cores (wedges already have these values to represent the cooling fins on the outside)

Radiators on part are usually simulated by "emissiveConstant = 0.95" so that part can actually radiate heat rather then just storing it.

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Love the mod, but I don't understand why I had to download and hack around with DMagic Orbital Science in order to add the Goo and Science Jr wedges. They should come in the default pack, IMO.

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  Targa said:
Love the mod, but I don't understand why I had to download and hack around with DMagic Orbital Science in order to add the Goo and Science Jr wedges. They should come in the default pack, IMO.

Because it is the author of DMagic who implemented them?

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While the food, oxygen, and water are a nice addition to those using TAC-LS, the one thing that's missing is a "supplies" container. In TAC's default containers, there's one category that contains all 3 life support items in a single container. Would be nice to have the same in universal storage. In the mean time, I cloned the Food wedge and changed it to have the same amount of supplies as a small hexcan. Works nicely!

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Thanks for the heads up! I actually stumbled across Infernal Robotics shortly after posting that and it's a great combo. Now I have a rotisserie of science in my station.

I did have one other question. I threw several alkaline fuel cells into the bay to act as backup power when the station is in the dark. However, upon testing the in orbit, they do not seem to generate power. Is there another resource mod that's needed in order for them to operate? I had to remove the Community Resource Pack as a dependency since that mod breaks my game on startup.

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  DanHeidel said:
Thanks for the heads up! I actually stumbled across Infernal Robotics shortly after posting that and it's a great combo. Now I have a rotisserie of science in my station.

I did have one other question. I threw several alkaline fuel cells into the bay to act as backup power when the station is in the dark. However, upon testing the in orbit, they do not seem to generate power. Is there another resource mod that's needed in order for them to operate? I had to remove the Community Resource Pack as a dependency since that mod breaks my game on startup.

They won't work without the community resource pack as that defines the resources they use, Hydrogen and Oxygen and water. The fuel cells contain an amount of fuel, but if you need more take along more Hydrogen and Oxygen.

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  Paul Kingtiger said:
They won't work without the community resource pack as that defines the resources they use, Hydrogen and Oxygen and water. The fuel cells contain an amount of fuel, but if you need more take along more Hydrogen and Oxygen.

OK, I figured it was something like this. My plan was to use opposed banks of fuel cells and elektrons and some overflow tanks to act as a huge chemical battery system.

Too bad, I guess that part of my rack is dead weight now. OH WAIT. I can just pull those modules out and chuck them into the cold of space. This mod is awesome.

Guess I'll have to learn some modding to make a stock fuel cell that's US compatible.

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