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Universal Storage (For KSP 1.4.x) 13th March 2018

Paul Kingtiger

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For reference, TaranisElsu posted his math in a Google Doc here: Link

According to the chart, 1 TAC unit of Oxygen is about 304 liters. 1 TAC Water = 1.79 liters. TAC doesn't use Hydrogen at all, and electric charge is KSP stock the whole way.

I whipped up a TAC conversion ModuleManager config if anyone wants to use it now: (EDIT - config had errors, see first post on next page)

NOTE: You'll need to remove the Oxygen and Water definitions in NHSME_FC_Resources.cfg to make sure this is right, otherwise you'll get resource conflicts and stuff will be odd.

I only messed with the Oxygen and Water parts of this mod, so you're converting TAC Oxygen and Universal Storage Hydrogen into TAC Water and KSP Electricity. Wow, seems like kraken bait if I ever saw it. :wink:

Also note: I haven't tested this for accuracy, so my math may be goofed, and/or I may have goofed the modules needed.

Third note: If anyone wants to use or edit this for anything, you can. Public domain.

Edited by Raptor831
Updated config
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Anyone else having issues in the VAB with these? I just got home and downloaded and installed. I'm trying to setup the quadcore but I'm having a really hard time getting the parts to attach to the side nodes. If you fiddle with them enough, they eventually turn green and attach.

Video so you can see what I'm getting:


Edited by rottielover
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  rottielover said:
Anyone else having issues in the VAB with these? I just got home and downloaded and installed. I'm trying to setup the quadcore but I'm having a really hard time getting the parts to attach to the side nodes. If you fiddle with them enough, they eventually turn green and attach.

Its a pain, I know :( The quadcores a issue mainly due to the nodes being so close together. Not sure how we'd fix it though without redoing the attachment system altogether. Definitely on the cards for revision down the track.

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  Raptor831 said:
Darn my eagerness. Forgot something in the config that I found once I loaded it up. Updated TAC conversion here.

Love the parts though! Thinking that this will make for some nice resupply missions in the future!

I did try whacking the numbers over to kg instead of liters, but ModuleGenerator did not want to comply at all, I also tried your ModuleManager change, but ModuleGenerator does not want to play nice over here. It shows up the correct amount of units, but the conversion from hydro/oxygen to power+water does not work.(It is consuming hydrogen though, not oxygen, and does not give me power or water, which kinda leads me to think the numbers are getting too small for it).

Can you(or anyone) confirm it working(just so I know if this is a local problem or not)?

EDIT: Uhm... I am getting some power, but only when I timewarp 10x, at 5x timewarp I see blips of power coming in very rarely(once every 4-5seconds or so). At 10x warp I am getting enough to charge the battery(internal pod, 50 units) in roughly 8 to 10 seconds or so(it's wiggeling around 4 units charge).



Edited by CoolBeer
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I did manage to get it playing with grams instead of kilograms, even managed to get TAC to play along.

First I edited GameData\ThunderAerospace\TacLifeSupport\PluginData\TacLifeSupport\LifeSupport.cfg (Not present until first run).

I changed OxygenConsumptionRate to 840 and CO2ProductionRate to 1000. (Based on NASA numbers from here).

840g oxygen equals 587.8 liter and 1000 grams CO2 equals 542.85 liter.

Then I edited GameData\ThunderAerospace\TacLifeSupport\StockPartChanges.cfg (This is a ModuleManager file).

Basically multiply oxygen amount/maxAmount with 840 and CarbonDioxide maxAmount with 1000.

(This could probably be done as an additional ModuleManager file, just with the :Final flag)

Then over to GameData\ThunderAerospace\TacLifeSupport\TacResources.cfg

Here I changed Oxygen and CarbonDioxide to 0.000001 (as the unit is grams).

I removed all but Hydrogen from GameData\NewHorizons\Universal Storage\NHSME_FC_Resources.cfg

Hydrogen got changed to 0.000001 as well (more grams).

Then I changed the ModuleManager file posted by Raptor831 so the consumption rate and capacity was appropriate.

(Do note I did not do anything with water, it's still the default TAC value).

@rate = 0.04721
@rate = 0.0026
@rate = 0.0000289691

@amount = 16520
@maxAmount = 16520
@amount = 1030
@maxAmount = 1030
@maxAmount = 0.5562431339

@amount = 66070
@maxAmount = 66070

@amount = 4110
@maxAmount = 4110

@amount = 32.2625504102
@maxAmount = 32.2625504102

This seem to work better than kilograms at least. Is it really worthwhile? Meh, I dunno, I kinda like kilograms instead of liters, mostly due to compressing gas makes it take less space. It's probably personal preference in the end anyway. (This I feel is one of the strong points of KSP, it can be changed to fit your preference, if you know how).

(All information presented is free for all purposes, no warranties, hopefully it works).

(As a sidenote: I got buried in TAC code trying to chase down a "bug" where the crew didn't use oxygen, turns out the buggers open the hatch when in an oxygen rich atmosphere... )



EDIT: This does not change any of the TAC Containers or Recyclers, so that could be a thing to fix before going interplanetary(kinda sucky to leave with 80grams of oxygen which would last you for about 2.5hr, not the 80 days it was intended to).

Edited by CoolBeer
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Taranis is still looking at switching over to liters, or at least switching to something now that a day can be either 24 or 6 hours, so until he decides on something I'm not going to worry too much about TAC balancing. When he does update though the module manager file I publish will convert all resources over to his chosen system.

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  Paul Kingtiger said:
Taranis is still looking at switching over to liters, or at least switching to something now that a day can be either 24 or 6 hours, so until he decides on something I'm not going to worry too much about TAC balancing. When he does update though the module manager file I publish will convert all resources over to his chosen system.

Oh I know. :) I just wanted to be able to use the storage containers now instead of later. I hope Taranis does switch to liters/kg, as that would make mod compatibility so much easier.

Obviously I didn't test this too much either.

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  Paul Kingtiger said:
It'll work with ECLSS out of the box. You're missing some parts, Carbon Dioxide and the preprocessor, but they are coming in the ELCSS pack.

ECLSS doesnt it use 02 and C02 then this wouldnt work out of the box ?

Edit My bad just looked it is Oxygen thought they used 02 but there is still might be a problem with it as TankPriorityModule that might not want to play nice.

Edited by Mecripp2
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  Paul Kingtiger said:
It'll work with ECLSS out of the box. You're missing some parts, Carbon Dioxide and the preprocessor, but they are coming in the ELCSS pack.

i already saw the amount of oxygen within the containers and i thought that it was too OP so i have already made configs although i am sure they are not balanced but at least they work

Edited by Helix935
whoops wrong quote
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  capran said:
Hi, I can't get any of the modules to connect to the quadcore either. Could someone post a subassembly with all 4 modules pre-connected please? :)

Sorry for the delay, timezones suck. Here you go http://1drv.ms/1hgTVKe

And gee - you guys are keen! I better hurry up and make the proper packs :P

Edited by Daishi
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I'm not really sure what all this talk about redoing .cfgs for TAC is about, when I made a ship with TAC components and the Universal Storage system oxygen and water are just added the TAC resources. Unless this is all about part balance and I'm being an idiot.

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  smunisto said:
So, the release of TAC pack requires you to actually change the units he is using? Can't you just use his units as a placeholder?

Well, TAC are looking at changing the units themselves (see post here) so it's pointless to spend time balancing until they have decided.

The other issue is TAC use '1 days worth for a kerbal' for their units, which makes some sense for breathing oxygen and drinking water, but less sense for running a fuel cell. We can't use 1 unit of Oxygen to power the fuel cell for one day because kerbals and fuel cells use different amounts. Also if we balance for TAC then we're out of balance for ECLSS and other mods that use liters.

We made the decision to use liters because it's what you use in real life. Everyone one who's seen a soda bottle knows what a liter looks like and it allows you to use high school physics to work things out (KSP having a high educational value is an important personal goal for me).

By the time the TAC pack is released hopefully Taranis will have decided what units they will use and our pack will fit those units. But if you want the current, Fuel cell pack (remember it's the first release and very much a beta) to work with TAC then you will have to edit the part.cfg files or change the units TAC uses. Post #2 in this thread contains all the information you would need to make those changes.

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  TerLoki said:
I'm not really sure what all this talk about redoing .cfgs for TAC is about, when I made a ship with TAC components and the Universal Storage system oxygen and water are just added the TAC resources. Unless this is all about part balance and I'm being an idiot.

It's balance. We use the same units, but one of our units represents 1 liter, TAC units are one days worth (number of liters varies depending on the resource). If TAC changes to liters then the two mods will be perfectly balanced. If they use something else then we'll balance our mod to theirs (via a module manager file released in the TAC pack).

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User CoolBeer posted his conversion for the TACLS. While I know your purpose is solely the universal storage, I hope you can take a look at his cfg files here and share your opinion on their balance. I am reluctant to use them.

You seem to be particularly knowledgeable about conversion rates of units and how it should look like, something that usually gets me confused at some point.

And if, if, his cfg-s are ok, would I need any changes to the cfg-s of your mod or will it work out of the box?

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New version released!

We have released Universal Storage Fuel Cell pack 0.5.2

This release moves the attachment nodes to make it easier to build on the quad core.

To update, simply download the mod using the link on the first page, unzip and copy into your GameData folder (overwrite the existing files).

This update is tested and save game compatible, however this is beta software, so if you have a important game in progress I recommend backing a backup copy of your game save.


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