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[WIP Plugin](0.90) Burn Together! Alpha v7.0 (3/29/15)


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By the way, development on this and my other mods has been slowed because I started working on my own game. I can't promise anything big any time soon.. sorry!

no it doesn't work in 0.90 and judging from the message from the BD armoury thread (the one i quoted) won't be for some time :/

welcome back BD and god speed!

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  • 1 month later...

Update v6.0

-0.90 compatibility

-a bit of code clean up


Just attempted to bring it back to previous functionality - nothing new.

Let me know if anything doesn't work. Follower SAS still oscillates on medium to heavy weight craft.

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Holy kerbal dung... (I just made that one up) This happens three hours after I'd downloaded the source to make another attempt at recompiling it for 0.90. I probably would have failed too.

Heh good thing.. It was more of a headache than I thought it would be.

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Heh good thing.. It was more of a headache than I thought it would be.

And I've had enough of those lately with some of the plugin work I've been struggling to figure out. Unfortunately, I've never actually tried to use this mod for more than a few tiny little probes (it failed, but i think that was because .90 had just been released and this thing was not happy with that.) so I can't say it's a huge part of my gameplay, but I like to know that it's available if I ever need it.

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And I've had enough of those lately with some of the plugin work I've been struggling to figure out. Unfortunately, I've never actually tried to use this mod for more than a few tiny little probes (it failed, but i think that was because .90 had just been released and this thing was not happy with that.) so I can't say it's a huge part of my gameplay, but I like to know that it's available if I ever need it.

Yeah it didn't work at all in .90 because of the way SAS got rearranged with the addition of the new autopilot.

I may have skipped over an answer but:

Has a setting for formation flying been introduced yet, where a craft will hold its position relative to the master no matter the masters movements?

Nope, sorry. The plugin is relatively simple - getting a craft to move into the correct relative position would be pretty tricky.

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This has to be one of the best things I have seen! When my space battleship fleet is finally complete...I will DEFINITELY be using this to move them around! How many can be picked for following?

There's no limit.

Follower's oscillation seems alot worse than in 23.5 though.. I'm going to try to fix it.

Also, I found a bug where the rcs velocity kill is calculated incorrectly for vessels that have decoupled or changed their 'control from here' point. I've fixed it, so that will be in the next update.

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Alright guys, I'm pretty proud of this. Check it out:

Now I just have to test it out with crafts of different shapes and sizes to see what range of adjustability (if any) the steering damper needs.

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Update alpha 7.0

- new follower control system

-- follower oscillation reduced

-- custom steering settings option

-- angular momentum limited

- fixed error when turning off BT from leader

- followers now block out user input

- followers thrust ratio constantly updated

- leader's thrust limit constantly updated

- fixed occasional loss of followers during warp

- fixed velocity of followers after warp

- other small bug fixes


Steering damper settings are set automatically based on their moment of inertia, but the system isn't perfect.

You can override the settings by turning on Custom Damper settings on a follower's BT part.

If the follower takes too long to stabilize on a certain axis, try turning up the damper value for that axis.

If the follower seems to waste alot of RCS when it's just pointing in one direction, try turning damper values down a little bit.

It still doesn't work very well for atmospheric flight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great mod! Really helps when needing a refuel mission which can now tag along.

But got one minor issue/bug with leader/followers not being 'locked' together after switching to an other scene/ship and then using timewarp. When switching scenes back to the lead vessel, followers/leader drifted apart.

Is that a known issue?

Also what is the min range to engage lead/follow mode? It seems to me it's under 150m range.

Could this range be extended to around the 2.2km mark?

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Great mod! Really helps when needing a refuel mission which can now tag along.

But got one minor issue/bug with leader/followers not being 'locked' together after switching to an other scene/ship and then using timewarp. When switching scenes back to the lead vessel, followers/leader drifted apart.

Is that a known issue?

Also what is the min range to engage lead/follow mode? It seems to me it's under 150m range.

Could this range be extended to around the 2.2km mark?

Yes, ships aren't locked together unless you are focused on one of them - leader/follower relationships aren't persistent. I may try to work on that eventually.

The range used to be the full phys range, but recently I found that sometimes physics aren't enabled on vessels in orbit unless they're within that ~150m range. I'm not yet sure if thats a bug with BT or part of a change in ksp 0.90. I'll look into that later too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ok this is one of the coollest mods ever!

i just mounted alot of .50cals on some frigates, and sent a formation of 3 up against 2 enemy corvettes, star wars style broadside shootouts FTW!

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