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After 300+ hours of playing KSP and listening to the VAB/SPH music I'm starting to hear voices singing along with the melody ... it goes something like "keep playing... K...S...P... forever and ever ... ever ... ever ... ever" And then the voices stop. Sometimes I even hear the music playing in the rare occasions I'm NOT playing KSP. Be careful guys ... I think Squad is in our minds!

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it is getting bad. i recently accused a lazy co-worker of not having enough Dv. i was concerned so i ran the main theme song backwards through an audio analysis program. it literally just repeats "you will play more ksp" over and over....actually i better go play now...

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it is getting bad. i recently accused a lazy co-worker of not having enough Dv. i was concerned so i ran the main theme song backwards through an audio analysis program. it literally just repeats "you will play more ksp" over and over....actually i better go play now...

Yes, but the backwards message is in Spanish, so it doesn't work on me. Also…that means it's just kerbals singing.

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*official staff voice* AHEM. GUYS. Conspiracy theories are forbidden. Now be silent as we extract this information from your brains. Continue playing KSP. You will feel a tingling sensation, shortly followed by death, which will then be followed by a complimentary resurrection and some very tasty cake.

Your cooperation is appreciated. This thread may or may not be monitored for training purposes. Do not answer the phone within 3 hours of being resurrected, as your fragile physical form will not be able to withstand the electric shocks we will be pulsing alomng the lines to cleanse them.

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Warning: propellant used in rocket is very (VERY) toxic, even through a computer, and it seriously damage brain of KSP players :confused:

Damnit.. I been sniffing that stuff for the last 2 years.......


Actually I dont need rocket fuel to get high... my prescription drugs do that anyway ;.;

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*official staff voice* AHEM. GUYS. Conspiracy theories are forbidden. Now be silent as we extract this information from your brains. Continue playing KSP. You will feel a tingling sensation, shortly followed by death, which will then be followed by a complimentary resurrection and some very tasty cake.

Your cooperation is appreciated. This thread may or may not be monitored for training purposes. Do not answer the phone within 3 hours of being resurrected, as your fragile physical form will not be able to withstand the electric shocks we will be pulsing alomng the lines to cleanse them.

Something is wrong here... I didnt get any of that cake... or can I just not remember?!

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