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What do you think Kerbal Currency should be called?

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We all know that a currency is going to be implemented into KSP sooner or later. Although when they do implement it, what would you like the currency to be called? Me, I would like it if they called them Keroleons as in Simoleons form The Sims and Sim City.

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we already had a thread for this and I think I saw you participate, anyways here's what most people put :

Kerbitz, Kerdols, Kerbucks, Kbites, Kollars (anything with K)

edit : Kredits was popular too ^^^^^^^

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Another one of these? It wasn't a couple weeks ago that the last one started to die off. Give it a rest, already, it doesn't really matter what it's called. It's currency. its name is irrelevant.

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Another one of these? It wasn't a couple weeks ago that the last one started to die off. Give it a rest, already, it doesn't really matter what it's called. It's currency. its name is irrelevant.

I retract my suggestion for snacks and propose that we call them Vexxes. :cool:

Just be glad it isn't a thread about imbalanced NASA parts.

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Why exactly?

Isn't that obvious? Kerbals are aliens and don't have Dollars, Euros, Yen, Pesos or Pounds. Why would they have something that sounds the same?

Besides that, linking a Kerbal currency to a real world equivalent might inadvertently link it to that country/continent's ideology. And that is something that definitely does not belong in the game.

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Isn't that obvious? Kerbals are aliens and don't have Dollars, Euros, Yen, Pesos or Pounds. Why would they have something that sounds the same?

Besides that, linking a Kerbal currency to a real world equivalent might inadvertently link it to that country/continent's ideology. And that is something that definitely does not belong in the game.

Well in that case... the only thing I can think of is the "Kerbal Monetary Unit"... TBH I reckon the devs will just use something simple like Credits.

Edited by kerbonaut101
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Besides that, linking a Kerbal currency to a real world equivalent might inadvertently link it to that country/continent's ideology.

You mean like... having official NASA parts?

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No. Just no. Population of one certain Eastern European country will thank you. I know we can't avoid all words in all languages, but we can't make it impossible to brag about our achievements for a whole population of a country.

Other than that I vote for anything that doesn't begin with a K.

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Other than that I vote for anything that doesn't begin with a K.

That's my thinking. Why does everything have to start with a K? They could just make up a word, like "Garbluns", "Norbulles", "Rigseden" or "Crobblers". Wait, that last one still has a 'k' sound. Or one could just rearrange the word 'Kerbal' into something else: 'Belrak', 'Larkbe', 'Erbkal', 'Rakbel'.

These all sound terrible however.

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You mean like... having official NASA parts?

That settles it, the currency shall be called the United Kerbal Dollar (UKD) ... lol

Like I said before, i think they'll just use Credits (Kerbal Kredits :) )

Edited by kerbonaut101
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First, the devs need to determine what technology level the Kerbals use for kurrency. Should they use a modern system of kredit kards, or should Kerbals use a system of kash and koins to konduct trade? Given the lack of evidence of kurrent civilization, perhaps they are even stuck with a barter ekonomy, trading rocket parts and fuel for livestock like kows or trade goods like knives.

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First, the devs need to determine what technology level the Kerbals use for kurrency. Should they use a modern system of kredit kards, or should Kerbals use a system of kash and koins to konduct trade? Given the lack of evidence of kurrent civilization, perhaps they are even stuck with a barter ekonomy, trading rocket parts and fuel for livestock like kows or trade goods like knives.

If they have nuclear rockets it safe to say they have at least a 10 year head start on us (there technology is probably what we will have IRL in 2020's/2030's)

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